by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The job figures for May were truly ghastly. In a month in which the economy needed to add 150,000 jobs simply to keep pace with the growth in the labor force, the private sector created 83,000 jobs and the public sector actually lost 29,000. Nearly 14 million Americans remain involuntarily unemployed. Another nine million (or more) remain trapped in part-time employment for want of anything better.[1] The average time people were without paid work this past winter was a staggering 36 weeks in an economy whose ratio of unemployment to available jobs peaked at a disturbing 8:1.[2] In April MacDonald’s offered itself as an exception to the gloom, creating 62,000 new low paying jobs; but it did so from a pool of applicants more than one million strong![3] A million – by chance exactly the number of Americans already out of work long enough to have exhausted their right to unemployment benefit.[4] Whatever else there is in America right now, there is a lot of unemployment.
The unemployment numbers among particular groups within the American labor force are currently approaching a scale normally reserved for under-developed economies incapable of dealing with global competition. Unemployment among young American workers, for example, averaged 18.4% in 2010. Unemployment among high school graduates reached 22.5%.[5] Unemployment among African-Americans in 2010 topped 20% in three states and 15% in 17 others. Hispanic unemployment levels were and remain similar.[6] And that is not all. Add to these figures the data on wage stagnation.[7] Mix in the latest report from the OECD placing the United States fourth in the global income inequality tables (only Chile, Mexico and Turkey currently have a greater income spread[8]); or pull into view the latest data on the scale of poverty in modern-day America. (The poverty level crept up again in 2009, to 14.3% from 13.2% the year before.[9]) If you do any or all of that, one thing must become immediately obvious: namely that public policy designed to lift this economy out of recession is entirely failing.
The big question, of course, is why.
From a liberal perspective, the answer is clear – that there were serious and recognized flaws in the scale and detail of the policy pursued by the Obama administration from the very outset. The original Obama stimulus package should have been bigger. It should have been more prolonged, and it should have been differently structured. The Bush-initiated TARP was disproportionately generous to financial institutions over manufacturing ones, and failed to impose lending requirements on the banks so favored.[10] The Obama-initiated ARRA was a one-off $800 billion package hoping in vain to offset a two-year downturn in economic activity recorded by the CBO at $2.7 trillion.[11] That Obama-designed stimulus package was not only too small for the task. It also unfortunately mixed tax cuts and spending projects in almost equal measure, even though it was widely recognized at the time that spending projects would have a significantly bigger multiplier effect on the rest of the economy than any tax cut could hope to have, particularly any tax cut for the super-rich. Those spending projects were in any case slow to come, and were followed after the mid-term elections by yet another tax cut – this time, at the insistence of Republican lawmakers, one extending to the super-rich as well.
For far from having government spend more – directly to create employment and indirectly to generate demand – Obama’s conservative critics have been in a position since November 2010 to insist that that the entire design of public policy be altered. The conservative case has been essentially two-fold: against stimulus spending and quantitative easing in the short term, and against Keynesian-inspired thinking always. Government largesse is currently squeezing out private sector investment and job growth, according to the Republican leadership and their ideological acolytes, and welfare payments are guilty of extending unemployment by undermining the incentive to work. “My calculations suggest,” Robert Barro wrote, that “the jobless rate could be as low as 6.5% instead of 9.5% if jobless benefits hadn’t been extended to 99 weeks.”[12] “Printing money is no substitute for pro-growth fiscal policies,”[13] was Representative Mike Pence’s response to the Federal Reserve’s second round of quantitative easing. “Supersized deficits are denting business confidence, not least by implying higher future taxes,” was how conservative historian Niall Ferguson put it.[14] “Liberals are still arguing that the federal spending stimulus wasn’t large enough,” Cogan and Taylor wrote. “How many multiples of nothing – its result according to new evidence – would they like?”[15] “To improve the economy,” 200 conservative economists told the incoming administration, in a letter organized by the Cato Institute, “policy makers should focus on reforms that remove impediments to work, saving, investment and production. Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth.”[16]
It is this kind of thinking that produced the 235-193 April vote in the House of Representatives for the Ryan budget, the one cutting $5.8 trillion from federal spending over the next decade and replacing Medicare as we know it with a voucher system. It is this kind of thinking that now has would-be presidential candidates among the Republican leadership proposing major tax cuts as the way to growth: most recently in the case of Tim Pawlenty, proposals to significantly lower income tax rates for individuals and corporations, and to completely abolish taxes on capital gains, interest income, dividends and inheritances.[17] And it is this kind of thinking that currently underpins the refusal by Republicans in the House of Representatives to raise the federal borrowing limit until that raising of the debt ceiling is accompanied by what the chairman of the Ways & Means Committee called “substantial spending cuts and real budgetary reforms.”[18] As Lori Montgomery recently put it, among contemporary Republican lawmakers and party activists, “anti-tax orthodoxy runs deep:”[19] so deep, in fact, as to now entirely dominate all aspects of their economic thinking.
The great tragedy of contemporary America is that although Obama’s liberal critics are broadly correct in their analysis of the recession and its remedies, it is his conservative critics who now command the political stage. The U.S. economy desperately needs another stimulus, but instead is being subjected to a deficit-reduction agenda that can only weaken it further: both immediately and in the longer term. Reality is going in one direction, ideology is going in another: and ideology currently rules the day.
Ideology, not data: for there is simply no evidence in the contemporary American economy of private sector investment plans being squeezed out by public spending, or of corporations or individuals being overtaxed into insolvency. On the contrary, total tax revenue in the United States as a percentage of GPD was lower in 2007 than in any other OECD economy bar three (Mexico, South Korea and Turkey); and as a percentage of U.S. GDP, the 2011 federal tax-take is currently at its lowest level since 1950,[20] with two-thirds of U.S. corporations reportedly paying no federal tax at all.[21] There is evidence rather of companies gathering and holding on to vast cash reserves, and of them being unwilling to reinvest these reserves in new products or services until economic conditions (on the demand side of the economy) seem more favorable.[22] If that is not an unemployment crisis caused by liquidity preference, it is hard to know what such a crisis would look like; and since it is such a crisis, the case for breaking the log-jam with more strategically-targeted public spending (on the financing of essential state services, and long-term infrastructure modernization) is overwhelming. As Alan S. Blinder put it when writing in the Wall Street Journal:
Ignorance is not bliss, especially when your economy is faltering and sound policies are badly needed. For months, we have witnessed the spectacle of people arguing that Keynes was wrong. Somehow, additional government spending actually reduces employment – even when the economy has huge amounts of spare capacity and unused labor desperate for work: even when the central bank will prevent interest rates from rising to ‘crowd out’ private spending. Really? One current catchphrase is ‘job killing spending.’ Hmmm. How exactly does more spending kill jobs when there is idle capacity and no threat of rising interest rates? Stumped? So am I.” [23]
But such Keynesian-inspired ruminations no longer command the day in Washington. Instead the talk there is all about deficit reduction and the pruning of public programs. We are supposed now to cut our way to growth and prosperity. Neoclassical economics is back in favor. Pity, because economic strategy designed on that basis is defective in at least the following ways.
As we have argued before, in a very real sense the lunatics have taken over the asylum in contemporary Washington.[35] The genuine danger is that those lawmakers whose sanity remains intact will feel compelled to make significant concessions to this lunacy. But half-way houses only discredit their builders. Cuts will not produce growth. Cuts will more likely tip us into a double-dip recession, which the Republicans will then blame on the Obama Administration’s failure to cut more! It is surely better to stand firm, to make the case for a new stimulus, and to call the Republican bluff.[36] It is surely better to invite the Republicans to huff and puff in a vain attempt to blow the Democrats’ house down, rather than to voluntarily dismantle that house in a vain search for some rational common ground with the mentally challenged.
The arguments in this essay are further developed in Making the Progressive Case, published by Continuum Books in New York June 16th and in London August 18th
First posted on
[1] Ross Eisenbrey, The Plan to End the Jobs Crisis, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, Policy Memorandum #152, October 20 2009: available at:
[2] Joshua Holland, 8 Unemployed for Every Job Opening: What are they Supposed To Do Once Their Benefits Run Out? Posted on March 23, 2011: available at
[3] Scott Paul, Shocker: Only 6 out of 100 Applicants Can Get a Job at MacDonalds…. Posted on May 4, 2011: available at
[5] Heidi Shierholz and Kathryn Anne Edwards, The Class of 2011, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, Policy Brief #306, April 20, 2011: available at
[6] Algernon Austin, Depressed States, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, Policy Brief #299, April 20, 2011: available at
[7] Michael Greenstone, and Adam Looney, Have Earnings Actually Declined? Washington DC, Brookings, March 7, 2011: available at
[9] Elise Gould and Heidi Shierholz, A lost decade: Poverty and income trends paint a bleak picture for working families, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, September 16, 2010: available at
[10] “It wasn’t meant to be that. Indeed, Treasury’s mismanagement and its disregard for TARP’s Main street goals – whether born of incompetence, timidity in the face of a crisis or a mindset too closely aligned with the banks it was supposed to rein it – may have so damaged the credibility of the government as a whole that future policy makers may be politically unable to take the necessary steps to save the system the next time a crisis arises. This avoidable political reality might just be TARP’s lasting, and unfortunate, legacy.” (Neil M. Barofsky, Special Inspector General for TARP, 2008-11, writing in The New York Times, March 30 2011)
[12] Robert Barro, “The Folly of Subsidizing Unemployment,” The Wall Street Journal, August 30, 2010.
[13] Peter Wallsten, and Sudeep Reddy, “Fresh Attack on Fed Move,” The Wall Street Journal, November 15, 2010.
[14] Niall Ferguson, “Today’s modern Keynesians have learnt nothing from the 1930s,” The Financial Times, July 20, 2010.
[15] John F. Cogan and John B. Taylor, “The Obama Stimulus Impact? Zero,” The Wall Street Journal, December 9, 2010.
[18] Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, June 2, 2011.
[19] Lori Montgomery, ‘Among GOP, anti-tax orthodoxy runs deep,” The Washington Post, June 5, 2011.
[20] Michael Linden et al, Ten Charts That Prove the United States Is a Low-Tax Country, Washington DC: The Center for American Progress, June 10, 2011: available at
[21] Allison Kilkenny, “Two-thirds of US Corporations Pay Zero Federal Taxes”, The posted on March 27, 2011: available at
[22] Jia Lynn Yang, “U.S. companies buy back stock in droves as they hold record levels of cash,” The Washington Post, October 7, 2010. “The simple truth,” as George Soros correctly observed, is that currently in the United States “the private sector does not employ available resources. Mr. Obama has been very friendly to business and corporations are operating profitably. But instead of investing, they are building up liquidity.” (George Soros, “What America needs is stimulus, not virtue,” The Financial Times, October 5, 2010)
[23] Alan S. Blinder, “Government to the Economic Rescue,” The Wall Street Journal, November 15, 2010.
[25] Alan S. Blinder and Mark Zandi, How the Great Recession Was Brought To An End, Washington D.C. July 27, 2010.
[26] James Horney, Ryan Budget Plan Produces Far Less Real Deficit Cutting Than Reported, Washington DC: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 8, 2011: available at
[27] Andrew Fieldhouse, Cutting Spending and Burning the Middle Class, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute Briefing Paper #303, April 6, 2011: available at
[29] See Lawrence Mishel, We’re Not Broke, Nor Will We Be, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, Briefing Paper #310, May 19, 2011: available at
[30] “First, there were the Bush tax cuts, which added roughly $2 trillion to the national debt over the last decade. Second, there were wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which added an additional $1.1 trillion or so. And third was the great recession, which led both to a collapse in revenue and to a sharp rise in spending on unemployment insurance and other safety-net programs.” (Paul Krugman, “The Unwisdom of Elites,” The New York Times, May 8, 2011). Full details in Josh Bivens and Anna Turner, Putting Public Debt in Context, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, Briefing Paper #272, August 3, 2010: available at
[31] Michael Linden & Michael Ettlinger, We’re Not Broke: We Could Pay All Our Bills Without Borrowing a Cent, Washington DC: Center for American Progress, March 21, 2011: available at
[32] Andrew Fieldhouse & Ethan Pollack, Tenth Anniversary of the Bush-Era Tax Cuts, Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute, Policy Memorandum #184, June 1, 2011: available at
[33] David Fiderer, The Bush Tax Cuts and the Republican Cult of Economic Failure, posted on The Huffington post November 10, 2010: available at
[34] Michael Linden and Michael Ettlinger, The Bush Tax Cuts Are the Disaster that Keeps on Giving, Washington DC: Center for American Progress, June 7, 2011: available at
Thanks, David. One of the big disappointments with this administration's economics is that history may seriously see Obama as a Keyensian, and that the resultant meager effects on employment and in other areas will discredit Keyensianism per se. It should have been the easiest task imaginable to blow supply-side economics out of the water once and for all, and here we have...what we have.
As you say, it didn't help that so much of the bundle went to tax breaks, and that the projects weren't really 'shovel-ready' as they claimed, except maybe paving highways. Here's a round-up; didn't a lot of the unspent funds get traded to the R's for one of the payroll tax holidays or something?
The Hill has Mitch McConnell telling Obama that his little recent quip about many AARA projects not having been 'shovel-ready' was not that funny. What a mess.
by we are stardust on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 12:29pm
The genuine danger is that those lawmakers whose sanity remains intact will feel compelled to make significant concessions to this lunacy.
This is what Robert Reich says he found when he made the rounds recently of Wahington Democrats and asked about a jobs plan:
“Dead in the water. We’ll be lucky if we get votes to raise the debt ceiling without major spending cuts this year and next.”
“Are you kidding? It’s all budget deficit, budget deficit, budget deficit. Nobody’s thinking about anything else.”
“Republicans beat us up so bad over the first stimulus there’s no way we’re gonna try for a second.”
“We got them [Republicans] cornered on Medicare. Now they want to change the subject to jobs. Forget it.”
“No need. We’ll see job growth in the second half of the year.”
“The President doesn’t want to put anything on the table he can’t get through Congress.”
And so it went. Not a shred of urgency.
by Dan Kervick on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 12:38pm
I'll add that we don't just need additional "stimulus". We need a fundamentally different approach to dealing with the endemic problems in contemporary capitalism of fast-paced creative destruction, employment instability and cyclical joblessness. We should have a permanent government-run full employment program which employs people all the time, and which ramps up as needed with countercyclical spending and hiring in response to downturns and increases in private sector unemployment.
by Dan Kervick on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 12:43pm
by cmaukonen on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 9:38pm
What liberal critics? He has 87% approvals among liberals. Of course no one is going to listen to the ten percent who are unhappy. They're just a fringe, not really worthy of air-time.
by Cho on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 12:59pm
I think people like James K. Galbraith are definitely worth some air time.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 1:02pm
Great piece. Thanks for the link.
by Cho on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 1:19pm
Overall approval, but now 60% polled give him negatives on 'handling the economy', though none have breakdowns by political stripe. And David may have meant 'critics on the Left', not 'Liberals'?
Destor; thanks for the Galbraith link.
by we are stardust on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 1:22pm
Excellent analysis. I fear that the problem for Obama's critics from the left is, ironically, that the media doesn't understand business. We keep having to make the argument that if you want to take care of long term deficits, you have to borrow now and direct those funds towards robust growth. Any big company that's ever had a bond offering knows this. Anyone who has ever borrowed money to finance their education or move to a new city with more opportunities knows this (or should). But it didn't penetrate. I can't tell you how many exasperating discussions I've had with people who look at me wide-eyed and exclaim: "So your solution to the massive deficits is... MORE DEBT?"
The answer is yes, provided the money is spent creating productive assets. Apparently this is a harder point to get across than I realize.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 1:01pm
I have had some marginal sucess pointing out to such people that the real issue facing the country is massive private sector debt, including households. The alleged problem of public sector debt is not much of a problem, really, and pales by comparison. The government is borrowing now at very low rates of interest, the rate of debt service to GDP is actually goving down. The private sector is too indebted and insecure to consume and invest at sufficient levels to jerk our economy out of its stagnation, and to help the private sector dig out of its debt hole the public sector needs to run deficits.
by Dan Kervick on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 1:14pm
It's also important not to let opponents define and frame the "problem" to which a solution is necessary. I have found that when people make those excitable and wide-eyed claims about how big a problem public debt is, you just need to follow up with a few questions. Most of them can't give you a single real number in response.
by Dan Kervick on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 1:17pm
What do you ask them, Dan? I have to admit, I always think that when they accuse me of wanting to borrow my way out of debt that they're not confused, they're just playing a game with me.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 2:08pm
Just ask them what, precisely, is the nature of the big problem they are claiming exists? Three out of four times they won't be able to expalin it to you in sensible terms. They just throw their hands up and start yelling vaguely about debt being a bad thing. Ask them things like:
Sometimes the debt hysterics don't even draw a distinction between the federal government's debt and the total indebtedness of Americans, public and private combined.
by Dan Kervick on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 4:34pm
Obama Insists He Made "The Right Decisions" on the Economy -- The Struggling Middle Class Begs to Differ Arianna Huffington.Posted: September 9, 2010 09:38 PM
Why isn’t our message WE TOLD YOU SO? Mr. President; Krugman told you what to do, Joseph Stiglitz told you what needed to be done.
President Obama, you are not worthy to be OUR Executive? You chose your advisors, to whom you would listen to, and we suffer because of your decision. We told you so and you ignored us.
by Resistance on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 8:48pm
This is the thing that the republicans absolutely refuse to admit and the dems are to scared to admit. That government spending is what keeps the economy going. Not the private sector. They will not and cannot keep the economy going.
by cmaukonen on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 10:27pm
In reevalutaing the expression; WE TOLD YOU SO
The People:to Obama: WE TOLD YOU.
Obama: "SO
by Resistance on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 7:40am
Here are a few good links from Bill Mitchell concerning inflation.
by cmaukonen on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 10:13pm