by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
This morning some asshat came on regular and cable TV to tell us that by next week the oil gusher will be nothing but a trickle.
So it's all gonna be good by next week.
But trickle? What in the hell is a trickle?
Is that like when your crazy old aunt Fannie is coming to
visit for a few days and you remember to cover your furniture because she has
always been prone to trickle after her third glass of wine?
I already discussed Rand Paul and his theory that President Obama is just not being fair to BP because accidents happen.
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour claims that the media's coverage of the Gulf oil spill is doing far more damage to his state's economy than the spill itself.
"The coast is clear," Barbour quipped on Fox News Sunday. "The truth is we've had virtually no oil." Barbour criticized media coverage generally, and Fox in particular. Shep Smith, whose show airs at 4pm and 7pm on weekdays, has been one of the loudest voices reporting on the spill.
Jon Stewart showed Barbour saying that: Oh sure we've had some of them there tarballs, but hell we always getting tarballs. No big deal!! (Well from my memory anyhow!)
It's all good. I mean this shite happens all the time and nature just kind of takes care of it.
After all the BP oil spill is as natural as the ocean water is.
It becomes rather interesting if you contrast Barbour's attitude to Jindal. Barbour is attempting to lie in order to 'save his tourist industry'.
Jindal is attempting to spin ideas like an automatic dryer aerating your wet socks.
I want to thank Nepalitano and the call from the President and....
This catastrophe is endangering our state....
I do not believe that BP has enough resources to help....
We need the Coast Guard and the Federal Government and....
This is the worst oil disaster in our history...
See at
Then Jindal turns around and says this:
The last thing we need is to enact public policies that will certainly destroy thousands of existing jobs while preventing the creation of thousands more," he added.
"I fully understand the need for strict oversight of deepwater drilling," Jindal wrote. "However, I would ask that the federal government move quickly to ensure that all deepwater drilling is in proper compliance with federal regulation and is conducted safely so that energy production and more importantly, thousands of jobs, are not in limbo."
This is not speaking out of both sides of your mouth; this is speaking out of your mouth and your arse end at the same time.
This is on another subject (sort of I spose) but I just
caught this at HUFFPO:
Abramoff, 51, was released Tuesday from the minimum-security federal prison camp in western Maryland where he had been confined since November 2006 for fraud, corruption and conspiracy convictions, spokesman Edmond Ross said.
Abramoff was moved to a residential re-entry center, or halfway house, in a region encompassing much of Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and the District of Columbia, Ross said
This man lied, cheated and stole tens of millions of dollars...bribing politicians along the way and laughing at the little people along the line.
Make that hundreds of millions of dollars. Hell he stole something like tens of millions of bucks in those Indian Casino scams.
I mean think about it. He took money from Indian Casinos, then he gave a bunch of it to anti gambling Christian Groups after skimming his 'fair shares'. And he had nothing but contempt for the payors:
In emails now made public by the FBI, which is investigating him, Abramoff repeatedly refers to Native Americans as "monkeys", "troglodytes" and "idiots."
Abramoff via email once asked his conspirator Michael Scanlon to meet a client. The reason Mr. Abramoff couldn't do it was because, as he put it, "I have to meet with the monkeys from the Choctaw tribal council. You need to close the deal... with the client..."
About one tribal client (date unknown) Abramoff wrote to Scanlon, "These mofos are the stupidest idiots in the land for sure." In another e-mail message he wrote, "we need to get some money from those monkeys!!"
At sentencing of course, he pleaded remorse. But:
Although he has expressed remorse, Abramoff also cooperated with the author of a 2008 book, "The Perfect Villain: John McCain and the Demonization of Lobbyist Jack Abramoff," in which he blamed Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., for making him the fall guy.
"I never expected that I would have to go to prison until it became clear that the media could not allow this play to close without the hanging of the villain," Abramoff says in the book by Boston journalist Gary Chafetz.
"Oh Mr. Judge sir, your honor sir, I am so sorry, sooooooooooo very sorry for all I have done. Please grant me mercy."
Then of course they make some money on a book deal and blame their 'mistakes' on someone else. Oh John McCain did it. Oh I was the fall guy. Frick you.
They all end up crying in front of the cameras after years of hiding their sins and evading their prosecutors. Every frickin one of them.
Just remember folks, right now in some courtroom in Detroit or Chicago or Watts or the Bronx or in any 50 cities across this nation there is some 23 year old kid being sentenced to ten years hard time in a maximum security prison for being Black and having been caught with five hits of good heroine or crack or meth. Now he/she might have serverely abused an infant in their custody; he/she might have knifed a friend in the past for which there was no prosecution; or he/she might have ripped of ten close friends and relatives to maintain a good fix. That could all be true.
But, think of the damage done to the American population by this lying scumbag Abramoff and his cronies. People died. That is for sure. Because of legislation passed through is shady affiliations; because of monies that could have been used to moral purposes; because of sweat shops set up by he and Delay....I could go on and on. I mean I have for coming on two years.
What was the total human loss as a result of the heroine user/distributor compared to what these monsters accomplish over two or three decades with nothing but evil in their heart and an itch in their pockets for money.
Life aint fair. I know this well.
But we have got to do something about the disproportionate disbursement of justice in this country.