by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
DAVID GREGORY: Welcome to Meet the Press. The single greatest tribute to Free Press in America and the greatest single scam upon the American Public since Boss Tweed ran the elections in NYC!
And our guests today include Adolph Hitler, Attilla the Hun, Steve King, Dick Cheney; Pat Buchanan, Peggy Noonan and Speaker Boehner.
Well Herr Hitler, I will start with you.
ADOLPH THE MEAT TENDERIZER: Well thank you monkey face, it is a pleasure to be here.
GREGORY THE SIMIAN: What are your thoughts concerning this new Obama Health Care Legislation Der Fuhrer?
ADOLF: Well if poor people have health insurance all those who have health insurance will be poor! We must have survival of the fittest!
GREGORY: There have been rumors that you do not take to the Jews so to speak. Could you please take a few moments to tell us your thoughts on the Judeo type people in our population?
ADOLF THE MEAT TENDERIZER: Well the Jews killed my savior and Mel Gibson
has been very precise about all of this in his movies. As my friend Bryan Fischer said recently:
Our military strength is a function of our spiritual strength. We can have the strongest and mightiest military in the world in terms of guns and ammunition and tanks and soldiers, but if we are not spiritually strong as a people, we can be defeated, we can and will suffer defeat. So it is absolutely critical for us who care about this nation, who care about the United States, to say "look, we have got to be spiritually strong as a people if we are going to be militarily strong."
That's why it is so important that we have in the military men of faith, men of Christian faith, who are in touch with God and with the spirit of God. Because when they come together to formulate battle plans, their minds are going to be quickened by the Holy Spirit of God and under his nudgings, his promptings, they're going to be able to develop battle plans that are going to lead to victory on the field of conflict.
That Christian faith was what made the Reich great and my Reich would have lasted a thousand years if it were not for those communist Jews and a misguided America!
PEGGY NOONAN: But Jews have done so much for this country. I mean FDR represented the Rothschilds when he was a private attorney! And Ronald Reagan used to go to Bar Mitzvas on his campaign trails.
PAT BUCHANAN: Will you just shut the hell up bitch!
MONKEY FACE GREGORY: But Pat, do you not think that Peggy has a point here? I mean FDR attempted to recognize all religions and all races.
PAT BUCHANAN: Adolf Hitler was a hero to his people; Adolf Hitler attempted to do something about the world bank conspiracy. There is an old saying you know: Hitler wasn't all wrong. Sure he made some mistakes (don't we all?) but Adolf Hitler attempted to make right what the Jews had done wrong; we fought on the wrong side of WWII when Lenin and Stalin and the Communist Menace attempted to destroy freedom all over the world including here!
Hitler was a Christian:
h) Due to Hitler’s involvement with the Church he began enacting doctrines of the Church as law. He outlawed all abortion, raged a death war on all homosexuals, and demanded corporal punishment in schools and home. Many times Hitler addressed the church and promised that Germany would implement its teachings: “The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today.” –Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda “Providence has caused me to be Catholic, and I know therefore how to handle this Church.” -Adolf Hitler, reportedly to have said in Berlin in 1936 on the enmity of the Catholic Church to National Socialism
GREGORY: Well we must give a voice to each side of the argument.
STEVE KING: President Obama should be impeached. All Barack Obama has proposed to fix this economy is reparations for the blacks. He does not give a shite about white folks. He is a communist Muslim socialist who only cares about Black Americans and Sharia Law! I'm standing up against something that is or could become racism."
ADOLF THE MEAT TENDERIZER: Steve King has it right. All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people.
GREGORY: Well thank you for that Adolf! But Representative King, how do you defend yourself against folks who might feel that you are biased?
HITLER: Adolf? Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?
KING: We had to go look this up and try to figure out how anybody could hyperventilate over calling the president a very urban, actually a very, very urban president, or a very urban senator at the time. He comes from a very urban area. It is not something that would ever occur to anybody in my background that that would be something that could be some kind of a racial pejorative. It’s just simply, he comes from the city, that’s urban. You come from the country, you’re rural".
HITLER: You know I heard about this. You people actually elected a tar baby as President of the United States of America? Hell, the Brownshirts could have taken care of your generation without any help from me whatsoever!
HITLER: Urban? It is the Jews and the niggers for chrissakes. Everybody knows that. For heaven's sake the lower races are invading our cities like lice and maggots.
During fourteen years the German nation has been at the mercy of decadent elements which have abused its confidence. During fourteen years those elements have done nothing but destroy, disintegrate and dissolve. Hence it is neither temerity nor presumption if, appearing before the nation today, I ask: German nation, give us four years time, after which you can arraign us before your tribunal and you can judge me! ....
I cannot rid myself of my faith in my people, nor lose the conviction that this people will resuscitate again one day. I cannot be severed from the love of a people that I know to be my own. And I nourish the conviction that the hour will come when millions of men who now curse us will take their stand behind us to welcome the new Reich, our common creation born of a painful and laborious struggle and an arduous triumph—a Reich which is the symbol of greatness, honour, strength, honesty and justice.
ATILLA THE HUN: I know all about this. When I conquered the world men were men, women were for the taking and the slaves knew their place! I got to make all of the rules!
PEGGY NOONAN: Now listen here Hun! Woman have made great progress over the last 1600 years and...
DICK CHENEY: I really would like to chime in here monkey face!
GREGORY: Well of course, you know I danced with your favorite prostitute.
DICK CHENEY: A premature withdrawal from Iraq would invite “further attacks” against the United States and said he has been surprised by the weakness of the Democratic Congress.
MONKEY FACE: But Mr. Vice President we were not really discussing Iraq, although we would love to cover this subject another time so that my aura would explode over the entire media sphere and I would again become the focus of all that is important on this third rock from the Sun!
DICK CHENEY: Whatever happened to that chap with the huge head? I think I liked him better even though he kind of sided with the terrorists from time to time.
BOEHNER: I am the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States of America!
GREGORY: Well Representative Bachmann how do you weigh in on all of this?
NAZI BACHMANN: George Washington and our Forefathers fought against slavery every single minute they were allowed to live.
I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence. And that reminds me of one of my favorite books:
“Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee,” authored by J. Steven Wilkins. The Lee biography includes this apologetic passage:
Northerners were often shocked and offended by the familiarity that existed as a matter of course between the whites and blacks of the old South. This was one of the surprising and unintended consequences of slavery. Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause. The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith.
ADOLF THE MEAT TENDERIZER: Well Representative Bachmann has it right. I mean I do not know a lot about George Washington but I know that Americans wished to get rid of their lower species like the Negro as well as the Native American and that America did all she could do to get rid of them. What America lacked was a true patriot like SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich
BOEHNER: I am the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States of America!
RUSH LIMBAUGH: Could I chime in here for a sec folks?
Previous draft @
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 4:31am
I am so glad you liked it Momoe.
I spent all day on this actually.
It helps me displace my anger. hahahahaha
You always show up first when I am psychotic. hahahaahaha
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 4:41am
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 1:32pm
Well done, Richard. It's as effing crazy as they are. Gregory's insouciance, nailed it.
How frightening is it when Peggy Noonan is the bright one in the room?
That's the first time I've ever agreed with Pat Buchanon.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 7:42am
I do no understand and I have never understood how a NAZI sympathizer has always held the national spotlite? I do not get it.
Pat is the most hardened fascist I have ever seen on cable or PBS.
And this should not be the case.
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 12:42pm
Richard, after your blog today you might want to look over your shoulder as you have offended just about everybody on the opposite side. If you have a hardened storm shelter up there, you might want to get in it. It has just been reported that Lockheed has lost track of a hypersonic missile.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 2:56pm
The "club" aspect of journalism was noted when the late Tim Russert's son got a position reporting from the House of Representatives for NBC/MSNBC right out of college. Al Sharpton, an activist not a reporter, is apparently slated for a slot on MSNBC. On heated issues regarding race, Sharpton is going to have to walk the same fine line that Spitzer had to walk when he discussed politicians accused of sexual indiscretions. But hey, it's all infotainment.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 9:04am
Hum, seems our side is the one which has to walk the fine line. Now they are questioning Murray's spot on the Super Committee because she's the head of the Senate re-election campaign. As usual, they beat us to the punch.
Al Sharpton does a much better job fending off and shutting down rethugs than most, imo.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 9:47am
Given that Hannity, O'Reilley et. al. get daily airtime to be partisans, I guess I really should not complain about Sharpton. Since the Right gets time to be openly biased in coverage, someone with an opposite point of view rather than someone trying to play a balancing act may be what is required. No matter who filled an open spot at MSNBC, the Right would label them a Leftist partisan.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 11:31am
Spitzer is (was) the only reason I would watch CNN. What a loss to Democrats was his indiscretion. But of course his wife apologized, so he could at least get a job in the public eye.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 1:49pm
I caught glimpses of Roland Martin on CNN and they seemed informative. Maybe it was the ascot.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 2:35pm
I'm sure he is a fine wonderful young man and everything, but he stands there nodding his head with his eyebrows posed in a manner to fool us into believing he has gravitas...
there are 310 million of us and the few who are chosen to read us the news on the national stage are usually chosen for their make-up and breasts who cares? hahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 12:40pm
I was a newsreader once ... at a little cable station on Nantucket in the mid '70's ... and I can assure you, I was not chosen for my breasts.
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 1:20pm
Funny piece, DD. But where's Genghis Khan?
by Michael Wolraich on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 11:05am
Hun made a funnier line for Noonan. hahahahaah
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 12:36pm
You had me at Springtime.
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 1:15pm
I love that song and later I noticed Crooks & Liars kind of ran the same type of theme for Pat (its linked somewhere up there). hhahahaahhaha
You know Buchanan does this all with a straight face?
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 1:40pm
I think there's an actual musical there. I mean it's better than the one about the Beach Boys which ran for one night.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 1:53pm
McCain, Jon Kyl, Buchanan (who else?) and Moammar Qadaffi are on the show next week as follow-up, McCain is supposed to talk about birthday parties he has had, including the one in 2006 with Russian mobsters on yachts in the Balkans, and his stay at Qadaffi's tent in 2008.
by NCD on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 4:20pm
I guess we should stick with the Stones then? hahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 4:22pm
I read a lot of this before I realized it was a lie! Adolph Hitler and Dick Cheney are dead! This is some kind of joke!
by The Decider on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 8:03pm
Like the poor, dicky C will always be with us!
Mechanical heart you know
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 8:06pm