by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I make this new resolution all the time.
I will stay away from rush.
But damn!
You gotta see this!
Forget Fluke for a minute. (would not you think that Fluke would rhyme with Newt rather than pluck? Just an aside but geeeeeeeeeeeeez.)
Here is a man who admits that he judges folks on the particular shade of skin color; not just skin color.
Let me say that again.
Rush is saying that the lighter your skin color, the harder you work!??
Evidently if you look at Rubio, you are supposed to understand that because he is lighter in skin color than a lot of other folks genetically related to Cuban immigrants that he must be a harder worker?
Rush is a prick who makes 50 million bucks a year and 20 million people tune in (supposedly) to his racist, misogynist, fascist, war mongering, anti-poor viewpoint.
And I keep telling myself that maybe, just maybe, Mediamatters and cable and idiots like me would do the world a favor if we just ignored the bastard.
On the other hand, on a good day I might get a couple hundred hits on my rants.
Money rules; fame rules; big audiences rule and all these variables might just related to talent; something I lack but something I know that I have lacked for fifty years.
Ann Coulter can use the word 'faggot' and nobody really does anything about that except that Huffpo or cable news might note the slur.
Rush can play 'Barack the Magic Negro' and simply increase the number of viewers for his national network of radio stations.
The Fluke comments initiated a national movement to punish rush's advertisers.
This movement 'kind of' worked but I have not heard any news of rush losing money or radio stations turning the bastard off.
Anyway, anyone who has ever viewed the documentaries involving Caesar Chavez and his movement to help the migrant workers (migrant workers; what a fine term really. Not illegals or green card folks but migrant workers) has witnessed the hardest workers on the continent.
Georgia ran into a lot of problems this year. Georgia's legislature along with its gov when it severely curtailed the ability of 'foreigners” to help with their Harvests.
And there is rush 'representing' the hopes and aspirations and perspectives of a significant portion of our citizens explaining that Cuban Hispanics are nicer people because they are generally 'lighter' and work harder than those other Hispanic/Latinos.
This all reminds me of the days of John McGraw, manager of the old NY Giants.
There had been this ban on baseball teams as far as recruiting Black men.
Well McGraw found this fantastic Negro pitcher and he had to figure out how to get the fellow on his team and not violate the racist rule.
After his death McGraw's wife found, among his personal belongings, a list of all of the African-American players he wanted to sign over the years, but was unable.
So he gets the star to agree to join the team but join the team as an American Indian. So he gets his star to dress up as an Indian Warrior...and it never worked out!
Charlie Grant | |
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We look at things like this and we might even start feeling we are peering into some parallel universe.
I really just found out that Louis CK is a Mexican.
He was born down there.
People could not readily pronounce his name (his dad was Hungarian) so he went with this CK thing.
During one of his riffs he talks about being in a cab and the driver started slandering Mexicans.
Hey, I'm a Mexican says Louis. Hahahahah
This had to have taken away from the cabby's tip of course.
And I have to underline a point I make every time that I discuss this subject.
The people south of our border; those in Central America (which, after all is part and parcel of the Northern American Continent) and those in South America are mostly Christians for chrissakes!
Again, thank the Good Lord they are not primarily Muslim. What would be rush's reaction to that?
For the most part these folks pray to the same Lord & God as Evangelicals in this country.
Why do we hate these people?
Because they are taking away our minimum wage jobs?
I am not about to begin a petition; simply because I now receive 25 petitions on any normal day in my email; an email that does not work so well anymore because of probs with Yahoo and my computer. Hahahaaha
There is a point to all of this.
The repubs lost because of the youth vote (that increased?), because of single women, because of Blacks (93%! wow) and because of Hispanics.
These Christians who have immigrated from south of our borders (including Mitt's Dad for chrissakes!)
represent many generations of folks born in America—in fact born in America before there was an America!
This anonymous fellow called into a radio station and claimed he fired 22 employees because Obama won the election. Is he a crank and a fraud? Is he really an employer of 122 people prior to the 'let-go'; we do not know!
But it was this aside made by this prick that got to me.
The company head, who described his workers as “mostly Hispanic,” said that he warned them about a month ago that if Obama won reelection, provisions like Obamacare and extra payroll taxes would force him to make certain considerations in order to keep his business running. Instead of firing workers, other companies, like Papa John's, said they would pass on the costs of Obamacare to consumers.
There is a ray of hope here.
The single worst fascist prick still on cable (I do not count beckerhead's mess as cable just as I do not count Gore's 'network' as cable even though I try to catch what I can on the internet) is Sean Hannity.
For some reason, this racist plutocrat is endorsing immigration reform.
We have some real support here for Immigration Reform:
You know folks (as rush likes to say) our election system sometimes works! The repubs are seeing that Hispanics and single women are being lost to the dems every four years and soon, every two years.
And on another note that touches on this new development in demographics.
The repubs might well throw a Rubio on the ticket. He will be 45 years of age and is prettier than Desi Arnaz and the ploy will be to fool the electorate into thinking he 'is one of them'.
We need a woman on this 2016 ticket and we need someone with Hispanic roots.
I am so ecstatic right now over our win on the 6th that I do not intend to spend any time on the dem's next 'ticket'.
But our nation is changing and we owe a debt of gratitude to 'minorities' who (assuming they stay in our coalition) can become the plurality that controls elections for sometime to come.
The only reason I bring up this subject has to do with an article at Huffpo:
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) declared triumphantly during a Christian Science Monitor breakfast on Thursday morning that "Karl Rove's reputation is going to take a significant hit" after his nonprofit and super PAC arms shot blanks. Later that day, President Barack Obama's top adviser, David Axelrod, said that if he were one of those donors who had funded the Rove groups, he'd be "asking for a refund."
But beneath the gloating, there's a belief among party operatives that Obama was uniquely qualified to survive in the super PAC era. As Democratic lawmakers take stock of what happened on Tuesday, there is a renewed sense that, absent some form of campaign finance reform, they will be disadvantaged in future electoral cycles.
The point of this article was that the demagoguery resulting from Citizens United was only beaten this time because of the charisma of Barack Hussein Obama!
Well, it was supposed to work both ways so that racists could take out their hostilities against the Kenyan Muslim socialist and the 'minorities' would wrap their arms around a World Star.
Just sayin.
And Our President has, by Executive Order, given some hope to our younger immigrants.
We need real immigration reform, the kind that the 'maverick' was working on with Teddy Kennedy and which the 'maverick' abandoned out of fear some time ago.
The repubs are in trouble but the dems must stand by their coalition with more than a nod and a wink!
The end
Nobody is reading this anyway, so how could I interrupt anybody's thoughts?
Lawrence O'Donnell just loves my Prez as I do!
And so he played this and I was quite taken and I guess, cause I heard that the right wing bastards are making fun of this; well maybe my reaction separates me from the forces of evil? ha
by Richard Day on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 2:06am
TLTR, Dick.
But you're right to be moved by Obama's speech to his campaign staff. I love the man almost the way I do Natalie Merchant. Hey, we won!
by acanuck on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 2:33am
As I understand it the repubs are thinking of running Rubio in 2016. A mistake I think since he really is only liked by the (still) disgruntled Cubans in Miami.
But according to their thinking, hey...he's Hispanic...right ? But most other Hispanics here really can't stand the Cubans in Miami.
HA !
Then you have Asians here. And from what I hear the ex-Moscovites really did like the government services that the old USSR provided.
As Karl Stromberg said "Détente indeed"
by cmaukonen on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 9:53am
The Asian vote for some reason surprised me. Of course, 'Asian' is kind of a large category.
Which underlines the idea that there is in fact 'an Hispanic Vote'.
But it does appear from the data that Hispanics and Asians have little love for the repubs. hahaha
by Richard Day on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 10:18am
Looks like another long period before discussing immigration intelligently.
LatinAmerican Hispanics are all descended from Spanish settlers with native Americans starting 1492, until Spain left in roughly 1820 (only giving up Cuba and Puerto Rico in 1898, so 114 years ago).
Asian is a large category; Hispanic isn't. (kinda East) Asian can be Aryan Muslim & Hindu Indians & Pakistanis, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malay peninsula, Burmese, Cambodians , Thai, Vietnamese & Tibetan/Nepalese, most without any shared linguistic or ethnic origin. (If we include Indonesia and the Mideast and ex-Soviet peoples, the definition becomes much much wider)
Please tell me what % Hispanic, especially Mexican, you want or expect the country to be in 40 and 100 years, and why that % vs. rising percentages of the hundreds or thousands of other ethnic groups around the world.
Oddly, Puerto Rican referendum on statehood was inconclusive as they voted by a majority to change status (54%), but on question #2, 1/3 of those wanted more independence, not statehood, and a lot of voters from #1 didn't even vote on #2, and they kicked out the governor most likely to achieve statehood.
And Puerto Ricans were largely behind Obama's Florida victory as they gain parity with Florida Cubans. So what does all of this tell us? Who knows. Burma just opened up - how about we let them dominate our immigration for a while.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 10:52am
One can be Hispanic and Asian, although I'll admit it's not that common. Being Hispanic is in some ways more similar to being a non-practicing Jew — it's about culture (including language). I had a friend in High School from Nicaragua who was Hispanic and half Chinese. (His family escaped after things got really bad thanks to Reagan.)
by Verified Atheist on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:00am
There are those who support not opposing Texas seceding and letting Puerto Rica take their place. Now, you and others may not think this is an intelligent option to proffer, but hey, think about it.......would we be better or worse off?
by Aunt Sam on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:01am
And Puerto Ricans were largely behind Obama's Florida victory as they gain parity with Florida Cubans
To me, this just points out the ridiculousness of even talking about about a Hispanic-American or Latino-American voting bloc. Because that's another sub-division of the Carribbean-American culture, which is in turn is quite different from Central American immigrant culture and if you start throwing in South American heritage too, you really really do have to bring start bringing up the diversity word...
Hispanic-Americans are all very different, some don't even want to ally with being called Latino (or the converse with Hispanic) They even have prejudice issues against one another.
Example: it was CW to call Colin Powell Afro-American, but New Yorkers know he was much more like a stereotype Carribbean-American. And lotsa "Latino" New Yorkers have little acquaintance with Mexican cultural attitudes, to this day.
by artappraiser on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 9:23pm
Well no, they're not all "very different" to be "diversity". Of course there have been right-left splits in Latin politics forever, such as the Junta and Desaparecidos during Argentina's Dirty War, or the origins of leftist politics in Latin America from Simon Bolivar's revolutionary movement.
Yes, writing & speaking for La Plata has Italian mix, Bolivia has more indigenous mix, Cuba has longer vestiges of Spain mixed in with more African slaves, Colombians speak faster than anyone.... But over a span of 1 1/2 continents, it's not the diversity you see hopping from Bucharest (romance), Budapest (Ungro-Finnic), Bratislava (Slavic) & Vienna (germanic) in about 250 miles.
If I put a white Californian, Vermonter, Dakotan and Tennessean in a room, do I have "diversity"? When we're talking about diversity in the sense of the world's greatest melting pot (tm)?
And most of this Cuban thing is artificial because of our Caribbean whorehouse politics and the rise of Castro's revolution & the exodus to Miami, which gave us all the conservatives starting in 1959. Probably in 1898 or even 1938 there was insignificant difference between Puerto Ricans and Cubans.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 11/11/2012 - 5:27am