by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The website "SSRI Stories: Antidepressant Nightmares" offers a sortable database of more than 4,800 newspaper articles, scientific journal reports, and TV news items linking antidepressant use to cases of extreme violence.
It is important to note that this site is not peddling some conspiracy theory. It is not speculative at all. The website is an index to reputable sources reporting on actual criminal cases, and in all cases reported, prescription meds are implicated.
This website was instrumental in making me realize to myself that I wasn't alone. I talked to a doctor at Harborview who told me he had actually read about children on SSRIs who had started to "eat the furniture." His own words there.
There is something just off about all of it.
by Orion on Sat, 02/23/2013 - 1:57pm
I think I have been prescribed all of the SSRIs listed plus some earlier tricyclic anti-depressants. And I actually tried most of them. Silly me.
I really liked my first dose of Seroquel. It majorly mellowed me out for the first three hours then I broke out in monster hives from hell and it was de-prescribed.
Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft induced parkinsonism (and other nastier side effects). Fortunately, I recognized it early because my father had Parkinson's and got off them soon enough that most of the symptoms reversed.
Only the first one I took, Triavil with extra heavy doses of Elavil on the side, really numbed my emotions. It turned me into an uber-rational OCD worker bee. What I was being treated for at the time was anorexia and one of the side effects, confirmed by multiple doctors, was weight gain that never ever goes away even after you stop taking it. It really screws with the endocrine system. Great thing to give an anorexic, right? Guess I was lucky that my anorexia was not the typical image-related one. I just would not, could not eat anything if I was stressed and I was really, really stressed at the time.
What I always wanted but could never get was something I could take when things were really bad but then stop when things were better like aspirin or acetaminophen for a headache or an anti-histamine for allergies or a beta-blocker for performance anxiety. Guess it is just too bad my wish conflicts with the aims of the pharmaceutical industry's goal of making us all drug-dependent on them for our entire lives. That and their search for Soma, the holy grail in social-control medicine.
by EmmaZahn on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 12:49pm