by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
We as a nation have so many dire issues facing us.
The 21st century has presented us with a new Boston Massacre.
And there has been little news presented of late that even touches upon other dire issues that effect this country.
I still think that a discussion regarding race is important and it actually touches upon the racist attacks brought on by the right wing mass media in retaliation to this event.
So I shall still present this post regarding a hidden or ignored item that I discovered on seven or eight different sites.
I present this 'small item' because it touches upon the reaction to his Boston Massacre by right wing pricks.
My point relates to the origin of 'these kind of reactions' from the right wing press.
There is hate everywhere.
I have terrible thoughts about doing bad to rush or beckerhead or savage or a hundred other rotten pricks that pervade our MSM every single day.
The term miscegenation has been used since the 19th century to refer to interracial marriage and interracial sex,[1] and more generally to the process of racial admixture, which has taken place since ancient history. Historically the term has been used in the context of laws banning interracial marriage and sex, so-called anti-miscegenation laws.[2] The term entered historical records during European colonialism and the Age of Discovery, but societies such as China andJapan also had restrictions on marrying with peoples whom they considered to be of a different race.
By now, it’s old news that Wilcox County holds segregated proms. Wilcox County parents’ decision to host two proms continues to earn them some well-deserved criticism. But, these antiquated reminders of a terrible time should not and cannot overshadow one of the most important things that has happened in south Georgia since the Talmadges reigned supreme down there...
Wilcox County High School students are working their tails off to unite their community and shake the humiliation and sins of their parents. They’ve organized a facebook page asking for donations to have their first integrated prom on April 27. They’re doing this against the wishes of some parents and even some in the school, which has refused to host the proposed prom.
My purpose is not to bash the South again during this discussion.
I just posted a blog concerning overt racism a week ago. And I attempted to underline that there are surely a number of Northern politicians who are as overtly racist as any right wing bastard in South Africa during the 70's.
Other quotes and cites are left in the appendix to this post.
I am attempting to get into the mind of the South.
What I would like to talk about is the concept of 'ethos'.
Ethos (pron.: /ˈiːθɒs/ or /ˈiːθoʊs/) is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology. The Greeks also used this word to refer to the power of music to influence its hearer's emotions, behaviors, and even morals.[1] Early Greek stories of Orpheus exhibit this idea in a compelling way. The word's use in rhetoric is closely based on the Greek terminology used by Aristotle in his concept of the three artistic proofs.
Ethos is a world view held by a majority of the members of a group or tribe.
Because of cultural diffusion, the old Confederate States of America have an ethos that is a little watered down over the last century or so, due to this diffusion; diffusion from the North; diffusion from south of the Old South and diffusion from across the globe.
But cultural diffusion has not yet erased this ethos completely.
I have two children who are hard working adults.
I had three brothers and a sister.
Unless a child is scared out of his mind; when you confront a child with his unsocial conduct he will almost always say:
Well what about Sheila; I mean you never ever attack her for her misconduct.....
I recently spoke with Seany and Erin and that never happened when I ran things. Neither of them blamed the other sibling.
But the normal course in these types of proceedings is for the defendant to point out the incidents where someone else was not castigated for his or her behavior.
The Governor of Georgia refused to 'take sides' (see infra) with regard to the 'prom' issue.
Let us examine this statement.
I discussed many of our forefathers on several different occasions over the last five years during my rants.
But in this discussion, I am attempting to see what this Governor is attempting to do!
Look, in Minneapolis you cannot take a stand on the City Council or the Hennepin County Commissioner's office or as state Representative/Senator or any of the many Federal Offices that you will not take a stand on blatant Civil Rights issues.
It aint gonna happen.
Does that mean that no Minnesotans are not racist?
I would argue that we are less racist, on the whole, in this Northern State!
But to Governor Deal, the issue is less simplistic.
To Governor Deal and to millions of the citizens of the Deep South, liberals simply come from the North and point out their sins. And us liberals have bad motives in doing so. We simply wish to cover up our own sings.
But the North refuses to acknowledge its own sins.
No tribe that I have ever heard of simply acknowledges its own sins committed by its own members and then promises anew to change its attitude.
I recall many instances where historians praise our Minnesota Regiment during the Civil War.
Our soldiers accomplished so very much in key battles.
But people forget that half of our soldiers were involved in genocide during the same period; Lincoln ordered the death of thousands of Amerindians.
Now I aint so liberal that I omit the sins against the White Man perpetrated by the Red Man during that period.
Except we must acknowledge that the White Man was the intruder.
There were the Indian Wars for chrissakes.
President Jackson was the worst American NAZI that ever held the Executive Power in this country and that is for sure. Believe me it helps my conscience to point out that the bastard was also a slave owner, but I digress.
We knew, we absolutely knew that America was ours for the taking; that we were endowed with certain inalienable rights given to us by GOD, and GOD was certainly against those damn barbarians and that we must proceed as a nation to destroy all of those heathens.
The Governor of Georgia, if he were translucent? Or transparent? Or truthful, would tell us that there is the NAACP and other African American organizations that only stand up for the Black Folks. And there are Hispanic organizations that only stand up for Hispanics. And there are Asian Organizations...
And I must interject at this point that one of the greatest men to ever attain the Office of Chief Executive, in my humble opinion, was Jimmy Carter! The folks at FOX News would never agree with me on this point!
All these organizations were established to piss on white folks and establish the rights of their members.
It is plain and simple to these morons.
Morons like Deal.
But Governor Neil Deal has a point.
I mean where are the White Right Organizations?
Well, to Deal that is so damn simple to answer and yet, you would never recognize any examples in this answer.
I could go on and on of course.
I dunno.
But look at what the South is dealing with.
The South uses Gerrymandering just as conservatives in the 'North' and the 'West' do from time to time simply taking models they learned from the Northern 'liberals' for so many fricking years.
You will find a Black Congressman representing South Carolinians for sure.
How they ever voted in an 'East' Indian as Governor is beyond me; all she had to do was to sell her soul like Dinesh and Bobby J. (Oh this comment is so damn Sikh!)
There was a skit on Smother Brothers decades ago.
And the Brothers painted a picture of American Leaders and Russian Leaders and Chinese Leaders and French Leaders and other leaders from around the world complaining about outside agitators.
So Governor Deal just blames the entire 'Prom' matter on outside liberal agitators.
Your own ethnocentric values are always challenged by outside agitators.
There is a deep deep fear of MISCEGENATION in the South that has been in existence for four hundred years.
I mean we will never get over this.
Populations will be variable in their own ethnocentrism.
The Northern folks would worry that their Italian daughter would marry an Irishman. ahahaha
The Northern folks would worry that their Jewish daughter would marry a Catholic. Hahahaha
The Northern folks would worry that their Irish daughter would marry a Protestant. Haahahahah
I can go on and on.
That is what this PROM issue is all about.
To think otherwise is to ignore the 'facts'.
I get this!
Now do not shoot me down here. I did not condone this crap!
For Governor Deal to refuse to take sides on this issue sucks.
But look at the residents of Wilcox County, Georgia. Look at their side of things!
They lose every time they vote or endorse the side of the integrationists!
They lose every damn time they deny the sins committed by their tribe over the last four hundred years.
But they lose if they acknowledge the sins committed by their tribe over the last four hundred years.
So Wilcox County and all its inhabitants have to blame outside agitators and liberals and Northern bastards and anyone else they can come up with.
I will say this.
Obama only lost the State of Georgia by 7 points.
Think about it!
Something is going on here.
Wisconsin and Michigan and a host of other non-Confederate States are attacking Civil Rights statutes every frickin day.
See, cultural diffusion works both ways!
I am going to come back to this mess SOMETIME in the near future.
Suffice it to say that this PROM ISSUE troubles me much.
I just would end this rant with a thought concerning the recent Boston Massacre.
We wish to find someone to blame for this massacre that really has injured our nation over the last two days.
In 1988 we would blame the commies.
In 2013 we would blame the Muslims.
Muslims did not kill the little tots at Sandy Hook.
Muslims did not kill the attendees at Auroras' film festival.
Muslims did not murder the scores of folks in Oklahoma years ago.
I am just ranting and raving as I am wont to do from time to time.
We, all of us, have prejudices.
We tend to prejudge.
It is to be human.
But we must stand back and examine our prejudices and decide whether or not we might be able to escape our cultural biases!
Maybe we cannot do this?
Maybe we cannot cut the tethers of our cultural heritages.
I do not know.
I really don't know!
Anyway, this Prom Issue really causes me real problems in the midst of real tragedy.
During the long fight to end apartheid in the American South, defenders of segregation would frequently dismiss civil rights workers as nothing more than “outside agitators” intruding on communities that did not want them. Nearly 60 years after Brown v. Board of Education, little appears to have changed in the Georgia governor’s mansion. In response to a request to support students in Wilcox County, Georgia seeking to integrate their high school’s still-segregated prom, Gov. Nathan Deal (R-GA)’s office channeled the spirit of George Wallace:
Gov. Nathan Deal won’t take sides in the controversy over some Wilcox County teens’ efforts to integrate their prom.
By email, his spokesman, Brian Robinson, said Deal would have no response to a liberal group’s call for state officials, including the governor to speak out.
He wrote, “This is a leftist front group for the state Democratic party and we’re not going to lend a hand to their silly publicity stunt.”
Wilcox County High School has no official prom, but for years, some parents and students have organized a private whites-only segregated prom. School officials say they have no control over that and have issued a statement in support of the integrated prom...
They say school officials will discuss whether to hold an official prom, open to all, in 2014.
Prom is not the only segregated event at the school, WSAV reported. There are also segregated dances at Homecoming. This year for the first time at the school an integrated Homecoming court was named, but Quanesha Wallace, a black teen who is one of the students pushing for a fully integrated prom, said she was voted queen of the court but was not invited to the white dance...
We live in rural south Georgia, where not too many things change. Well, as a group of adamant high school seniors, we want to make a difference in our community. For the first time in the history of our county, we plan to have an integrated prom.
Georgia election results for President in 2012:
Romney 53.3%
Obama 45.5%,_2012
I remember reading about miscegenation in my history class in junior high school, but I didn't really understand what it meant until I saw an amateur production of Showboat when I was in high school. I know that sounds odd, but until I saw that musical, I never thought of miscegenation as anything other than a strange word on a page; it had no meaning or visual relevance to my life. And my history teachers were bloody boring. Theater, on the other hand, is a powerful tool for teaching and changing minds. I sat in the darkness of a school auditorium and became drawn into the onstage drama, and I began to understand what miscegenation was about, and because I've always been someone who tries to figure out things and make comparisons and connections, that motivated me to go out and learn more on my own and I began to put together the whole civil rights issue in my mind, which, in the early 60's was pretty hard to ignore, even by a nerdy white kid living on Long Island. I started buying books by James Baldwin and Richard Wright. I remember buying a paperback copy of a Dick Gregory book in a drug store in Huntington and getting an odd look from the old guy at the counter. I think I was 11 or 12 at the time ... Anyway, I'm rambling. I guess I want you to know, that it will be alright. The inertia against change has melted away. What still resists are the desperate, dying holdouts, the ones that were able to insulate themselves so well because they retreated to the darkness of private communities. But eventually, death and change will come to them too. (Not necessarily in that order. Ha!)
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 2:08pm
I still cannot spell the damn word from memory.
When I came across this prom problem in Georgia I could not believe it!
But you are right about inertia.
The kids are saying:
Whilst the Gov is maintaining 'neutrality'. hahahahahahh
by Richard Day on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 3:53pm
The younger generations in the south are becoming less racist. This change is picking up speed and growing. These kids and young adults are more worldly because of social networks and blog groups that have the same interest. They make friends on the internet all over the world. They know our President is admired around the world and they have to answer questions on why we have so many crazy people in politics. They are tired of having to agree with the crazy uncle at dinner over holidays just to keep peace. They are less likely to follow traditional social norms of a small southern town. As frustrated that I am with the far right crazieness in politics right now I can see the change coming.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 04/18/2013 - 7:21am