by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Sarah Cascone,, Nov. 4, 2014
For the second time in less than a month, a Russian art exhibit lionizing president Vladimir Putin is making headlines (see: "New Art Exhibition Recasts Vladimir Putin as Hercules"). "No Filters," organized by Young Guard of United Russia (the youth wing of Putin's political party) at the Bottle design factory in Moscow, shows Putin in a variety of of flattering caricatures: a caped superhero, a boxer in the ring, driving a tank, and, in a large piece titled Targeted Sanctions, spanking president Barack Obama like a naughty schoolboy [....]
This former art history T.A. suggests this "compare and contrast".
I am also reminded of this Edward R. Murrow quote.
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 9:07pm
Thanks for the link. I've recently been exploring the fandom of a pop cult tv show that has three leads. The rivalry and viciousness of the each lead's fans is more intimidating than anything I have seen on political blogs to date. To see Putin become a pop celebrity with a fandom like that is really very frightening, more so than Putin himself.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 9:46am
You got my number, Emma exactly.
Cept I had the same horrified fascination back in the day when Obama-mania invaded TPM Cafe. Was like looking at a a car wreck, same thing, couldn't take my eyes away and also had irrational thoughts of being able to fix things somehow. Totally irrational on my part, because you can't "fix" fandom. Moms over the ages have tried slapping them silly, locking them in the house, etc., nothing works as a cure except eventual disillusionment that the object of affection is a real human being with at minimum, average faults.
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 6:57pm
Now for something completely different. The election is over, the More-War Party won over the No-Soldiers-in-the-War Party.
Let's get real, let's call Putin names that hurt. Time has long passed for affectionate, cutesy handles such as "Pooty Pute". Time to call a spade a spade or in the case at hand, time to tell the truth that we have already learned from our favorite sources. Adoring fans must be countered. Mocking him is part of the first step, sticks and stones can come soon enough, but getting serious thinkers who have shaped so much of public opinion to weigh in is most important right now because Putin must be stopped and learning what a horrible threat he constitutes is important if we are to summon the will to do it. Smart people are saying it and I know it is true that because I saw it on the big screen. [35 inches and vivid color]
Speaking of the devil, or, speaking of Will, here he is, an "expert" [scare quotes intended as such] who agrees with what seems to be the common view as he works to enhance and reinforce that common view.
On the chance that you get a chuckle out of poetic irony, notice the script at the bottom of the screen. " Putin Vrs. The West. Putin Ups Anti-West Rhetoric".
Will says that Putin is worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, and that he will grab a protectorate of NATO and dare the West to stop him which he says Obama will surely back down from. Oh the horror, missing another chance for war, but wait, Mara Laisson nearly jumps out of her seat saying that that would be too much, we would have to respond. Then comes Krauthammer. All this over a banner that says 'Putin Ups The Anti-West Rhetoric.
NCD had this to say about Americans in a recent comment, and, though I can offer no proof, I believe he gets lots of things right: Americans are too glued to TV, too easily manipulated by vacuous ideology, too distracted, over entertained, uninterested, uninformed, misinformed, lied to, too little interested, too feeble in objective reasoning to make independent judgments and choices, too convinced there is no role for government to address major issues facing the country, it they even believe there are major issues, to expect anything but more of the same from the federal government.
So, is Putin a major issue facing our country? Can we, should we, expect more of the same in U.S. foreign policy? There sure does seem to be some strong forces trying to make Putin a devil that needs responding to with force. If we cant starve him into submission we best stock up on yellow ribbons and send in the heroes.
For anyone interested in hearing a view from another perspective I very much recommend the following audio monolog. I am certainly not saying that I agree with everything in it and don't expect anyone else to buy into it completely if at all. There are things said which might cause a few heads to swell towards the point of exploding but there is also, IMO, much worth considering with the strong possibility that a fair amount of it is correct. I am confident that he has a hell of a lot better perspective on the subject than most any influential voice that gets prime-time airtime to spout neocon bullshit day after day. I found it all interesting but after the introductory segment listeners with interest mostly in the geopolitics of the situation might skip to the 21:50 mark and listen to his evaluation of Putin and the Ukaine. It has some strong criticisms of Putin. It is not all a puff piece any more than an intelligent and fair view of Obama would hold that he is completely right in all his beliefs and actions. There is a strong constituency which believes he is always right though, but even someone inclined to argue that point should agree that he is sometimes right. At one point the speaker makes the case that Putin lied on an important issue in an interesting parallel to an Obama situation. Listen and take from it what you will or ...whatever.
As a side note that was amusing to me, notice which international leader he could easily pass for based only on his voice.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 4:24pm
Personally,as a serious student of 20th-century cultural history, I don't find the Time cover outrageous, but quite apt. Because the techniques of Putin-mania are extremely equivalent to those used by Hitler to rise to power and keep it. Very. That's not to equate Hitler and Putin directly as leaders, but the cultural methodology. Also used by others. It's the basics, the classics, of this whole genre so to speak,the rock star thing (Beatlemania not so very different), not the later more sophisticated manipulation informed by developing psychological sciences ala American TV and the development of advertising land and marketing. It was all outlined here the same time Freud is working, in a book that became popular with demagogues and dictator wannabes for decades. What's going on in Russia really is quite similar to Germany as Hitler rose, mho, but that in no way means it will all end up in a similar way, it's happened before many times and it didn't end up like Hitler's Germany. To point out the similarity is only outrageous if you have need to use Hitler as a metaphor (which many do, and there's nothing wrong with that.)
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:20pm
I would be quite interested if you would expand on the parallels or similarities, or equivalencies of Putin's and Hitler's methods. I do not say that at all to argue that there are none, I just don't know what they are that would in any way be particular to them. If they are not out of the ordinary for any power monger then what is the point? What are the techniques they both used? A strong speech? A compliant press? The creation of an external enemy? I do see the psychological affect and therefore the political benefit of being seen as a strong leader in a dangerous world. Are there any methods not used, or at least attempted, by various power-seeking people or organizations in any other country including our own.
I don't think that the intent of the picture was to make observers contemplate the methods that Putin used to become popular and then to see that they were like those used by Hitler even if that is actually the case. It wasn't about in-depth thinking or analysis. I believe it was to visually infer that one is the same as the other and is as evil as the evil other was. So yes, I believe that a metaphorical statement was made by the picture and the statement was that Putin is an evil threat. That is an apt and affective use of the picture if the intent is to equate Putin with Hitler and so to make the viewer fear and despise Putin before even making a case against him.
I hope you find the time to listen to the audio cast. I think it has something pertinent to say to us who have very little chance to know and understand current Russian and Ukraine culture beyond parsing news formulated and reported here in the U.S. It speaks to important aspects of 21st century cultural and political history in the making. The twentieth century is so ... twentieth century. With no streaming video it should be easy on band width.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:40pm
I do not say that at all to argue
Why don't I believe you on that?
I'm not interested in arguing about it nor am I interested in teaching on it beyond my first comment on this thread.
If you want to learn more on topic, I recommend the following books by this guy:
Yes, they are old books. Because what's going on here, this is old stuff, no longer disputed in cultural history circles, just considered the basics on totalitarianism now, we moved on to more the more complex ways of doing similar (and Putin hasn't.)
by artappraiser on Thu, 11/06/2014 - 1:12pm
I will say again in a slightly different way, I was not attempting to quarrel with you. In this case I was using the word 'argument' with its less common usage meaning a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. I was merely asking you to present your arguments in support of your assertions, but I was not rejecting what you said. I tried to make that clear at the very beginning.
If I read those old books will I learn how or if the methods used by totalitarian governments to gain the support of their populace is different than the methods used in freer societies? That was my main question and yes, it was a bit rhetorical but so what? That is a legitimate conversational device when ideas are being bandied about, isn't it? Why be so stingy with your accumulated knowledge of why things are as they are when you are so free with your assertions of how things are?
I can't say why you believe whatever you do but I am sorry that you see my attempt to set a reasonable tone to that discussion as a lie.
by A Guy Called LULU on Thu, 11/06/2014 - 1:39pm
" ... It does not matter who takes the place of the centre of evil in American propaganda, the USSR’s old place as the main adversary. It could be Iran, as a country seeking to acquire nuclear technology, China, as the world’s biggest economy, or Russia, as a nuclear superpower ... "
Putin, Sochi, 24 Oct 2014
The conservatives just can't let go of Russia as the focus of their ire.
by Beetlejuice on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 11:56am
Russian subs have been sneaking around the European coast line. Portugal escorted one today out of their waters. It was a survey sub. They were in Norway's waters a couple of months ago. Putin must be planning a war.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 9:35pm
Putin may have to put his shirt back on and hang the cape up in the closet because the Russian Rouble is headed straight for the crapper.
by moat on Sat, 11/08/2014 - 9:13pm
One has to wonder how much effect this possibility had on its sudden collapse:
h/t FT Alphaville IK
by EmmaZahn on Sat, 11/08/2014 - 11:11pm
I was having coffee with a friend last week, and he was saying there is a lot of things going on in the currency market. Financial warfare is going on.
Confusing stuff , Something about the US and it's allies supporting the US petrodollar?, forcing the middle east one direction affecting terrorism support; with China and Russia? into another direction. Divvying up spheres of influence?
There was talk about some nations trying to destabilize America, by not having the US dollar as the Reserve currency, and this would hurt the US. Instead a basket of currencies backed by assets such as Gold etc.
The US is in trouble with a debt of 17 trillion.
Nations want to control their own destiny by using their own currency. Not beholden to foreign manipulation and control.
Lets hope China doesn't call our indebtedness past due.
by Resistance on Sat, 11/08/2014 - 11:33pm
Resentment of the dominance of the U$D as the world's reserve currency is not a new issue. Many hoped the Euro would become an alternate and there are always rulers like Gaddafi was who would rather be paid in gold for their natural resources. But the thing about competing currencies is that there will always be one that is the most preferred for a variety of reasons. That is what makes it the reserve currency not some decree or mandate. Not that those do not go a long way toward giving a currency credibility.
Why is the US in trouble with a debt of 17 trillion? Would you be in trouble if you were in debt for one year's income? Would it be a problem for you if you exchanged ious with a friend or acquaintance who changes his mind and wants to swap back? The debt that China holds is denominated in U$ Dollars. They bought the debt with U$ Dollars. When it matures, they will be paid back in dollars.U$ Dollars. If they want their money back before maturity then they can sell it for whatever currency they want but the US is not obliged to buy it back before it matures.
Not that there aren't some money wargames happening. Just not the ones you may think.
Has The Bank Of Japan Started Another Round Of Central Bank Wargames?
by EmmaZahn on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 3:17am
Gross debt doesn't tell us anything. Small countries a with fraction of our population could carry significantly less gross debt while carrying a larger debt in relation to its population and GDP. Most industrialized nations are carrying about the same level of debt as a percentage of GDP as the US, some more. While the US has by far the highest gross debt many countries carry higher debt per capita and as a percentage of GDP. Even Germany, the rumored most austere and fiscally responsible nation, is carrying about the same level of debt as the US per capita and more as a percentage of GDP. Most economists I've read seem to think debt as a percentage of GDP as the most relevant number. Considering how many countries carry nearly the same or more debt than the US it doesn't seem to have much to do with the dollar being used as a reserve currency.
Economics is not a subject I've studied in depth and I admit that this level of debt in so many countries seems untenable and unstable. But the economies of many countries seem to have functioned just fine at this level of debt and most economists don't think its a major problem requiring immediate or drastic action. Since I'm not an economist generally I tend to trust the assessment of those who have studied the subject in depth.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 3:49am
Putin may have to put his shirt back on and hang the cape up in the closet because the Russian Rouble is headed straight for the crapper.
by moat on Sat, 11/08/2014 - 7:13pm
One has to wonder how much effect this possibility had on its sudden collapse:
Considering how ga-ga russians seem to be over Putin's bare chest we have to assume the possibility that he may have to put his shirt back on would have a significant effect on the rouble.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 4:11am
Kiss of death: Dennis Rodman: Vladimir Putin Is "Actually Cool"
by artappraiser on Fri, 12/12/2014 - 12:44am