by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by barefooted on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 7:02pm
63% of white males and 53% white females voted for Donald Trump. If they are not heartbroken by their choice, the country is lost.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 7:15pm
People don't like to admit their mistakes - that's why the Art of the Con is so strong.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 7:37pm
People were not conned. They knew what Trump represented. If General Kelly does not resign, his reputation is toast.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 7:46pm
many have been doing so day-by-day nonetheless, look at the graph here
by artappraiser on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 8:25pm
Yes, and also according to Bloomberg, Hillary still has higher negatives than Trump, look at the graph here. They doubtfully will pinpoint their switch as a "mistake". People or at least Americans are largely idiots, and we have to start dialing that into our calculations - it's a special needs country, like that "I just kept flowing" social help article.
This news item was sparked by Hillary standing up and saying the right things eloquently about a growing social and political menace, and yet she's treated as if she didn't get her messaging right. Who was left to receive any subtle or shouted message? After Kristallnacht, maybe should appease rural heartland Germans, Sudetens struggling in the new economy, limit immigration and keep those war statues shiny - make Weimar great again.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:44am
And great ordering Hillary to apologize for everything these last 25 years, while the other side (or even our own sides) apologizes for 0. We sure know how to kneecap a candidate and then ask what happened. Seems we prefer Tonya Harding over goodie two-shoes Nancy Kerrigan - better the trailer trash who'll party her ass off than the prom queen/class president who annoys you.
Trump just throws people under the bus left and right - even more extreme than the no-repercussions Bush years. We must be some kind of stupid to expect "is our children learning yet?" They've learned well enough - deplorable behavior gets you where you want to be, and if lucky even keeps you there. Wonder where we'll get someone to figjt that who doesn't look like a naive deer in the headlights, another piece of Republican roadkill.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 1:22am
Torch carrying thugs surrounded a Charlottesville church were people of faith and people of moral courage were meeting. Trump views the thugs as peaceful people. Nazi and white supremacist thugs attacked clergy near the park at the center of the protest. The police held back. The clergy were saved by anti-Nazi protesters. Because Trump sees the thugs as peaceful, the DOJ might actually charge the anti-Nazis for committing acts of violence. Trump and Sessions are clear and present dangers.
Edit to add:
We know Trump is lying because he says that he checks facts before making a statement.
The White House staffers say Trump was not supposed to respond to questions. Trump pulled the statement he read on Saturday from his pocket. Trump wanted to respond to questions. Either he lied to staff or staff is lying to the press.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 10:08pm
NYT headline Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost
Nice people don't carry torches and surround churches. Nice people don't march with Nazis and white supremacists.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 10:14pm
Trump is not the president we want, he is the president we need. The Republican Party is 100% behind him, they have always 'dog whistled' to incite racism. Trump does so openly. The anti-democratic Republicans, a minority Party by votes, control all the levers of power.
We need Trump in the presidency, and the vile Republican Congress showing they cannot govern, pushing for clearly cruel destructive policies in Congress to show both sides are not the same.
If enough voters don't care enough to stop the GOP, and vote them out, vote for addressing and facing the critical issues of this time, for sanity and progress, America as we have known it is finished. I have faith they will step up to the challenge.
by NCD on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 10:39pm
Too strong. There are vile Republican policies. But not all Republicans are vile. And dog whistle to incite racism.
Forget the tactical reasons for trying not to condemn all Republicans. We shouldn't do that because it's simply not to true. I know Republicans who aren't vile. So do you. So does everyone who is reading this
Trump is behaving in a way that is vile.Maybe sometimes he doesn't but while he continues to do you're right to call a spade a space .All Republicans?
Too strong.
by Flavius on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 11:11pm
Are the vile if they still support Trump despite his birtherism?
Are they vile if they support him despite voter suppression?
Are they vile if they support him despite attacks on affirmative action?
Are they vile if they stand by him despite his comments about white supremacists?
Trump represents only a subset of white people.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:02am
You comments are starting to sound nearly as bad as him with making up shit about what you call Republicans as if they all support his agenda-whatever the crazy fuck's agenda is, no one knows, it changes from day to day-- and then name calling them as a group "vile". Don't you see that?
The real current leader of the Republicans, the Speaker of the House, has disagreed with birtherism since late 2012, has continually strongly challenged Trump's statements about white suprematicists since Sat. noon, and repudiated Trump's claims about voter fraud before the inauguration, I don't need to bother to check the rest of what you say, as I am clearly not able to trust what you say and will dismiss your opinions as irrrationally motivated by emotions.
I am very glad you are not advising the Democratic party.
Read it: The GOP’s Civil War Over Trump
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:31am
The 'civil war' in the Republican Party in your article and in your comment is each Republican making a difficult calculation as to how to save their own ass in the next election.
If Trump wanted to give the alt-reich uniforms and have them march around at his victory rallies, Ryan would say he supports Trump's powers, but doesn't endorse the brown shirts at rallies, and he can't do anything about it.
It's about which vile 'precious to their financiers' aka Koch bros, Mercer family etc, each Republican can survive or not survive in supporting, and which faction to go with, and how Mr Trump works into that final solution. It is all about them, not America. The gerrymandered reps always toe the Koch line as their re-election is guaranteed as long as they do so.
Their unity (in constant obstruction and partisan witch hunt investigations) and futures would have been exceedingly easy to sustain, and more secure with Hillary as president. Which fact basically proves there is no ideological civil war, it's each one looking out for #1.
by NCD on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 1:40am
You continue personal attacks even after your Camille Paglia post.
Ryan, remains silent on voter suppression and Trump's attacks on affirmative action. Ryan wants to see people die from lack of health care. Your article on the birtherism notes that Steve King and a leader of the voter fraud commission Kris Kobach gave a wink to birtherism. Republicans have to name Trump direct as being a racist. Republican leadership, Ryan and McConnell, will not name Trump directly when it comes to white supremacy.
Stop the personal attacks.
Edit to add:
See NCD's comment above.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 7:37am
One poll found 72% of Republicans doubt that Obama was born in the United States
The "best" poll found 41% of Republicansare birthers
73% of Republicans believe in voter fraud
50% of Republicans would agree with suspending the 2020 elections if Trump proposed it
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 7:52am
We are witnessing the product of 30 years of right wing TV, radio and political propaganda and lies. these factors got 'really bad' starting in the 90's, when Republicans called Democrats traitors, un-American and considered democratic compromise, the foundation of our nation, treason.
Many Americans, including many here, do not realize the power that decades of this drumbeat of hate, anger, lies and racism can have, and how those under its spell can continue to believe it in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence.
Trump's alt-right has for many years been claiming not only that there was no Holocaust, but that Eisenhower planned and executed extermination of German civilians.
Now Trump is equating RE Lee with Geoge Washington, and defending torch bearing bigots who march side by side with Nazis and the KKK.
by NCD on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:40am
538 lists Trump's approval at 37% today. There are a lot of Americans who are not afraid to stand by a racist President
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:22pm
Polls taken after his last inspiring but-what-about speech won't be getting published before friday
by Obey on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:30pm
Point taken
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:33pm
It is not a personal attack to attack a person's argument.
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:31am
You dismissed my request for you to provide support for your statement about Paglia. It was diversion. Paglia' stance on the issue was the polar opposite of what you suggested. At any rate, we have a President who is a racist. He is giving licenses to white supremacists to feel validated. I provided references on Republicans that support my position that they are bigots and racists.
As of today, 538 says Trump has a 37% approval rating. I suggested that Trump's core was 40%. If people are still supporting Trump, a person who coddles racists, those supporters are racists.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:44am
Flavius, let's not argue over vile, what positive policies or services have the Koch brothers Republican Party implemented, that helped you, your family, your community or moved the nation forward by adressing important issues in recent years?
by NCD on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 12:45am