Trump has just embarrassed the United States of America
Other links have chosen Khruschev and Castro (with his weapon of choice) and many other dictators.
That is links that compare our POTUS to previous idiots simply make our POTUS an idiot.
We just viewed the end of a POTUS who has to be seen as the greatest orator of our time; we
might think of Cicero or Democritus before him or FDR during his Fire-Side Chats or the many
speakers I noted in a previous post.
We already know that this moron did not write this speech. And he certainly never edited it because he would have no idea as to what edit means. hahahahahah
I mean, when was the last time that Trump used the word 'auspices'. ha
This jack-ass cannot even pronounce the word 'world' without fucking it up;
And yet, he feels that he is a genius in coming to the nomen 'Rocket man'.
He is describing the prick who currently holds the leadership in North Korea.
We pay 22% of the cost for the UN.
Yeah, but we hold 25% of the world's riches?
We use 25% of the world's resources?
We hold 50% of the world's nuclear arms?
We hold over 50% of the world's armaments when we are not selling these
armaments to other countries?
Anyway, I was embarrassed by the single worst orator we have ever elected
into our greatest office?
Yeah, even the President of the United States must sometimes be naked?
This moron is nakedness incarnate. hahahhahaha
Here is our past President orating in front of the world:
Prediction #1: Trump will exit Iran nuclear freeze agreement. Deplorables will go apeshit.
Prediction #2: Within 4-6 years Iran will test a nuclear weapon. The Gulf region will start a nuclear arms race.
Prediction #3: Republicans will blame nuclear Iran on Obama, media, on both sides.
How the Republicans created a nuclear North Korea with similar Base enthralling tough "Axis of Evil" blather by GWB in his SOU speech, Jan. 29, 2002, note dates below are all after that belligerent bombast:
by NCD on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 6:10pm
I was thinking about Obama and his three pointers:
And here is Trump feigning bullshit
by Richard Day on Thu, 09/21/2017 - 12:28am
That fool in the white pants got his bodyguards behind just in case she comes after his fat azz.
What a contrast.
by NCD on Thu, 09/21/2017 - 1:36am