by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
President Trump on Tuesday called the impeachment inquiry into him a “lynching,” using a term associated with the murders of blacks to describe a process set up by the Constitution for Congress... The term lynching invokes the decades-long racist history of white mob murders of African Americans beginning in the late 1800s through 1968. It was a remarkable term for the president to use to describe a legal process laid out in the Constitution.
Trump and the Conservatives see themselves as victims. Trump views a legal process required by the Constitution the same as facing a rabid lynch mob. A significant majority of Republican voters, 75 percent, said that white Americans are subject to discrimination. Given that context, Trump's comparison to lynching is not surprising
Edit to add here are some responses from Republicans
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 11:56am
Lindsay Graham
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 12:33pm
We've tried to explain to you a million times - they don't see themselves as victims - they use the language of victimhood as a weapon and to rile their base.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 3:30pm
Thanks for your "expert" analysis
I think that I'll go with the professionals instead:
Dr. Justin Frank, psychiatrist at GWU, and author of "Trump on the Couch"
From an expert on authoritarians about Republicans
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 5:32pm
This is just a gimmick to make money. No serious profession psychiatrist would do a psychiatric analysis without meeting the patient. This is just like all the body language experts writing articles that I never bother to read but for the headline.They're all nonsense.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 6:28pm
So the expert on authoritarians is lying too?
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 8:03pm
Trump may get re-elected with this stuff. Frightening hut not surprising.
Russians know American voters better than most Americans. It's why they are attacking Biden. The grandmother from Harvard will be easier to destroy, not the least for her 3000 word "Fair and Welcoming Immigration" plan for open borders. Then there's the plan to kick 150 million off hard earned private insurance, to help "the wrong people.". Nobody but lefty dreamers cares about her plans and even they don't actually read and/or comprehend the plans, or realize the unlikely implementation of them..
Aldous Huxley, 1956, Brave New World Revisited:
"The demagogic propagandist must be consistently dogmatic...... There are no grays in his picture of the world; everything is either diabolically black or celestially white...He must never admit that he might be wrong or that people with a different point of view might be even partially right. Opponents should not be argued with; they should be attacked, shouted down...or liquidated....the masses are always convinced that 'right is on the side of the active aggressor.' "
by NCD on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 12:32pm
now that you mention this: Russians know American voters better than most Americans. It's why they are attacking Biden and the comments have gotten into victimhood Olympics, I'd like to mention something I heard on NPR yesterday on the most recent Facebook takedowns, I find that it's also here in a WaPo article:
Here's what I see: first, the Russians think they can benefit from the dislike that crucial swing voters and Independents have of political correctness and movements that are tribal, from groups that seek to promote their own interests over others. The tribes are easy to see in our pop culture, you don't need to be a genius anthropologist to catch on. From doing that, they learned what signifiers are important to the tribalists themselves and then look for dirt they can dig up (i.e., blackface photos from yearbooks or gaffes) so that someone like Biden or Trudeau gets branded as racist and loses interest from that group. It should already be clear they know how divisive lefties like Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard fans can be. I would add fans of Rep. Omar and Tlaib here, though not OCD yet, as so far she's been quite savvy at using her notoriety and turning it back on those who would stereotype her as a commie.
I actually don't know if Warren is going to be that easy for them to do, though, we'll see.
So far, I've only seen evidence of them playing the immigration angle as pro-Latino political correctness. That could be because all people on the right side of the middle are not all that anti-immigrant? Trump's anti-immigrant thing plays to a very lowest common denominator working class like at his rallies. I.E. It doesn't really bother Sally and George with a McMansion in the burbs that they work with immigrants from India at their tech job and that Indian immigrant families are running all the Motel 6 franchises. On the other hand, it does bother Sally very much when the Trump admin is separating Salvadorian babies from their mothers at the southern border when they are trying to legally apply for asylum....
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 7:23pm
Sally and George won't want to lose their private health insurance. Hardly anybody wants Warren's open borders.
Warren has so many plans everybody will hate a few of them. She will come across in GOP attack ads as a Chavista tax raiser who's goal is making America into Venezuela.
A know it all elite big government grandma professor from Harvard with piles of 3000 word 'plans' - GOP dream opponent.
by NCD on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 10:15pm
Ethnic minorities were already pissed off. Now we have the lynching comment. They will not stay home. Enough white voters are also pissed off. Trump is damaged goods for the majority of the country. If he hasn't been impeached, he will be toast. Insert any Democrat.
Plans are punched in the face in Congress.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 10:32pm
You could be right but after thinking on it a while, we are in uncharted territory with soooo many wild cards yet to be played, not just impeachment over what we know so far.
Like this:
Or this problem growing legs (certainly we are seeing a lot of GOP incumbents give up the ghost, who is going to replace them?)
With Nixon, people knew Ford would be taking over without much taint, and then going back to status quo, and opponents then knew what to run against as well what alternatives they wanted to push.
Now we've got chaos (and not coincidentally, many say that was the Russians' goal). Maybe before this is over everybody will be ready to vote for anyone else, whether full fledged socialist or ultra conservative as long as they are a reasonably sane grownup. And then there's those many polls that show how many voters like to sabotage via gridlock the best laid plans of the "men" they are voting to be president with Congress "mice" of the opposing party. Especially seems to happen when there has been too much change in the air for people to bear, and that we certainly have.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 3:07am
Of course.
Republicans have always been good at ridicule. And sometimes----------
"Not with content with attacking son wife Eleanor....(voice sinking) they ,,,,even ,,attack,,,, my little dog Fala"
FDR;s punch line was lost in the laughter of the audience of Teamsters Convention .
The early issues of Ms. Magazine was similarly ridiculed and responded with a cover portraying ,,,,,,,
"Do you know why the Woman's Movement lacks a sense of Humor ? "
" Not sure. If you hum a couple of lines I'll see if I can pick it up."
Because we're right - and we are- we don't have to be righteous.
by Flavius on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 12:50pm
Clarence Thomas should sue him for stealing his shtick.
I imagine it's one data point of history Trump knows, watched and remembered. Because: it was 1991, he was 45, The Art of the Deal had been out for 4 years, he was divorcing Ivana over Marla, primed to brag about being a babe magnet, and this "new thing" called sexual harassment becomes the talk of the country. And Clarence shuts that all down by saying it's all a plot by Dems to do a "high tech lynching".
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 11:51pm
oops, looks like some smartass White House spinmeister or Fox news talking head could have suggested it to him, too, based on this. With the internet, the "they both do it" thing is so much easier. Oh well:
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 3:50am
but Richard Wolffe @ The Guardian thinks The president’s increasingly risible attempts to paint himself as a victim are alienating even his most loyal supporters.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 12:23pm
Republicans never miss a chance to mishandle things when it comes to issues of race. Trump is a white nationalist. He said that Obama was not born in the United States. He told women of color to go back to where they came from. He calls black athletes SOBs. He evoked imagery of white victimhood by saying Biden kissed Obama's gluteus maximus. When Republicans say "both sides do it" under these circumstances, it energizes a significant portion of the Democratic base.
Trump said it: This is the big one for a few reasons. One is that Trump is president of the United States, so his words carry more weight than those of a member of Congress. He’s also white, and the majority of lynching victims were black. For the most powerful (white) person in the world right now to compare his plight of an impeachment inquiry, where lawmakers are following very real evidence, to the gruesome, death-by-torture mob mentality that claimed the lives of thousands of powerless black men was especially dissonant. It was Trump’s extreme victimhood on display, and it’s possible he truly believes he has been wronged on a par with lynching victims, writes The Fix’s Eugene Scott.
But perhaps the most notable reason Trump’s lynching comments drew a major outcry was because the president no longer gets the benefit of the doubt that he is innocently using offensive language. He has a history of making racially inflammatory and even outright racist statements. Demonizing people of color and stereotyping black communities have been part of his campaign since day one. He also has a well-documented lack of empathy for people who are struggling.
“It’s not just: 'Oh, a Republican said it so therefore it’s 10 times worse,” Steele said. “No, if anybody days it, it shows a lack of appreciation of history and a lack of sensitive to how it impacts African Americans. Now having said that, what makes it much more difficult for someone like Trump is his own history when it comes to this type of language and the attitude regarding race. And so he’s given less quarter, less room to make that mistake, because his history is long and deep on the subject, going back to the Central Park Five."
“Yes, I said those words, but context matters,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) told Rieger. "There is a difference when that word is used by someone of my experience and perspective, whose relatives were the targets of lynch mobs, compared to a president who has dog-whistled to white nationalists and peddled racism,” Meeks said. “This is the birther president, who called African nations s---holes and urban cities infested. Those he called ‘very fine people’ in Charlottesville were the kind of people who lynched those who looked like me. So, yes — there are certain words I am more at liberty to invoke than Donald J. Trump.”
Combine all this, and it’s hard to believe that Trump did not mean to draw a direct contrast between what’s happening to him now and the real lynchings of the 19th and 20th centuries. Especially when one of his top supporters in Congress, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), clarified that for Trump, this is “a lynching in every sense of the word.”
Trump just doesn’t get the credit afforded other politicians that he was using language derived from political discourse rather than deliberately invoking America’s racist past.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 2:13pm
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 7:58pm
I thought Colorado had the Rockies. Should send a recording of "Sweet Betsy from Pike".
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 8:32pm
bunch of drug smoking hippies in Colorado. We need a wall to keep em in.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 1:26am
That's Kumbaya hippie girly man type. Just sayin'. Gotta make the Rockies great again, get back these types:
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 1:47am
Yeah, the guy in that ad died of lung cancer. Like a real man should.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 1:58am
double dare ya, impeachers; constitution/schmanztitution:
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 8:50pm