by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The Woke mob strikes again, cancel cops protecting public from mentally ill 80 lb. elderly woman, Loveland's finest - serving, protecting and, yes, proud and ENJOYING doing it ..!
"Loveland police officers who violently arrested a 73-year-old woman with dementia last year laughed about the incident afterward and congratulated themselves about the arrest...The officers fractured Garner’s arm and dislocated her shoulder during the arrest, her family said.
“Ready for the pop?” an officer identified by Garner’s lawyer as Hopp said to other officers while re-watching the footage together.."
Just FYI,
since the rest of us have all been posting all stories and discussion on police killings, brutality, abuse here:
rmrd0000 started 1 month agoinstead of doing individual news entries.
Rrmd posted the WaPo version of your story back on April 21 here at this link; I'll copy it below
some discussion also follows right after that.
Then it was brought up again later on the thread
here at this link
and here at the end of this comment it's mentioned in a tweet
[PERHAPS it's time for moderator PP or rmrd to start a new thread if they don't want separate discussions allover the place, that old one goes on for 2 pages, has 380+ comments--not real inviting to others? Just a suggestion.]
by artappraiser on Tue, 04/27/2021 - 3:43pm
Now the booking video is out of the cops laughing about abusing the woman. That's new..
If, as you have accused him, RM is a racist, why did he post this on a white woman?
Why do you object to an update on bad cops?
Is it because there is no easy way to blame BLM or antifa?
by NCD on Tue, 04/27/2021 - 5:54pm
I'll give the very short version, but she does the main argument better
There are plenty of bad cops, probably about the same percentage as bad accountants and sales people, but probably way less percentage than bad doctors and it is absolutely the case that the latter cause much more maiming. death, and even humiliation, 20 times more at least.
I think it is DELUSIONAL and bad for the country and media to focus on this problem right now. As well as totally counterproductive to the cause of solving that problem if one wanted to devote time and energy to it.
Liberals are following a faux created narrative that bad cops and racism are a major thing that's wrong with our nation and that's delusional and it's been that way for a year.
It is probably because the horror of Covid is too much for their brains to handle, so cops are authority, they are using as a scapegoat and anarchist white elite kids are happy to fuel that delusion by "helping" craft the narrative (which BTW includes chants like "fuck Joe Biden"))
Bad cops stories dominate the news when the numbers are the same as always and very low, it's just that people have an agenda of filming them.
Rising violent crime is a much much much worse problem, with many more deaths and mayhem and particularly affecting minority communities. But national media is not reporting on that, they are reporting on bad cops.
BUT a large majority know crime is the problem, not police, that this focus is delusional because a large majority want more cops on the streets.
more confirming polls here.
You are in a small minority, being obsessed by these stories, despite what you are reading in the news. Can't stop you from being nearly as deluded as people who think Trump won the election, it's a free country. But I can collate evidence and share with others who get wassup.
I am certain the mania/hysteria does not include the current President and V.P., who wish you and your like-minded friends would stop feeding this delusion, come to your senses and focus on other more important things.
THAT'S IT, I'm done I am not going to repeat all 100+ comments on rmrd's thread and elsewhere, if you really wanted to know my opinion, you would have read them all and been following along.
You just want to fight and rant about cop hate. I'm not interested in fighting about it and I think cop hate is a silly thing to be obsessed with. Often being jerks is part of their job, world wide.
Why do you think you can just march in here and dis others on this site by expecting them to repeat everything they already said? It's kind of absurd. Instead of thanks for pointing you to the discussion we've been having, I get anger and stupid challenges i.e. "put up your dukes!"
The rest of us aren't into trying to convince, we're trying to help each other analyze.
by artappraiser on Tue, 04/27/2021 - 8:57pm
You didn't answer one question, more of your typical groundless ranting and vitriol.
by NCD on Tue, 04/27/2021 - 10:34pm
The officers laughing at breaking an an arm was disgusting
Police officers in Aurora, Colorado filmed themselves mocking fellow officers choking an autistic man to death
A NC sheriff's department is dragging its feet in releasing video of the case
The DOJ has been forced to open an investigation in the NC case
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 04/27/2021 - 11:22pm
NCD, you're out of touch. There have been *thousands* of posts around all this. It occupies this blog much of the time. 1 token white abuse post doesn't whitewash years of discussions and an extreme lack of white characters as sympathetic in one's output, just as Trump liking Kanye doesn't make him less racist. But you knew that, right?
(plus the laser focus on anything wrong done to blacks and insistence on police reform including at times defunding, while ignoring skyrocketing black-on-black shootings including lots of little kids just gets infuriating. But thanks for dropping by.)
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 1:25am
If there have been thousands of posts, another is a very small addition.
Which, as usual, because it even slightly contradicts her endless fountain of pro-cop posts, drives AA to make, above, in one comment, the following unsupported personal attacks and accusations, while of course, praising herself:
1. Accuses me of "being obsessed" with "these stories".
2. "says I am "as deluded as.... Trump supporters"
3. claims criticizing depraved cop behavior is "mania and hysteria".
4. attacks my "like-minded friends" and rants about my "delusions" again.
5. says I need to 'come to my senses".
6. claims I "march in here" to "dis others".
7. throws me under the "anger and stupid challenges" bus.
8. claims to represent "the rest of us", and attests that she is "helpful".
Plus you throw in the "black on black" shootings, irrelevant to cop's breaking the arms of elderly mentally ill women, and entirely related to the the Republican Party blocking sane gun control, while using cops as campaign props.
Have you ever suggested AA cool off, even a single solitary time? She did call RMRD a racist recently, a totally unsupported and nasty attack.
by NCD on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 1:23pm
The judge in the Elizabeth City Andrew Brown homicide case rejected a request for immediate release of available video
The family can receive "redacted" versions
Whatever the intent, this makes it look like there is something to hide
BTW, thanks for your support
They thrive on getting you to respond to their taunts.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 1:32pm
I thrive cuz I'm a badass. The rest is for shits & giggles.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 2:37pm
Suggested not wanting black people to shoot each other, esp.not kids, isn't quite pro-cop, but yes, many ppl think cops a necessary sometimes-evil without condoning abuse, fancy that - how complex a position. And Ms. Appraiser was reposting some articles & analysis that pointed out screaming "defund the police" while burning down storefronts wasn't gaining Dems any votes - another bewildering take on things.
Race doesn't explain everything, believe it or not.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 2:30pm
"She did call RMRD a racist recently, a totally unsupported and nasty attack."
Yes, she did but it wasn't unsupported. She also included her reasoning, right or wrong. If you disagree you need to challenge her reasoning. Not just claim it was unsupported. You're the one whose claim is unsupported.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 3:21pm
Here is part of a recent reply to me in the Undumbing Down thread:
I consider that to be a pretty loose, and totally incorrect use, of one of the most damning charges that can be made of a person in today's American culture. It didn't seem worth even responding to at the time.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 5:07pm
I looked at this thread, and unlike some other cases, it seems to just be dinging you for blanket picking out so many countries as "Middle East" in your response even if off at Gibraltar. While for some purposes the Asian part of Turkey is Middle East, when we refer to Middle East policy it's usually not included unless specifically the Syrian or Kurdish issues. (you wouldn't discuss Israeli technology as "Middle East", but Palestinian policy would be. Nor is the Syrian refugee problem in Europe usually characterized as "Middle East" it's Levant/Aegean, including Greece and other Balkan states before it gets to EU proper).
Under that context, i think the "racist" comment was chiding/tongue in cheek/only slightly serious re: anywhere Muslims exist (Detroit suburbs?), unlike other accusations (combined with justification & evidence, whether you agree or not) against rmrd for reverse racism
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 4:47am
Just more of you, deliberately it seems, missing the point. I dinged Yglesias for making the blanket assertion that the Middle East is unimportant. I said that statement, as phrased, was a stupid thing to say. I then copied and pasted a Wikipedia list of the countries that are considered to compose the Middle East. AA’s “ding” was to pick out one country from that list and ridicule the idea that I would consider Turkey to be in the Middle East like every one of the next few google searches that I looked at said it was. The purpose of this ding being to defend the stupid statement that the most volatile region in the world is unimportant. Then in an analysis of me and why I would think that, she asks a rhetorical question followed by a scurrilous conclusion.
You worked really hard on this one PP. but as is so often the case you just came up with whole lot more misdirection and projection about a thread that was characterized by nothing but projection and misdirection.
by A Guy Called LULU on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 11:53am
I do not know how to link to a particular spot on the thread in question but my faux reply to another comment on the Undumbing thread should fall just above the beginning. Added just to make it easy to find, for a little while anyway.,
by A Guy Called LULU on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 12:39pm
Glutton for punishment? "Algeria... Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey" - most North Africa (heard the term MENA?), while yes, Turkey is a quasi-European state that might have been part of the EU by now if not for Erdogan. I speak a bit of Turkish, have visited a number of times, the beaches are full of Germans et al, kind of like a cheaper Italy or Bulgaria for the rest of Europe, and reasonably integrated as a the European supply hub. some companies even have European headquarters out of Istanbul, tho not sure how much that's changed in 15 years.) Ataturk gotbrid of Arabic script and the fez and pushed suits to make them more European, and you find Turks pretty well integrated with Germany and Holland, not really part of the Arab bereavement zone.
But once we have electric cars, why would I care about any place in the Middle East, even though UAE tries rather hard to be part of the world (it's still an artificial tiny expat culture carved out of a tiny piece of sea and sand).I did want to visit Lebanon at one point, not sure I care anymore. I have suggested it would be good for Iran to get closer to the EU, as most of the youth would like that, but i can't help the direction the Mullahs take/don't take, nor the continual nuclear gamesmanship of the Republicans + Israelis. Anyway, aside from concern about what they might destroy there's not much of the Mideast we're missing assure from date paste, almonds, pita and ajbar, sorry to point out, and Turkish meze has equivalents for it all.(ok, I'll give the Iranians Moussaka)
ETA: - just watched documentary on Iran - looks pretty impressive overall. Shame about the government.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 1:15pm
You should link to the documentary. I have previously recommended a travel doc by Rick Steves. I see now that he has a condensed version available and also a lecture about the trip that I have just begun listening to.
by A Guy Called LULU on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 3:53pm
Will have a look, thanks.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 6:04pm
I have now listened to the lecture and strongly recommend it.
by A Guy Called LULU on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 7:28pm
More evidence you are "being obsessed" with "these stories" and you are "as deluded as.... Trump supporters".
Your "like-minded friends" suffer from "mania and hysteria".
Please 'come to your senses".
Stop "marching in here" to "dis others".
Stop the "anger and stupid challenges".
by NCD on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 5:26pm
NCD, I had lots of conversations after 4 seasons of The Wire, after reading Malcolm Gladwell's Talking with Strangers with insights into policing and the Sandra Bland harrassment/death, during the peaceful Take a Knee disrespected protest and trying to get Kap back, during and after the May 2020 black abuse trifecta and all during the riots destroying minority owned businesses and needed city infrastructure in general while getting some recognition of needed change. I remember posting about this secret detention center in Rahm's Chicago 6 years ago now. I've repeated numerous times the egregious case of police putting a suspect in the back of a van unsecured and whipsawing him to death, my own dealings with unfriendly police, countering misleading comments over defunding police. And way too much over Trayvon Martin.
I've been pretty consistent:
1) police need reform (discussions re the resistance of unions and Gladwell's "Kansas City" focused policing model, et al) - more community-focused, less militarization/occupation force feel, limits on abuse vs apprehending criminals (some additional use of mental care experts but practical limits to where & how they're effective). Better training vs punishment?
2) people do horrid things, esp in the ghettos or projects or however we call them now, so we still need the police - especially as murders of innocents skyrocket
3) policing is inherently a dickish difficult job, and it tends to attract power-hungry Ramboish people, which kind of sucks except often those are the physical go-getters that are able to do the difficult work, so aside from some less stereotyped balanced applicants, it's our basic mix, and the trick is to decide how much Ramboism is too extreme, how to limit the number of outrageous abusive cases plus shift the attitudes so normal encounters don't escalate as bad and de-escalate better (i.e. success is not just arrests, but also problems resolved or disbanded peacefully).
4) and the money for all this - much more, not less. (AA posted some huge costs on policing budget, and then we realized perhaps 1/3 was pensions, healthcare, etc, not just direct policing costs)
5) but discussions around all this tends to drift towards edge cases and wraps it in extremes - all the little darlings walking around minding their own business abused by the big bad police, just get rid of the police and especially black folk can go back to their peaceful existence.
6) except black folk overall recognize the necessary evil and have much the same position - more polite but effective police, keep the neighbors safe without abusing people too much. Keep the gangbangers and addicts and murderers under control, but don't make us all *too* much criminals.
7) and from the KC lesson, not every urban area is East St Louis, not every police encounter needs a SWAT team - more (but not too many) differentiation/classes of encounters and appropriate response. Police got militarized with surplus Iraq equipment, which largely hasn't helped (but would have Jan 6)
But it's gotten crazy out there. Where you might expect a calm neighborhood a few years ago, now every suburban encounter has the chance of a gun as well. Mobile phones and wearable cameras are great, but they also overstate percentages and uploaded stoke the outrage *too* fast for reasonable controls, only ass-saving knee-jerk rash reaponses. And meanwhile, there's no video for the death of a 2-year-old by a stray bullet, no marching advocates. Better to be a junkie passing fake bills or a manic homicidal teenager with a knife than an innocent toddler or usually an old person. (there seems to be some crossover now, where an old white demented victim is added to concern of the woke crowd. But that will pass. Still, a mentally ill guy sleeping in the subway needs better handling than extreme manhandling or even death - but how to arrange such response with current funds, in this case mental health personnel if recognized quick enough, etc, is tricky)
Women tend to be more vulnerable. Aside from massage parlors, they suffer abuse in normal walks of life, including walking to their car, out at night, or encountering a drunk or high husband/partner at home, esp. but not only with a gun. But if you count up the recent news stories the last year, the primary concern would be being an Asian female in a massage parlor. See how that works? And the Orlando shooting got misplaced to be anti-gay when the guy was just looking for any (assumed to be straight) club to shoot up, just after a few missteps happened to pick a gay one. Does it help gays to feel that they were specifically the targets? Doubtful. Was the massage parlor killer "targeting Asians" - doubtful - he was likely targeting the "sleazy" women who fulfilled his religious conflicted desires. But Race and LGBT paranoia sells. Even the famous Matthew Shephard case was more about him selling meth/opioids and stealing his stash if money, not his sexual proclivities - but saying the truth destroys too many feel-bad narratives, so the fake story has persisted and made into movies and folklore, so it's truthy enough, and people can make policy to address faulty data. Brilliant, eh?
Huffpost (inheriting The Root editors recently) posted paeans to the "innocent" George Floyd and Mh'kia(sp?), perpetuating the myth that personal behavior has nothing to do with overwhelming black-victim abuse by police. Ignored in this framing is a) the substance of The Talk that every child of color gets to be careful and don't do certain things that might prompt abuse, b) the numbers of whites as victims or recipients depending of similar police response.
No, bad behavior doesn't warrant death, but it does increase the odds - especially if you're in a bad part of town, but as seen by recent Waffle House and airport lounge craziness, bizarre fights with possible murders can now happen anywhere. And since 2nd Amendment nuts have grown greatly since my childhood (and just average citizen crackers of whatever race with guns), expect it to get worse.
AA has been documenting much of the criminality and boy is there a lot to keep track of, balancing the much fewer police overreach cases we see - her effort helps restore some of the balance to our perception, countering the "Availability" effect in Kahnemann's excellent descriptions of psychological frameworks and general understanding.
So, do we have anything new and informative to add to all this?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 2:40am
Breonna Taylor is a difficult case, as there's so much false and accurate info to compete, including by dishonest activists like Shaun King.
Also, drug deaths are at 70k per year, 40k for opioids with at least 15% black, data by race not kept well (but anecdotally hitting blacks much harder during pandemic).
Often our drug problem is treated as a victimless crime, but even in Haight Ashbury days it got out of control - overdoses, heroin, disease, poverty, unkept kids...
Nowadays these effects crisscross America. But to listen to social media cops shouldn't even worry about drugs, therefore Brianna Taylors death is a travesty even without details. I disagree, but hlthe details complicate the story for those on either pro- or anti-cop stance (or simply those trying to understand a complex situation intelligently and responsibly).
Many other situations have the complexity of this one, but many prefer the "he had his knee on his neck and looked mean" simplified version, or like with Reyshard just dismiss the multiple sides to the issue (e.g. what cops should have done, no praise for how controlled they were in the 30 mins up to the time of handcuffing, etc.). The Wendy's burned down after is just one element of the renegade justice that springs up as well, but can turn into scolding and threatening white people out to dinner, as if that's the same thing - sadly then distracting the reality that some cops do deserve drastic punishment even with the usual caveats and allowances for a difficult job, and should have perhaps somewhat qualified immunity to react in 3 seconds to a potentially fatal stabbing, but not the blanket immunity that that's become. But when a guy for no justifiable reason shooting at cops (not Breonna's boyfriend) counts as a "victim of police abuse", all reasonableness gets thrown out.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 4:31am
Drugs are a problem
That has nothing to do with the murderous Keystone Kops who took Breonna's life
Shooting at a wall was a crime
Killing an innocent civilian was not a crime
Breonna was not responsible for the drugs being dealt in Louisville
Breonna was murdered by the police department
Drug dealers did not take her life
We will see if the police murder results in federal charges
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 2:05pm
Same shit, different day. How many years of such mindless "discussions"?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 2:44pm
You rant
I correct
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 3:34pm
Fuck you, asshat. I take the time to write serious pieces. You scribble a few pedantic repetitive lines in crayon, you half illiterate moron. There's absolutely nothing in what you write that can be considered anything leading to new thought - it's all taking sides with your friends, trying to shit under someone's desk to piss them off and making simplistic lists of slogans & soundbites you grabbed from somewhere. *That*, by the way, is a "rant", you propagandistic loon. Learn the fucking English language at least.
PS - is NCD your new Duckie? how sweet.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 6:19pm
You repeated talk about the crime rate, the homicide rate, and what vehicle a person is driving.
These are diversions from police misconduct.
There is a federal review of the Breonna Taylor case.
Your posts can do nothing to stop that process.
There is a high bar that has to be met to conclude that a federal crime was committed
The officers may not face federal charges.
The federal review is a fact, not something made up.
One officer announced yesterday that he is retiring
That officer is seeking a distributor for his book
Simon and Schuster backed out as distributor
Two other officers were fired after Breonna's death
Those are facts.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 7:46pm
Who's the biggest duckie?
Peracles, AA's Duckie!
by NCD on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 9:06pm
by artappraiser on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 7:00pm
If 3 or 4 or more of the 93 commissioned officer force of Loveland, CO's police department, have the time to respond to a unpaid $13 at Walmart, abuse and commit assault on the elderly mentally challenged lady involved, then have so little to do related to defending the law and the people of Colorado they opted to watch the video of their breaking her arm back at the office, a "rational human" perhaps even including cop loving Ben Shapiro, would surmise that the Loveland department is over staffed, under trained, poorly led, and in need of a serious culling.
by NCD on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 7:40pm
Hispanic man pinned to death
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 04/27/2021 - 8:28pm
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 12:31am
Portland too, it's not in the headline here, but it's a major part of the problem, they got help from the Feds again because there's nowhere near enough to handle the spike in homicides. And of course, in Minneapolis there's plenty of stories how lots left after the City Council kneejerk defunding and then it was tough getting anybody to apply back. Hence, now there's an article saying it's Murderapolis again.
I gotta say, though, I don't think we have that much of a problem in NYC, as much as as media emphasizes the stereotype that the NYPD is a bunch of white joey buttafucco yahoos from Long Island, that's not true--that recent Peter Moskos article made me realize (in a doh kinda way!) that even I was affected by the stereotyping! Truth is that we have a lot of immigrant police officers from allover the world, they want those jobs! Plus the professional Brooklyn lefty protestor types are tolerated but I don't think most agree with them, they really seen as just another wacky minority by many (a minority which is accepted without bashing for the most part, just like any other.)
P.S. I think 9/11 really still hangs in the back of everyone's mind here if they are old enough, it's not as looked down upon as elsewhere, many of them may be assholes, but they're our assholes, you tolerate them because you need them.
by artappraiser on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 1:13am
Ben Shapiro is a right wing political operative, uses the nebulous "you", (like Faux News "some people") treating police "like criminals", some cops are criminals. Courts and juries have found some to be criminals.
Should we give criminal cops cash awards to improve recruiting?
In the link to Philly article, other factors in recruiting, that have nothing to do with whining about holding bad cops accountable:
Spare us the links giving confirmation bias for your and AA opinions, and realize these subjects are more complex.
by NCD on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 2:32pm
AA previously posted tweet snippets from James Lindsay
Posting a link from Ben Shapiro is not a large leap.
AA telegraphed her true feelings with rants about "pity olympics"
Fortunately, out in the real world, forces are working for police reform.
The warrior model officer who comes in to "control" a community is coming to an end.
Crime was down before and will go down again
We cannot accept police forces that do not submit to community oversight as a bargaining chip to reduce crime.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 2:58pm
There is an excellent podcast on policing in America at the NYT.
Policing is not broken, it is functioning just the way the current system is designed
The podcast discusses reforms.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 3:03pm
So if Ben Shapiro links the NYTimes, we should waste several paragraphs on Ben's history? Here's the pure Philly Inquirer if you don't want to be tainted by Ben:
Good job complaining about "confirmation bias", and then skimming the article to find the 1 paragraph that agrees with what you want it to say. Guess all those worried cops and hesitant applicants are just whiners. Can add that to Trump's "suckers and losers". Who needs complexity when a soundbite will do.
Guess you've been taking it easy on your sabbatical - game's a bit sub-par still, hopefully you'll get warmed up soon
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 3:01pm
Well, if we are going to do bios, here's the lead author of the Philadelphia Inquirer article both you and Ben Shapiro cited
[email protected]mensahdean215-854-4172
I report on law breakers, those they impact, and how the criminal justice system interacts with both. I also write about civil litigation and trials.
I see he doesn't get into promotion of work nor arguing with idiots on Twitter, his account is by invite only.
the others are
[email protected] julieshawphilly 215-854-2592
I cover crime and courts, with a focus on Philadelphia and South Jersey.
[email protected] Vellastrations 610-313-8020
I cover how law enforcement investigates crime in Philly's collar counties: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery.
Don't really sound like suckers for right wing spin or even police department spin to me. Sound like shoe leather reporters doing full time jobs on the police and crime beat looking for the kind of FACTS that some people here are always yammering about.
One does wonder, though, why a Philadelphia newspaper feels it needs three full-time reporters on this beat.
by artappraiser on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 3:41pm
p.s. Here's Julie Shaw's latest article
Former Gloucester Township cop sentenced to 4 years in prison for slapping a 13-year-old girl
April 26
The judge waived a mandatory minimum prison term of five years for Flinn, finding that in this case, such a term would be a "serious injustice."
Vinny Vella's
Penn Museum pledges to return remains of MOVE member to the Africa family, demonstrators visit residence of Penn President Amy Gutmann
April 28
A university spokesperson said the remains “are accounted for,” but would not say where they are.
and Mensah Dean latest was assisting Vella on earlier reporting on that story
Penn Museum apologizes for keeping remains of MOVE victim rather than returning them to family
April 26
The museum said the remains should have been returned, and pledged to reassess its practices.
by artappraiser on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 3:51pm
A dozen officers with over 100 civilian complaints handcuff a naked woman after going to the wrong house.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 10:18pm
this strikes me as potentially a very good case on civil rights and obstruction of justice, precisely because there isn't any life-threatening behavior on either side to argue about and complicate, and also sidestepping the whole "BLM" emphasis which can be inflammatory as to race. There's just the accusation of thuggish physical behavior and coverup/lying that which has been taken very seriously by the U.S. Attorney. Sounds like the kid has a real serious good attorney too, it is indeed the type of thing even the founders feared, goes to the original Constitution, pre civil rights acts.
If it ends up the officers are guilty and sufficiently punished, it will have a good deterrent effect.
Two New Jersey police officers charged for allegedly punching a teenager and lying about it
By Laura Ly, CNN Updated 8:46 AM ET, Wed April 28, 2021
by artappraiser on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 6:58am
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 9:58am
A rational human being would conclude Cody Richard Griggers had a bad day.
Pretty sure Ben Shapiro won't tweet 'this is how the libs destroy police'.
by NCD on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 12:13pm
Stories like these have become the norm, co-workers likely provide cover.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 12:21pm
by artappraiser on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 5:44pm
by artappraiser on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 6:15pm
new splainer on qualified immunity from The Economist; there was no paywall
by artappraiser on Fri, 04/30/2021 - 7:39pm