The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Polling: How Many Ways Can You Confuse the Health Reform Issue?

    imageIn Addition . . .

    My previous blog post dealt with the wording of a poll from WaPo that detailed a question about how folks felt about the ongoing debate over the public option.

    The wording in that poll was quite different than what had been used previously. In my opinion the wording was so convoluted in relationship to what a public option is that it was almost worthless to ask the question in that manner.

    Although, the main point that was being stressed in that particular question dealt with whether or not those polled gave a big whoop whether or not they wanted a bi-partisan effort or a plan even without Republican support.

    Now on the general question, without getting into the statistical outcomes, how have the various polling outfits been framing the overall issue whether a person supports or opposes the ongoing efforts?

    Following is a list at of various polling outfits and their framing of the question as to whether of not those polled "favor" or "oppose" the ongoing efforts with the health care reform plans :

    Question Text:

    Democracy CorpsAs you may have heard, President Obama is preparing a plan to change the health care system. From what you have heard about this plan, do you favor or oppose Obama's health care proposal?


    As of right now, do you generally favor or generally oppose the health care proposals being discussed in Congress?

    NBC / WSJ

    From what you have heard about Barack Obama's health care plan, do you think his plan is a good idea or a bad idea? If you do not have an opinion either way, please just say so.


    Generally speaking, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and the congressional Democrats?


    As you may have heard, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress are preparing a plan to change the health care system. From what you have heard about this plan, do you favor or oppose Obama and the Democrats' health care proposal?


    Based on what you know about the health care reform legislation being considered right now, do you favor or oppose the plan?


    From everything you have heard or read so far, do you favor or oppose Barack Obama's plan to reform health care?


    Do you support or oppose President Obama's health care plan, or do you not have an opinion?
    Overall, given what you know about them, would you say you support or oppose the proposed changes to the health care system being developed by Congress and the Obama administration? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?


    As of right now, do you favor or oppose the healthcare reform proposals presently being discussed?


    Overall, given what you know about them, do you support or oppose the proposed changes to the health care system being developed by Congress and the Obama administration?

    Public Opinion

    From what you have heard about Barack Obama's health care plan, do you think his plan is a good idea or a bad idea? If you do not have an opinion either way, please just say so.


    In general, do you support, oppose or neither support nor oppose the health care reform plans being discussed in Congress?


    Even if you don't know the details of his plan, how do you feel about President Obama's proposals for health care reform?


    Do you favor or pppose the current health care legislation being pushed by President Obama and the Democrats in Congress?


    In general, do you favor or oppose President Obama's plan for health care reform?


    Do you mostly support or mostly oppose the changes to the health care system proposed by Barack Obama, or don't you know enough about them yet to say?
    Thinking about health care legislation now being considered by Congress, would you advise your member of Congress to vote for or against a healthcare bill this year, or do you not have an opinion?
    AllState / National Journal
    And, on the topic of health care, as you understand it, do you support or oppose the current legislation to reform health care in the U.S.

    I think the Harris question is the one that takes the cake: "Even if you don't know the details of his plan, how do you feel about President Obama's proposals for health care reform?"

    Overall, it's quite obvious that these outfits are all over the map when framing their question.

    In twenty-five (25) words or less, try and frame the question . . .




    Oh I showed up out of nowhere in 2010?

    You show up a year earlier.

    We both have three or four hits at midnight.

    I dunno, as usual, but the 'thinkers' know nothing.


    Anyway, these three hits have me laughing about 'the old days'.

    I just saw a movie that was recent in my mind and yet it was six years old. 

    'Recent' is a concept  I suppose.

    I miss you Ducky.

    Hope you are doing well.