amike's picture

    My Letter of Complaint to the Management: it Worked!

    I just fired this off to TPM via the e-mail address at the top.

    Greetings, to whomever gets this: I wrote yesterday about two spam posts--advertisements in the form of advertisements.  They remained up all day.  Nothing was done.Today I sign on and There are Fourteen of them:  12 related to mortgages and one to refinancing automobiles and one to survey software.  This means fourteen reader posts have been scrolled off the front page.   If you want to kill reader blogging, all you need to do is do nothing.  I for one will not post again until these leeches are expunged.  Except, perhaps, to post my discontent at TPM inaction in this matter.

    I'm now off to post this to management blogs as a comment.  I don't often get my dander up...but it's up now.

    UPDATE:  They're GONE!  Yea!  Cheer!  Hat in the Air, and Thank you, kind TPM managers, editors, and the like.

    My dander is back down.  Now if I only had as much control over my dandruff  (sigh).

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