The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Sometimes there come to us common folk revelations from sources one would never predict in a thousand years.

    Sal Paycheck, that host of Hangman, you know the alphabet show on those independent networks that we watch when we have the croup or the whooping cough and such? You know that show that some of us watch when we are in no condition to watch the news?

    Well this fellow has come up a new way of lookin at politics and statesmanship and such.


    Have you read Wheel Of Fortune host Pat Sajak's blog post for National Review Online today? Because if you have, you might be saying: "I'd like to buy a W, T, and an F please, Pat."

    That's because Sajak asks the question that's been on no one's mind: "Should state workers be able to vote in state elections on matters that would benefit them directly?"

    In what appears to be his first post, Sajak pointed out today that no one in his family, or even his "kids' teachers or the guys who rotate my tires" is allowed to appear on his show, because there is at least the appearance of a conflict of interest. "In nearly all private and public endeavors," he continues, "there are occasions in which it's only fair and correct that a person or group be barred from participating because that party could directly and unevenly benefit from decisions made and policies adopted."


    Old P-A-T may have kicked a real extra pointer here.

    And I thought he was either the spell master of all time or the most irrelevant bastard in the entire free world.

    But Slayjack has come up with a real revelation here.

    Think about it. We are sick and tired of seeing the same ballots over and over again.

    Well we would have separate ballots for the voters, depending upon their occupations and such.


    1. Property taxes. Only those who did not own real estate could vote for referendums having to do with property taxes. I mean, that way there would be a neutral take on this matter. I mean those that own real estate are hit the hardest with real estate taxes. So there is no frickin way property owners can be fair and balanced in their individual assessment upon such matters.
    2. Sales Tax. Only those people who do not buy things should be able to vote on referendums having to do with sales taxes.  So only those people with no visible means of support should ever have the vote on such matters.
    3. Excise Tax. Rich people are the only people who need to pay so called excise taxes. Those are the extra kind of taxes paid at the time of purchase for luxury goods and such. Now how could rich folks ever look at some referendum on such a matter fairly and equitably?
    4. Income Taxes. Only those people who have no income should be able to vote on such matters. How else could they gauge such matters without having a conflict of interest.
    5. Corporate Taxes. Now only larger corporations pay taxes. The small corporations are just ‘flow through’ kind of enterprises. But I believe that all those folks who work for the larger corporations should not be able to vote on issues surrounding the taxing of those entities.


    But we should take this matter one step further I should think.

    Corporations send millions and millions of their dollars directly to politicians. And politicians send billions upon billions of dollars directly to corporations through legislation.

    So I think that politicians should be banned from ever voting on matters concerning corporations.

    All corporate matters should be decided by referendum. And only those folks not directly employed by corporations should be able to vote on these matters.

    Kat Flapjack has touched a nerve here folks and should be congratulated for his incredible insight into the politics of the day.

    And here I just thunk he ran spellin bees.

    I attempted to contact Vanilla White concernin all this but her spokesperson said she had no comment. 


    "I attempted to contact Vanilla White concernin all this but her spokesperson said she had no comment."

    Why does one need a spokesperson when one has no comment?  hahahaha

    When I think about all this, Mr. Day, it's easy to see how life gets too damn complicated.  I have to go take a pill now.

    hahaahah. Hi Flower!!

    Hae! Har!  I once sat across a blackjack table from Pat and Vanna in black tie and black gown.  He did't appear to be as smart as your inferences from his blog would suggest Mr. Day.  ;)

    jesus h christ. I can just see it now. hahaha

    Not much an impression on the old Miguel, huh? ahahahahahah

    The thing about Splat Knicknack's comments is that those state workers are indeed on both sides of the question.  Their working lives are affected by policies and administrative and legislative action, and so are their home lives.

    Carried to its ultimate extension, Cat-gack's "logic" means no one ought to be allowed to vote on anything.  Which is fine by me...if and only if I am in charge, with absolute dictatorial powers.

    (No need to worry, I'd be a rather benevolent despot - at least for a while.)

    SPLAT KNICKNACK. HAHAHAAHAHAH  With a 'k'. hahahahahah

    The guy is a hundred millionaire and has no clue as to how the world works.

    Think of it Dick. Only non-smokers vote on taxes for smokes. Only the tee-totallers would set taxes on booze.

    And in Nevada, only the asexuals would set the taxes on the fuckers.

    Maybe we could solve this by having Canadians set taxes on the Americans, and vice-versa?

    There ya go. Now I don't know about them Frenchmen up there and such, but a little reciprocity would certainly come in handy.

    But that sounds like world gov'ment. That sounds like a communism. Now I aint sayin youre a communism...but...

    Oh I found this song on a FX show:



    Crazejak's breakthrough is the realization that the rules for qualifying as a game show contestant are superior to the U.S. Constitution for determining who has access to the voting booth.

    Yes yes yes. I caught that and forgot it.

    Good for you. Yeah, Like I give one goddamn about his rules for game shows.

    God I hate this guy. hahahaah

    Like if people who testified before Congress were required to "answer in the form of a question."


    That would be an outstanding addition to congressional testimony! CSPAN would certainly double it's viewership overnight ... to 18.


    Uhhhh . . .

    I wish to buy a vowel.

    F_CK _FF S_J_CK


    It is selfish of me but I will do it anyway.

    I hereby render unto Ducky the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him from all of me.


    Well, on the bright side, an ever increasing number of Americans are fully qualified to vote under clause #4 these days.


    You got that right you russian double agent!!!

    HA! Awesome. That one always makes me smile.

    Isn't that the way the Oscars are voted on? Directors vote for directors, Actors vote for actors, Sound engineers for sound engineers? 

    Finally, higher taxes will realize that it's an honor just to be nominated.

    Of course, if the government is expanding at the astronomical rate claimed by the GOPs, eventually no-one will be able to vote and the Dems could stay in power indefinitely.  In other words, we've only got a couple weeks to Federalize everything! hahaha


    Campaigning will be a whole hell of a lot cheaper!!!

    As brilliant a use of "reductio ad absurdum" as I have ever seen. Hello, Dick! You've still got it!

    Hey thanks Decider. Hope things are gooing well for you.

    Sneak in a blog once in a while!!

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