by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I woke up this morning with a mad, radical thought in my head: What if I'm wrong and those damned Republicans really are right? What if, after all their clowning around, it turns out they actually have what it takes to allow us to pack up our troubles in our old kit bag and smile, smile, smile?
It sat me right up, this thought that I've been fighting against that bunch for so long I've completely lost sight of what they might actually stand for. Ye gads, what if Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are just the kind of visionaries it takes to shock us into lasting prosperity?
I can't say my eureka moment energized me enough to cause me to leap out of bed, but around my third cup of coffee it came to me that in order to understand my potential new pals I must go to the source and see what they have in mind for us once they've regained control of congress and have set to work fixing all of the things they so successfully screwed up in the first place.
I went to, the one-stop-shopping place for all things Republican, and wasn't a bit surprised to see Sarah Palin waiting for me at the door. I got past her, side-stepping the booth where they're lining up to get on the Get Pelosi Fired bus, then found myself in some pretty nasty alleys and a few dead ends, but I forged on, looking for the magic portal marked "Solutions", the entrance into proof-positive that the Republicans have only our best interests at heart and are working feverishly toward making America the Land of Plenty for more than just the ultra- über- super-rich.
So. You're pretty sure I found it, right? You can't wait to read concrete evidence that the Republicans have actually come up with better recovery plans than anyone could even have imagined--that a miraculous fix is in the works, ready to be implemented as soon as they're in power again.
I'll bet you're thinking I'm going to have to eat a whole field full of crow after all the naughty words I've used against them.
Not so fast, mateys. This is all I found: A six-part section called "Issues".
The first, National Defense, is the longest, at 177 words, and starts out, "President Ronald Reagan's approach to America's national defense, which successfully confronted the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War, is as essential today as it was then."
Okay. Nothing new there.
Issue number 2 is Health Care: "We support common-sense health care reforms that would lower costs, preserve quality, end lawsuit abuse, and maintain the health care that Americans deserve. We oppose government-run health care, which won't preserve the physician-patient relationship, won't promote competition, and won't promote health care quality and choice."
Americans deserve this kind of health care? And this wins you brownie points?
Third issue, Energy: "We believe in energy independence. We support an 'all of the above' approach that encourages the production of nuclear power, clean coal, natural gas, solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, as well as off-shore drilling in an environmentally responsible way. We oppose so-called cap and trade legislation that would impose a national energy tax on families and small businesses that would kill jobs and raise utility prices."
Just kidding about that Green energy stuff. We're not really going to push that.
Education is number 4: "We believe that maintaining a world-class system of primary and secondary education, with high standards, in which all students can reach their potential, is critically important to American's future. We believe in the power of school choice, that giving parents the ability to send their children to better schools--not keeping them trapped in failing schools--is an important way to enable children to get the quality education they deserve."
Okay, public ed, the jig's up. You're outta here.
Issue number 5 is Economy: "We believe in the power and opportunity of America's free market economy. We believe in the importance of sensible business regulations that promote confidence in our economy among consumers, entrepreneurs and businesses alike. We oppose interventionist policies that put the federal government in control of industry and allow it to pick winners and losers in the marketplace."
In other words, carry on, O Leaders of the Pack. Your money is safe with you.
Number 6, the final issue, is the Courts: "Republicans believe a judge's role is to interpret law, not make law from the bench. Judges in our court system, from district courts to the Supreme Court, should demonstrate fidelity to the U.S. Constitution. We trust the judicial system to make rulings on the law and nothing else."
Phew, glad this one was last. Sure stinks up the place, doesn't it?
So that's it. There's nothing else. Notice what's missing? There's not a single solitary mention of the need to protect American workers or the need to create American jobs. Not a thing about the poor and middle classes, who are suffering the most in this depression masquerading as a recession. Nothing about bankruptcies or foreclosures or people lining up at job sites, at food banks, at homeless shelters. Nothing about vets living on the streets. Nada bout kids having their health insurance canceled out of spite. Nothing in there to sully their devotion to the Fat Cat sponsors who count on them to keep the "You line our pockets and we'll line yours" roundelay going.
Okay, they're as bad as I thought they were only just yesterday. But I should sleep well tonight, ready for battle again tomorrow, because I've seen the nightmare and it is them.
But in case you're still leaning toward voting the bums back in because the Democrats just aren't doing it for you, you might want to read "The 'Teach-the-Dems-a-Lesson' myth" by Robert Parry. It's an eye-opener.
(*Boffo box office: Old Variety headline meaning a film, play or performance has raked in the big bucks.)
(Cross-posted at Ramona's Voices here.)
Number one: Migwetch for Vincent's Wheatfield with Crows.
Number two: Thank you for the link to Robert Parry's article. So many points were brought up I hadn't even considered. The historical context was great, but what really got to me was this, right there on the first page:
Really, when the meaning of that is considered on more than a superficial level, which among us is so callous as to think by staying away from the voting booth we are working on behalf of the greater good?
by wabby on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 10:15am
Sadly, Flower, there are many, even here. It starts with the "not a dime's worth of difference" crowd and devolves from there.
by Austin Train on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 10:28am
Right, Flower. the greater good should be our only focus. Sure, we're angry at the cowardly, clueless Dems, but it's nothing compared to the fury we should be unleashing on the crafty, craven Republicans.
What are people thinking? How could anyone who voted Democratic before suddenly think--after all the evidence before them--that either not voting or voting against them will set them straight and make them fly right. It's impossible to fly right when your wings have been taken away.
It's more than just a choice between two parties. That's the kind of choice you might make lightly when the country is out of crisis mode. Voting without thinking about the long-term (or even the short-term) consequences today can be lethal. We can't afford hissy-fit or punishment votes. We do have to think about the common good and, to me, our only chance is with the Democrats.
We'll hold them accountable after they're elected, and we won't let up until they do the right thing. Anyone with a brain knows that tactic won't work with the Republicans. They won't do the right thing, no matter what.
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:44am
Oh, dem crazy Republicans, ya shure...
Confront the Soviet Union? Have they been asleep since the 1980's? (Note: Rhetorical)
The rest of it is just as good.
I wonder if anyone has ever really asked these people how national health would interfere with a choice of doctors. I mean, if it's nationalized, how is any doctor "out of network" - or whatever they're calling it these days?
As for energy, while I have my doubts about "cap and trade" being effective, I do support the widest possible range of solutions and raise them by offering this: Technology won't remain static, it will continue to develop - where and only where its development is furthered by investment and research. Nowhere in there do I see any recognition of that. Why is that? Because they and their donors do too well by leaving things in their current messy state, so their true commitment is to doing nothing whatsoever, as long as they have gas for their limos.
Schools, well, I guess as long as they stop teaching that nasty evolution stuff we'll be OK. We can just pray for things while the rest of the world races past.
It does raise a serious question, though: How do we get good schools in a nation that, sadly, seems to place such an incredibly low value on education?
Doubt that assertion? Two words; Jersey Shore
By the time we get to the coiurts and the economy, I am convinced these people see this society as something of a purely abstracted experiment, running on a bench in a lab someplace. It points out more clearly, in their own words, the disconnect between their party leadership and the reality, on the ground, of Americans' lives.
The really sad part is that there are so many here who are gullible enough, pliant enough, thoroughly surrendered to "authority" enough, ignorant enough, or racist enough to accept enough of this cavalcade of nonsensical generalities that the Republicans are still likely to make substantial gains this fall. That the upcoming state legislative elections we're also looking at will determine district boundaries for the next decade is even more depressing, and a thought I'm sure these malevolent malefactors have not ignored.
The really infuriating part is that there are indeed people on this side who want to "teach the Dems a lesson" and will further that in their hissy-fit of pique. (If that comment offends you, oh reader, you are one of those I refer to, and to you I then say this: Screw your feelings, it's time to close ranks and if we have to play a little defense this cycle, so be it. Even if it's an incremental bit of progress, it's worth preserving, it's from incremental gains that true progress comes with the passage of time.)
by Austin Train on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 10:24am
Accurate and well stated comment.
As to 'government health care' generations of the McCain family have been partaking of it for over a hundred years, since at least 1904, when John McCain's grandfather, a future admiral, went to West Point. His son was also an admiral and was John McCain's father.
by NCD on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:04am
Right on, AT. Your last paragraph didn't offend me at all. Closing ranks is the smartest thing we could possibly do. Look how well it works for the Republicans. The one thing they have going for them is voter loyalty. No matter many ridiculous or dangerous things they do, they can always count on their base.
The Democrats are a party with a shifting base--which means they're without a base. So any time they come into power it's seen as a fluke, and it probably is.
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:51am
In the end, your argument really isn't with the Dems who are thoroughly pissed with the way our elected "leaders" have squandered their opportunity to actually, well, LEAD!
Read your second-to-last paragraph. There isn't a Dem who isn't aware of - and horrified by - the consequences of a Dem rout this election cycle. But it is the moderate Repubs and the Independents who need to be inspired to vote Dem on Nov. 2nd. The fact that the Dems have not been able to come up with a message that appeals to these people is not the fault of the voters. And, yes, I'm pissed because you could see it all coming as time after time, our leaders have pulled their punches in deference to their monied interests and have otherwise fought with their backs on the canvas.
"Stand up and fight!" I've been screaming until I'm so hoarse I can hardly talk. It could have been a helluva fight. But we'll never know.
by SleepinJeezus on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:22pm
I'm trying to suss out some of the meaning of what you've written here, A-train. Who are the: " many here who are gullible enough, pliant enough, thoroughly surrendered to "authority" enough, ignorant enough, or racist enough to accept enough of this cavalcade of nonsensical generalities that the Republicans are still likely to make substantial gains this fall."
Who are the 'so many here' (which here), and Racist??? Who do you mean? And why do you mean it?
You left a similar message on my blog which was about my dismay that the President was making it harder for the Dems up for election.
For me, it's a bit hard to buy your "Even if it's an incremental bit of progress, it's worth preserving, it's from incremental gains that true progress comes with the passage of time.)" sentence, knowing how ripe the time was for much larger progress.
by we are stardust on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:53pm
Can't speak for A-Train, but what would be the point of giving up even the little incremental progress we've seen?
We have made some gains. When I speak of the Democratic Party I use the term generally, but it's really not fair to forget about the Democrats who do fight for the greater good. There are at least some who fight their hardest, even when they know they're going to lose. Good for them--go down fighting if you have to, but at least fight. I can't think of a single Republican who looks at the broader picture and sees the damage their obstinence is doing. Whatever paltry gains we've made will be taken away in a heartbeat if the Republicans win control. I have absolutely no doubt about that. That's where my battle is, and I'm not going to give up to them just because my party is a disappointment. (I'll deal with them later, just as you suggested.)
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 2:35pm
You either read it wrong, or I wrote it wrong. I was objecting to Austin Train saying that "'s from incremental gains that true progress comes with the passage of time." It's not always true, and in this case, it's just more apology for Dems and a President who were in the catbird's seat the past two years, and wasted one of the greatest mandates for progressive change in our lifetimes.
I object to his calling those who may not vote for Dems possible 'racists', too, without explanation. I think he shouldn't be allowed to utter things that aren't true, or that there's no evidence for, just to scream at those people who read at dagblog who he imagines aren't voting. That's all. Hysteria won't help his cause one whit.
by we are stardust on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 4:57pm
Hey Ramona, you had me scared there for a sec!!!
I thought I was witnessing an Invasion of the Body Snatchers revival.
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 10:42am
Ha ha, Richard. Just toying with you. I'm in this for the long haul--which, in my case, may be shorter than most. . .
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:52am
by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:18am
So we can presume you're "one of them" then?
Didn't get everything on your wishlist in the first two weeks so you're sitting on your hands?
"Better" isn't good enough for you, you're holding out for perfect?
You must be fun at Christmas...
by Austin Train on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:46am
I ask again, "Do the Republicans have to pay you much to come on here and be such a complete flaming ass?" I mean, Dude, if you're TRYING to support the Dems, you sure as shit have an odd way of going about it. You're not being persuasive, you're just being a dick.
"Didn't get everything your wishlist in the first two weeks?" Are you daft? Are you a child? Did a cow fall on your head? I donno, maybe that sortof thing happens in Austin.
Anyhoo. Good luck to you, "Head-Caved-In-By-Cow-In-Austin."
by quinn esq on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 2:50pm
Excellent points!
Blaming the enthusiasm gap on those who remain unenthused is patently ridiculous. It is the job of the leaders to inspire others.
At last, the day of the DLC cynically calculating that they can sell out to a degree that stops just short of the "other side" seems to be hitting a brick wall. People are hurting and are looking for answers. It's no longer saleable to simply offer yourself as "not as bad as the other guy" - especially if the other guy is playing a take-no-prisoners, fear-mongering, scorched earth, faux-populist game.
by SleepinJeezus on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:48am
And before you DARE cluck your tongue and talk down to me as if I were a spoiled child, I remind you it is me who will be going to the polls on November 2nd, voting a straight ticket Dem ballot as I have for the last 50 years.
The Dems never needed to encourage me to vote, but they sure need the independents and the moderate Repubs. The fact they can't inspire voters to turn out for them rests on them; on their lack of strategic vision, messaging, and consistent leadership. They had the electorate right where they wanted them in 2008. They then proceeded to squander it with their lack of vision and their pay-to-play politics-as-usual that has tied them up in ineffective knots.
by SleepinJeezus on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:58am
Sleepin, this is in answer to your clucking tongue comment. I agree wholeheartedly. The Dems are lousy at promoting themselves and their ideas. They're like timid children, always looking for approval, always wanting to be liked. All it does is bring out the bully in their enemies. I'm getting tired, too, of defending them, but I sure can't see letting the bullies take over. All I can think to do is to keep hammering the wimps and hope they'll finally grow backbones.
I may find other friends when times are good, but right now I can't leave the damn sinking ship. Too many lives are at stake.
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:06pm
So, Ramona; start a movement to encourage people to vote for Dems, make a few calls, and then: Email every blessed one of them to say that unless you do thus and so (pick your issues), I will not vote for you again, I won't send you money again, and will work to get you Primaried out!
by we are stardust on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:40pm
Agreed. They need to know how we all feel about their backsliding and their cowardice. I've been letting them know and so has everyone else. Look at their poll numbers. They're not listening--so far. But I'm a mom. I know how to nag until I get them to do what's right. We can't stop sending the message, but in my opinion, it would be even worse to let the Republicans win.
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 2:52pm
SJ, people are hurting. People are looking for answers. The Dems are pricks, too, but to a slightly lesser degree, with a hint of teachability.
So I'll ask you the same question. Two weeks away from sure disaster--what's the answer?
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:59am
The answer was pretty well given when they refused to take on the wealthy over the tax cuts before bailing out of Washington.
This isn't about "the base." This isn't about the "perfect being the enemy of the good."
This is about Democrats like me and you screaming from ringside for our guys to at last stand up and fight. And the Palooka-Dem DLC response has been to continue pulling punches, hoping there will somehow be a big campaign-contributor payoff at the end.
It could have been a helluva fight. But we'll never know.
by SleepinJeezus on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:08pm
Yeah, I was ready to give up over that stupid wimp-out on the tax cuts for the rich. That might have been their ace-in-the-hole and they blew it. They are notorious defeatists, while we the voters--their only allies--are ready and willing to fight. I really galls me that there is something so wrong with that picture. But I'll take one battle at a time, and right now my battle is against the Republicans.
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:26pm
And that's the point. I've NEVER stopped battling the Republicans, and I certainly won't stop now. And, unfortunately, the Dems are the only other team in the ring and so I continue hollering from ringside for them to "Stand up and fight!"
Fucking Palooka-Dems. Pulling their punches, and wondering why they're seeing stars, and blaming everyone but themselves for their addle-pated incoherence in the political arena.
by SleepinJeezus on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:35pm
Anon, I get your point. I've heard it all before. Hell, I've even repeated it all before. But we're two weeks away from Armageddon. What would you suggest?
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 11:55am
The article makes a strong case which most everyone here already knew and already agreed was correct. It shows that the Republicans are a bad choice. It simultaneously makes the case that the Democrats are not a "good" alternative because they just move further to the right as a response instead of standing up and fighting the Republicans with a unity of purpose and because they are scared to reveal the truth of government crimes to the electorate.
by A Guy Called LULU on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 12:39pm
Well, what excatly is the Democrats' message to the American people about what they are planning to do over the next two years if they are rewarded by voters with re-election to office, and if their party maintains control of the Congress? I'm not hearing it.
Right now, the strongest reason for voting the Democrats is that they are not as awful as the evil and hate-filled Dawn of the Dead Republican monsters who are the only alternative. I'm writing a letter to my local paper in which I am going to say that I am voting for the Democrats just because the Republicans are economy-wrecking and hate-mongering nitwits. That's the best I've got.
Every Democrat in the country is running a separate campaign using uniquely designed talking points for their own district. There is no coherent national message, and many of them are undermining their own party and its agenda. They aren't hanging together, so they're going to hang separately.
Democrats voted for the stimulus bill, which accepted the classic and still viable Democratic Keynesian approach of using deficit spending to spur growth in a recession, and then growing out of the deficit later. Now these cowards are repudiating their own economic strategy, and falling in line with the "deficits are the real problem" austerity approach favored by Republicans. They have surrendered the philosophical battlefield, and have made it a virtual certainty that, no matter who wins, we are headed for years of Hooverism, with prolonged unemployment and low growth.
We need an insurgency within the Democratic Party to get a new breed of boldly progressive and egalitarian Democrats in power, and take over the leadership from a tired, conservative and politically incompetent leadership that represents the conservative "New Democrat" third-wayers of yesterday. I actually thought Obama was going to be part of this new generation. But it looks like he is actaully part of the rearguard retreat of yesterday's men.
by Dan Kervick on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 2:38pm
Lots of flowery, politicky language to disguise their support of corporate rule and greater income disparity.
by synchronicity on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 5:22pm
“One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.”
Chinua Achebe
by chucktrotter on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 9:56pm
It could have been a helluva' fight, but we'll never know. We had the wrong guys in the ring at the time. They thought they could pull their punches whilst putting on a show for those of us at ringside. Some show! Knocked flat on their asses without ever really connecting on anything they threw at the opposition. Maybe it's time to mop up and get the corporately owned DLC Palooka-Dems out of the way.
And then? Let the fight begin! Fuck the insurance companies! Fuck Wall Street! Fuck the Chamber of Commerce! So long Joe Palooka. Hello Joe Louis.
by SleepinJeezus on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 6:11pm
You do not do this for acclaim. ha
But you are on top ramona. ha. Good for you!!!
Damn, I wish you were president or senator.
I would vote for you in a minute!!!
You know what is going on. You are a good communicator in an age when people do no communicate so well.
I just feel good when someone succeeds who communicates my ideas so much better than I do.
I love Ramona!!!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 7:00pm
Damn! And I thought my blushing days were over.
Richard, you just stop that now. . .
by Ramona on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 10:40pm