by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
You can find just about anything on the internet nowadays. And I do mean everything, I found a website dedicated Charles In Charge trivia (, I found a social network for short guys who love tall women (, I even found a website that talks about former President Reagan like he was a good president ( So was I really shocked to find out Scott Roeder, killer of Dr. George Tiller abortion doctor extraordinaire, had fans of his trying to sell drawings of support for Roeder on eBay? No.
What surprised me is how incredibly pathetic the drawings were. Let’s look at them one by one.
David vs. the Goliath Abortion Industry
The effect the artist is going for is clear here: he is drawing a parallel between Paul’s killing of Dr. Tiller and the story of David and Goliath. I’m not sure how David managed to decapitate Goliath, or as he’s called in this picture – Child Murdering Industry, using only a slingshot. And I’m not sure why Dr. Tiller looks like Sylvester Stallone, but the sun in the background is well done. I didn’t realize we had a whole industry of built around child murdering, you would think that people outside of a small minority of religious wackos would be upset if we murdered children. Hmmm… I guess the majority of Americans view it as a woman’s health and choice industry.
Awe, this guy isn’t sad because he chooses to protect precious babies. That is so sweet. And since Dr. Tiller was born with Benjamin Button syndrome he was never a baby and therefore doesn’t fall into the precious baby category this guy so lovingly protects. Also, it looks like the woman has just one boob, a uniboob if you will, and it looks like the artist was a little over zealous in shading under her uniboob area. Oh, and the guy looks like a horse.
Dead Baby Graveyard
I find it interesting that all of the babies that were aborted and then put into a graveyard were all Christian. I mean, they all have crosses on the tombstone denoting their belief in Christ. Damn, that is a lot of dead Christian fetuses (or is it feti?), you would think that being anti-abortion would mean that Christian women not be aborting all these Christian babies. And that’s an interesting bible quote from Isiah 5:20, though, one could argue killing a man in cold blood because he thinks differently then you and then calling it a good thing would be the complete antithesis of what that bible quote is supposed to mean, but why split hairs when you can bash Obama and glorify dead Christian feti?
Silly man. Hadn't you heard that the cross isn't a symbol of Christain faith anymore?
by Nebton on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 1:43pm
That's an outrageous conclusion to jump to!
by Larry Jankens on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 2:59pm
I just wanted anyone’s opinion on if I was in the wrong here, and what any of you guys would have done in this situation. So my wife is quite liberal and I’m more on the conservative side, and she’s about 3 months pregnant. She can’t work right now, so I’ve been forced to support her as of late. The thing is that about a week ago she started asking me if she could borrow $400, and being pretty secretive about the reason why. I soon found out that $400 was the average cost of a back alley abortion, which is ridiculous considering that she knows how vehemently pro-life I am. After refusing to give her the money and the countless hours of arguing that ensued, I ended up making a comment about how if she wanted to do something liberal with $400, she should take advantage of Obummer’s “ARRA,” so that “instead of murdering our kid, he can have satellite internet at a smashing price!” (I linked it so you can actually see it’s about $400 in taxpayer money that our President chose to waste on this s**t, aren’t I so funny hah). The messed up part is that she went and told her dad, who happens to be just as liberal as her, and who also happens to own the house that we’re renting. To make a long story short, my tenancy has been “suspended” from his house (I’m now staying at my buddy’s place until this thing blows over) and he gave her the money to get the abortion. I haven’t talked to her in almost a week, so it’s pretty safe to say that she has already gone through with it. So my question is, do you think I was being inappropriate for mocking my wife and father in law’s political ideologies, or do you think I’m being unfairly persecuted because of my relative conservatism, and the Obummer joke I made has little to nothing to do with this? I’m thinking the latter.
by chriscody333 (not verified) on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 4:09pm
I am thinking you just like to role play on the internet. Either that or you don't take your personal life seriously. Also there's a slight possibility you are an extremely clever link spammer for HughesNet.
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 4:37pm