The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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My New Crush: Aimee Mullins

Aimee Mullins, aka Cheetah Woman, is officially my new favorite day dream. Not only is she part cheetah and therefore very fast, but she also is a good public speaker and an amazing person, two things that are very crushable.



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Breaking News: Milwaukee Politician Is Really Really Dumb

And we have reached a new low.

So my last post was a collection of media cuts that made Republicans look like idiot arse-nuggets.  In the post I stated that I was sure that there were plenty of dummy Democrats but they were not as vocal as the stupid Republicans.  Basically saying that both parties have a structural defects because they keep nominating complete dolts to run this country.


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Republicans Say the Darndest Things


I'm sure you could put clips of Dems saying stupid things together, but I don't think that it'd  be this ridiculous. Some of the stuff these people say is astoundingly dumb.

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Abolish Nuclear Abolition

My formative years were spent watching two hours of Simpson’s cartoons a day, an hour block from 6-7pm and a follow up block from 10-11pm.  Consequently, most of my worldviews are based on Simpson’s episodes – hence I surmised that nuclear weapon abolition is stupid.


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Let's Go Out to the Movies: Movie Trailer Reviews: VIDEOS

If you are like me you have been fooled by movie trailers too many times. I’ll see a movie trailer and think to myself, “Hey that kinda seems cool, I’ll go see that in theaters,” and then go to the theaters and be severely disappointed. Or I’ll see a movie trailer and think to myself “Hey that seems like a flaming piece of crap that I will never waste my time on,” and then I’ll see the movie and it will actually be good.
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Facebook Rejection Letter: Why Click "Ignore" When You Can Tell Them How You Really Feel?


This is an email I’m planning to send to this guy who we will call “Phil” who sent me a friendship request on Facebook.  If you have any suggestions on a better way to word my displeasure, do share - you’ll have to trust me that this guy deserves to be talked to like this.

Dear Phil,



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