by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I'm not going to add to the discussion of the Ryan pick except to say that Romney did it to placate his base. No, not the conservatives. The other Republican base: political reporters and "non-partisan" op-ed writers. Self-described "centrists" in the media love love love them some Paul Ryan, although actual middle-of-the-road Americans don't especially. That needs thinking about.
We have two versions of the political center in this country: one for the elite and one for the rest of us. There is a political "center" on the op-ed pages of the New York Times and Washington Post, which doesn't bear any real relationship to what most moderates or independents out in the rest of the country seem to want. Paul Ryan's treatment in the press is a glaring demonstration.
Ryan is very popular on the right wing of the Republican Party, and widely loathed on the left of the Democratic Party. As Sara Libby puts it, " Republicans finally got their dream pick , and Democrats get their dream opponent." This is the definition of a polarizing figure. And Ryan advocates things that a majority of voters oppose, like privatizing Medicare and slashing almost all domestic spending. he also advocates getting rid of Social Security, but the other Republicans kept him from putting that in his so-called "budget plan." If your major proposals are widely unpopular with moderate voters, you really can't call yourself a centrist.
But the press calls Ryan a centrist all the time, and they stubbornly enamored of his radical budget plan. (Michael Grunwald explains this best (h/t Jamelle Bouie).) Ryan is firmly in the center of the Beltway-dinner-party conventional wisdom, in which the true mark of a "moderate" is opposition to almost all entitlement spending, and a "daring" resolve to make deep cuts in Medicare and Social Security benefits.
Maybe the peddlers of this conventional wisdom have no idea how stingy those benefits really are, if you actually need them. After all, none of the people peddling these ideas expect to need Social Security, even as the third leg of a retirement stool, or to need Medicare. Or perhaps the wise men of the dinner-party circuit do know how small those benefits are, and are simply unable to imagine that sums that can small could ever be anything but extra money. Social Security pays so much less than their pensions and their IRA accounts that they themselves would hardly notice if it were gone. So to them it's obviously just a frill. Who could possibly live on a monthly payment like that?
Out in the rest of the country, people are all too aware of how little Social Security pays. And far too many know far too well what it means to try to get by on Social Security payments alone. Those people don't traffic in the version of "fiscal realism" that's popular among the punditocracy. They deal instead with basic economic realities instead. The middle of the road looks different to the middle class. They have a very different road to walk.
Very glad to read a piece that explores this phenomenon. Ryan's representation in the press has befuddled me for a long time now; even the New Yorker piece of last week rather gives him a pass.
Is it the blue eyes or what?
I can't quite imagine how else you get away with such a craven lack of compassion. Not to mention get classed up from middle brow idealogue to "deep thinker."
by anna am on Sat, 08/11/2012 - 4:46pm
The press is typically in awe of anyone who does numbers.
I've started thinking that drama majors are more academically inclined than J-School, except for the ability to crank out pages and pages of drivel while drinking highballs and beers by the hotel pool. (fondly called "term papers" way back when)
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 10:48am
Two Americas? Two Centers? Blindly accepting the false Left/Right paradigm as being mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive? Willingly subjugating yourself to corporate-controlled Two-Party Tyranny rather than rising up and saying No More?
Yeah Right...
Two Americas... Two Centers... One shitload of ignorant and cowardly Sheeple.
by ironboltbruce on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 6:23pm
So let me get this straight, the only people who aren't sheeple are people who believe exactly as you. Is it lonely in your echo chamber for one? The reason you Ron Paul revolution folk can't attract normal constituencies is that normal people never hang out with people who believe we are all stupid. Herp, derp, the Ron Paul revolution is full of fail for reasons that are obvious to fully functional humans.
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 8:00pm
Odd thing is, the motto of the US is changing again ... this time to " Us vs. Them ".
by Beetlejuice on Mon, 08/13/2012 - 8:42am