The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


                                   VICE-PRESIDENT RICHARD CHENEY

    This robber is going to have quite the following on the internet: A man robbed a bank on Long Island Thursday morning while wearing a Darth Vader mask. He didn't have the full costume--he wore a blue cape and camouflage pants, and he carried a gun instead of a light saber. He was last seen running through a nearby parking lot with the bank's cash in hand.

    Read it at

    I attempted to have the former Vice President comment about this today, but I never received a return call.

    Now that Cheney is indisposed and (it would seem) permanently plugged into some wall socket, others have jumped at the opportunity to become the most loathsome figure in America today. And make no mistake about it, the torch will be passed.

    So I have decided to post some candidates for the position of Darth Vader II. Each of these candidates have extraordinary gifts. But only one is entitled to be awarded with this moniker.


    Mel Gibson may have been more busy recently allegedly slandering blacks and Hispanics, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten the former targets of his ire, the Jews: says that Mel Gibson told ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva that "I want Jew Blood on my hands," and that the slur came in reference to a high-profile Jewish Hollywood figure who Mel said publicly humiliated him.'s source says Gibson told Grigorieva that he wanted to take the person to the desert, stripped naked, shot in the knee, and left to die in the heat.

    Read it at

    Mel is takin us to get some Jews tomorrow

    Jews tomorrow, Jews tomorrow

    Gibon's gonna get us some Jews tomorrow

    What more can I say?



    We're goin for the Jews, Jews, Jews

    How about yous, yous yous yous

    Yes you can come too

    And we shall kill all the Jews, Jews, Jews


    They killed our savior

    They killed the Christ

    Now their time has come

    And they aint gonna get

    Just a slap on the wrist.


    I mean I do not exactly know how the rapturists are going to take all this, especially with the 2012 spectacular coming up--according to the Mayans of course. I mean do the Christian Fundamentalists just tell old Mel to hang on for a couple of years?



    Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN), who is running in a heated three-way Republican primary for governor of Tennessee, has a dire warning about the new health care reform law: If a new Congress and president aren't elected in order to repeal the bill, states might just have to secede.

    "I hope that the American people will go to the ballot box in 2010 and 2012 so that states are not forced to consider separation from this government," said Wamp, who has also promised to refuse to implement the law at the state level if he is elected, in an interview with the Hotline.

    Wamp also praised Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) -- who has also floated the idea of secession -- for leading the fight against the health care bill. "Patriots like Rick Perry have talked about these issues because the federal government is putting us in an untenable position at the state level," said Wamp.

    Yup, patriots like Rick Perry are hard to come by these days, or are they?

    Personally, I feel that ole Zach's problems began in grade school. I mean how do you keep your pants up along with your lunch money with a name like Zach Wamp?


    Good old Southern Boys wanting to refight the Civil War all over again when their states receive more Federal Monies back than they put in.


    Imagine, just imagine; the Federal Government honing in on Corporate Insurance death panels like this. Well, I never!!!



    Tom Tancredo sure does have a lot of demands these days.

    First, the ex-Rep warned Colorado's scandal-stained Republican gubernatorial frontrunners that if they didn't drop out of the race after the August 10 primary so the party could appoint a better nominee, he'd enter the race himself.

    And now Tancredo is calling for President Obama to be impeached.

    Tancredo has an op-ed in the Washington Times calling President Obama "a more serious threat to America than al Qaeda" and suggesting that he ought to be impeached. He went on Fox News this afternoon to explain. And Fox News' Megyn Kelly seemed to think that Tancredo's proposal was, well, a little out there.

    "Alright congressman, that's ridiculous," she said after explaining the outlines of his op-ed.

    "Well you may think so," Tancredo said. "I don't."

    The ex-congressman said Obama "wants to destroy the constitution" and is more dangerous than al Qaeda because he represents an internal threat.

    "He is a committed idealogue, and when you have somebody like that in the White House, it is to me a scary proposition, and I think that we can muster our defenses much more easily to take care of al Qaeda than we can to take care of the president."

    Kelly asked, "How is that helpful? How does that raise the level of debate?" She also told Tancredo that "it's tough to take you seriously." Ouch.

    Well Tom has been raising the level of debate in this country for some time.


    We have terrorists coming into the country both through our Northern and Southern borders. tom_tancredo

    Frickin Canucks. And if it were not for Tom, I would not even know this!!! I thought they just came down here to fish so they would not have to stand on the lake while they did it.

    So there it is. My slate anyway. You might wish to add your own names here.

    I purposefully stayed away from the likes of rush and beck and savage and the other howling heebee jeebies. Palin and Bachmann are starting to bore me. I mean, the people I mentioned here bring something new to the table.

    And speaking of tables, how about that new table game Jeopardy:


    The Federal Air Marshal office in Orlando has been plagued with scandal over the past few years, most famously for a Jeopardy-style game supervisors played with derogatory categories for African-Americans and people they thought were gay.

    First, the Jeopardy game. Supervisors reportedly created the game and labeled the categories "pickle smokers" for men they thought were gay and "our gang" for African-Americans. According to an air marshal who wrote a letter about the complaints to Florida's two senators, the board also targeted Hispanics, women, veterans, and air marshals who had filed discrimination complaints against their supervisors.

    I just thought that these fine folks deserved honorable mentions. I think these people were all transferred to the Federal Air Marshall's office from the Bush Civil Rights Division at the DOJ.