The 650K emails Huma's computer never had

    A minor point compared to tomorrow's importance, but before losing sight of it.

    Remember during the interval between Comey's Oct 28 Huma email announcement and Sunday's

    "clarification " there were estimates floating around that the FBI would have to search hundreds of thousands of emails.


    I blogged here last week that the number had to be under 30,000. We haven't yet been  given the true number . Which is OK . Least said on the topic the better.Tonight. But Comey must release it sometime.

    Huma has been accused ,in Macy's window, of careless handling of very important documents.

    I've formed the perhaps mistaken impression  that -putting aside the personal emails and the ones  found earlier  in Hillary's files - maybe there were no Huma- originated ones.( If so that would be worth establishing if she will play a role  in a Hillary White House.)

    Whatever. Numbers don't create themselves. If various journalists came to believe and repeat there were hundreds of thousands of those "dammed  emails " that didn't happen  spontaneously. It wasn't an automatic assumption. Counting on your fingers and toes you couldn't get to much over  30K

    Someone had to have started  the rumor of this massive tranche of emails wandering back and forth between the computer of Hillary's close assistant and  that of her unsavory husband.

    Let's see. Whose interest would that serve?


    edited to correct punctuation




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