This is a repost of one that I feel got very short shrift, considering it's based on original reporting of data not routinely compiled by the FEC.Yesterday's ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States opens the
floodgates of corporate donations into politics. It means that
corporate donations will soon soar beyond any levels previously seen.
And those donations are primarily used to support pro-business
Republican candidates.
Although the court also lifted the
20-year-old ban on labor union donations, the disparity in the two
groups' spending power means that corporations are likely to outspend
labor organizations far beyond any levels seen before.
The chart
below, which I made using figures supplied from a special database
search prepared at my request by the Federal Elections Commission
(comparing ALL corporate donations against ALL labor organization
donations by year from 1999-2009), shows how corporate donations far
outstripped labor donations in all but one year of the past decade.
Only in 2008 did labor donations exceed corporate donations, when labor
donated over $182 million, compared to corporate donations totaling
nearly $168 million. It isn't hard to see how George W. Bush got
re-elected in 2004, when corporate donations topped $184 million,
nearly 50% more than labor's $123 million.
*2009 data as of Aug. 2009
as the impoverished masses who once donated to elect President Obama
become poorer and poorer and devastated unions shrink in influence and
ability to make campaign donations, guess who will fill the void to
finance our political campaigns. That's right: corporations.
that means that Democrats will be running to the corporate well almost
as much as Republicans. Which, in turn, means that the platforms of
both parties will swing more pro-business-- more to the Right.
something is done to blunt the effect of the ruling, this Supreme Court
has just condemned our politics to the nuclear winter of Fox News and
corporate influence. Well, crap. Here comes Massachusetts fueled on
corporate Nitro. Here comes the new Dark Ages.