by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I suppose there are a variety of reasons that Dems were massacred in the middle of the country, flyover country as the pundits call it, but what happened and what do Democrats need to do to develop some sort of coherent message to present to Americans at the end of 2011, hell maybe they should start now! At this point it seems obvious democrats don't have a coherent message and they haven't for a while, and this seems to be their biggest problem. I have to say, I am not sorry Blanche Lincoln lost, but I am not thrilled with Republicans having more power either. I am not one who criticizes my party often, but now it is time for them to organize around principles and they must have a coherent message that makes sense to even the dumbest American in flyover country. Otherwise 2012 will have no better results, and without some coherent message, we will continue to have what seems to be emotional voting that swings from one extreme to another, which is bad for the nation over all.
We live in a blue bubble here in Washington, not a big bubble but a bubble none-the-less. Patty Murray continues to lead the election by around 18,000 votes according to the Secretary of States web site. When I go to our monthly meetings (Democratic Party) we've been holding our breath wondering what would happen to democrats this election season, and wondering what it is regular citizens expect or don't expect from government. We know the general population believes taxes went up for everyone, when of course taxes have not risen on the national level for the vast majority of Americans, so what is the disconnect? How is it people believe taxes have gone up even though they haven't? Locally, in my district, even though Patty Murray so far is losing the county I live in, but only by 70 votes, but Norm Dicks our congressional representative won with 57% of the vote and he is every bit as liberal as Patty Murray, maybe more so, so where is the disconnect? There must be one, because how does a voter support Dicks but not Murray? The county I live in hasn't been affected by the big unemployment numbers across the country, It hovers at around 7%, and always has, sometimes dipping as low as 6% but not much lower. So what is the disconnect?
Well I don't intend to figure it out right now, what I intend to do is to go on a very long ride today.. Today it will be a minimum of 40 miles. I am going to think about what happened, and what Democrats really should do to create a solid message to carry with them to the 2012 election. I do think that once impeachment hearings begin over Birth Certificates and the like, the people will be ready for another change, (I think) but Democrats have to be ready and prepared to take advantage of the upcoming chaos, and at this point I am not overly confident they will be able to get their shit together in two years.
So Dag Community, what say you?
Here is the map of today's ride, although I am going to add a bit... who is coming with me!
Well until the grip of Wall Street and and the military industry can be broken, there really is no a whole hell of a lot that can be done. Military contractors are now the biggest employers in the country bar none and those that work for them nearly always vote republican.
Progressives are in the minority. But on the bright side a colilition of progressives, African Americans and Hispanic and Latino Americans might get something done.
by cmaukonen on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:25am
Fight and fight hard. Up the rhetoric. Realize you're in a war and that you always were. Ban use of the phrase "post-partisan" and draw lines in the sand over Social Security and Medicare. Let America know that if this happens again in 2012 that the last remnants of the Great Society will be torn down in front of their eyes. The White House and the Senate are pretty formidable things to have in your arsenal. Go on the offensive.
Also, pick out which of the new House members can be turned into national jokes and pick on them without mercy. It's time to start taking people down.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:28am
From the national party's point of view:
1. Start pummeling Wall Street. Stop worrying about being a crude populist. You're againt the malefactors of great wealth, every day.
2. Win back the Rust Belt. That's what we lost last night: the indistrial midwest. Saving GM was apparently not enough, because even saving GM only slowed the economic decline in those states. You need an industrial policy that leads to job *growth.*
From the grass-roots point of view:
1. Think ground-up. We need to build our ground game. We need to be fighting and winning races for state legislatures and school boards and local zoning boards. And we need to build one serious mother of a GOTV machine.
2. Start keeping lists of earmark spending votes by Republicans, especially in the House. Republicans who vote for pork should get hammered as voting for pork: "Voted for two and a hlaf billion dollars in pork, and then voted to cut your social security." Those who vote against earmarks should get hammered for local projects they blocked or killed ("blocked projects that would have created 600 jobs in Cedar Rapids").
3. Pick our spots for protests. Scattershot protests about our whole wishlist won't do much good, but we can create intense demonstrations against the most vicious spending cuts. When they go after Social Security or Medicare, or if they allow insurance companies to refuse coverage to children, we take it to the streets. There are legitimate things to be angry about.
by Doctor Cleveland on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:43am
by generational po... (not verified) on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 1:58am
by generational po... (not verified) on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:51am
We need a party that will finally offer people what they want. How about forming a "Tax Stupidity" party that endorsed the "Tickle Dumb" theory of economic stimulus. Maybe it should be called the "Sugar and Cream Party though." The main platform point could be lowering the cost of lottery tickets by fifty percent so people could "invest" in twice as many. The proceeds would go into another lottery so our economy would grow even more. The management would probably "need" to come from the upper echelons of Wall Street, they are the smart guys after all, but it would only take a few cents of every dollar spent to satisfy them and get them to share their tallents and surely moving our economy in the right direction is worth that much.
Also, an alternate investment fund would be advocated that would let people invest their retirement incomes directly into the war machine. That would be the appeal for honest but smaller government through privatization that did something for the people, not just the corporations. The dividends would come from the spoils of war. The bumper sticker could read,
That says just about all that needs to be said to attract votes across the spectrum. Each Presidential election would also have on the ballot a choice of the enemy for the next four years. That should excite the religious right.
This is not an idea for improving anything, I just want to win something. I've given up on the Cowboys.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 12:42pm
The Happy Meal Supersize Party!
by Donal on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 12:54pm
If Jerry Jones would keep Dub out of his box, the cowboys might do better.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 2:51pm
1. No compromise on the middle class tax cut. Stand alone legislation. No deals, no tradeoffs. Veto everythiing else.
2. Fire Geithner and give him two weeks to clean out his office. Nominate a replacement. Job definition: Sales experience. Be able to speak the iambic pentameter. (that's close enough). Empathetic. Adept at expressing instant outrage and indignation, especially when it comes to Wall Street, banks and outsourcing. Thus, spend six months on Capitol Hill haranguing Republicans under the guise of a confirmation hearing. If that doesn't work, send in another one, even more in-your-face. TAKE THAT, you phony non-fiscal conservatives.
3. Meanwhile, set up 10 mortgage foreclosure centers in abandoned shopping centers along a route roughly equivalent to the Erie Canal. Mortgage Resolution Centers. Banks will no longer rip off the people. Obama to visit each center, roll up his sleeves a la WWII, this is an Economic War, people. Clear the foreclosure backlog. Use whatever means to get companies from red states to relocate to Pennsylvania. (Ohio, not so much).
4. Use the bully pulpit to force a bank CEO to resign, preferably from B.of A. Two bank CEO's would be better. Stay on them every day until they walk out in complete disgrace.
5. Narrative. The writer John Gardner is credited with the quote: "There are only two stories. Someone goes on a journey. A stranger comes to town." Obama must appropriate both these stories. The "strangers" are the tea partiers, not, by God, him. The journey needs to be defined. Where is it exactly we're going? What will out society look like? Why should we take the journey with him?
6. Pray that Ben Bernanke can save you.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 1:06pm
3) Oh no! Obama signed a foreclosure affidavit without reading the document!
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 1:30pm
Good one. Anyway, he just said in his press conference than he needs to get out of the office more, so here's the opportunity.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 2:46pm
I am coming around to the idea that the middle class tax cuts should also expire. I know people are hurting but I also know, or at least believe, that most that are still working, which means those that are still paying, could handle the old rate. There has not been a lot of inflation. We need to be willing to share in the solution to our economic problems. We cannot backtrack and do the past correctly, we need to go from where we are.
When arguing for tax increases on the rich we should quit demonizing them for BEING rich, that seems to many to be trying to justify unfairly taking money from someone who they believed "earned" it and giving it to someone who didn't. Instead, justify a progressive tax system. Their are justifications. The rich didn't get rich in a vacuum. They didn't get rich on the moon. They got rich in America based on the American infrastructure which includes access to educated Americans who had some discretionary income because they got closer to a fair share of our country's wealth.
We should also quit demonizing corporations as such so as to not start by polarizing the the argument. We would do better by talking more about why they should be regulated intelligently, and why this is not currently the case, so that these institutions that are needed in the modern world would come to serve the greater good of our country as a whole so that more people have a legitimate chance to prosper.
We should talk about the way Wall Street has been converted largely to a casino type operation for betting and for raking the pot rather than to facilitate investing so as to start creating the public mind-set that would see why that is dangerously wrong, has no productive purpose, and why correcting that would not hurt any legitimate purpose of the street.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 1:36pm
Watching the press conference it looks like he wants to substitute new ultra business writeoffs for rich tax cut extentions and then trade the writeoffs for middle class tax cut extentions. Maybe that's the best we can get. If he extends the tax cuts for those over $250K I'm going to be extremely vindictive the next chance I get at the polls.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 2:43pm
You can join my new group, the CEOs (Confounding Extrapolists Organization). I believe last night's results are our permission slip to become 'imagineers', working in the field of political extrapolation. In other words, we can have the thrill of poking all the Repubs and Tea Partiers with ideological sticks for the next two years.
Dems have spent years toiling in the fields of rational, logical ideas and intellectual problem solving. Time to go off-campus and fight the Death Panel idiocy with our own totally extrapolated reasoning. And the beauty part is, none of it has to be true!
Okay, I'll get things rolling with a few totally ludicrous rumors to start spreading; 1) If the Pro-Life crowd gets their way, the will reinforce the ideas that a) Life begins at conception, and b) corporations are people. When that happens, the warranty on your car will start, not when you purchase the car, but when the model first goes into production. 2) If corporations are people, then Social Security privitization will, at some point, make them retire and die. No corporation will be allowed to live longer than the oldest human being on the actuarial tables. 3) The Republican mandated lowering of property taxes, will require homeowners to drastically lower the prices of their homes when they sell them; they will be forced, by law, to sell them for less than the homes are actually worth! (Remember, truth is not a requirement for extrapolation.)
Come join the fun. Ready, Set ... Extrapolate!
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 1:58pm
I'm having trouble extrapolating because my ideas are all coming out scatalogical and are unfit for print, like the idea of taking a corporation to bed on a first date, and so forth.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 3:08pm
I fully intend to join your efforts...
Best idea yet!
by tmccarthy0 on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 4:09pm
by pfft (not verified) on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 1:49am
by Glenn Hussein Beck (not verified) on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 1:53am
But will nobody ride with me?? I see you are all full of ideas.. but no one wants to ride.. I just don't get it.
by tmccarthy0 on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 4:10pm
We can't ride, we're all still fighting over control of the bicycles. ;-)
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 5:05pm
Great post. We need to remind ourselves every day not to lose sight of the prize. When Republicans lose, they don't give up, they pitch a fit. Let the Democratic hissyfit start NOW!
by Linda Tilsen (not verified) on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 8:39pm