The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


                           AINT THIS DEAN MARTIN A KICK IN THE HEAD?

    Mrs. Birtholt: Do you really think we knew of these things? That women and children were murdered like that? Do you really think that? It was Goebbels and the SS. Neither me nor my husband knew anything of these things.

    Judge Haywood: It seems like no one around here knew anything about anything.

                                                                    JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG

    Sergeant Shultz: I know nothing!!! I was just following orders!!!

                                                                    HOGAN'S HEROES

    The name sake of my parents' coolest idol must have had a hard life. I mean when you look that puttsy and your name is Dean Martin, how in the hell do you keep your lunch money in primary school?  And just think of 12 long years having girls spit upon you at assembly. I am certain that this type of personal history is what made Karl Rove...well Karl Rove.

    Well now this piece of shite Martin wishes to form his own Rat Pack. I mean when you wish to sign on to the dark side of the force why not join up with that Italian American fascist-soon to be octogenarian- Arpaio.  Let a little of Sheriff Arpaio's stench wipe off on him and lure in those hungry insects from the tea bagging fascists organizations.

    I mean this putts is Arizona State Treasurer, which I am sure is a position on the ballot in Arizona politics that usually is left blank on election day.

    So now according to TPM; Dean Martin is running for Governor:

    In an interview with TPM, Martin described how the state could use the tent cities to provide "inexpensive temporary housing" that would save them enough money to deploy more troops down to the border...

    In the plan (.pdf), Martin describes how the state of Arizona could save millions by temporarily housing "criminal aliens" in either private prisons or in "tent cities."

    Though in his proposal Martin says Arizona "can no longer afford the luxury of comfy new prisons when our state is in the red," he assured TPM that with the tent cities, "we're not talking about a Shantytown here."

    He said they would use extra land adjacent to existing prison facilities, which would allow the tent cities "room to grow, so to speak." When asked to describe what the tent cities would look like, Martin said that they would be modeled after those used by Sheriff Arpaio in Maricopa county, using army surplus tents that have "air conditioning or evaporative cooling" but are also "portable and temporary."

    He also emphasized that his plan would eliminate the need to release convicted illegal immigrants from prison 90 days early, which he says Gov. Jan Brewer has been doing to balance the budget.

    Martin's plan would also require welfare recipients to give thumb prints before getting a check, and speed up the completion of the border fence, among other things.

    Okay, what exactly is fascism folks?

    Torture the powerless in the 130 degree desert for months and even years?

    Provide festered repast to all 'criminals'?

    Use tents used for housing in order to cut down on costs?

    Fingerprint and ID by DNA all the dispossessed or poor people?

    Arrest all 'suspicious people' on sight?

    Ensure that the entire population carries proper ID at all times?

    Make all prisoners listen to a constant bombardment of propaganda delivered through giant speakers from such eminent fascists as The Newt?

    Well Deano sure has this figured out. Put all the illegal Alfies in fenced in compounds that the ASPCA would disavow for stray animals and show the taxpayers how much money they saved by setting up gulags for Roman Catholics of Hispanic background.  I can only say that we should all thank the Good Lord that Mohammed never visited Mexico; cause this pudgy fuck would be campaigning for mass graves.

    You know how it is when you see some documentary and you cannot get it out of your fricken mind?  When CBS made that documentary on Arpaio that showed prisoners in the middle of the desert forced to eat green bologna, I was pretty sure I hated the guy.

    I learned even more later.  And now I know I hate him. Nice summary of Arpaio here.

    Anyway, I am sure the following lilt, or something like it, resounds in that fat head of Martin's.


    Ten nina's for everyboy.

    It's been a real long time since I got me a woody
    Tent City here we come
    They like to call me a fairy, but I'm gonna get some booty
    Tent City here we come
    Well there aint no walls and it's a hundred and fifty
    But I don't care it's where I wanna go
    And we're goin' to Tent City, 'cause it's two to one
    And we're goin' to Tent City, gonna take my gun
    We're takin' em all to Tent City, the round-ups begun
    I'm gonna finally get some titty, gonna have some fun
    Ten nina's for every boy
    You know I've never had a date yet cause they always
    think I'm borin'
    Tent City, here I come
    We will gather up the Mexicalis and keep the repubs growin
    Tent City here I come
    Yeah, and there's ten swingin' nina's for every guy
    And I'll have the gun and just wink my eye 
    When we've come to Tent City, there's no porto potties
    And we're livin' in Tent City, lots of green bolognas
    When we're all in this Tent City, when you really have to go
    And when you got that sickly diarrhea, 
    you just have to crap in a hole
    Ten nina's for every boy
    And if my woody breaks down I'll just get me some Viagra
    Tent City, here I come
    And when I get to Tent City, I'll be lookin' for girls
    ` (ahhh you finish it if you think you are so smart)
    Post Script:
    Muckraker gives us this strange note.

    in Hemet, California.

    In May TPMmuckraker highlighted the alarming string of booby traps targeting the Southern California city's police department. Local white supremacists were thought to be behind the traps.

    Now, the Southwest Riverside News Network reports, a nine-pound vintage military rocket round was found on the roof of a downtown Hemet building -- and it was apparently pointed at the nearby police headquarters. Officers found the inert round when responding to a fire -- the cause of which is not known:

    Good thing this all took place in California rather 
    than, say, Memphis. If this had happened in Memphis,
    we could all look forward to a chance to purchase
    the goddamn missile on EBay.