by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
"When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
Sinclair Lewis
David Duke (above) circa 1979-80
Impressive, but very creepy.
by Bwakfat (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 8:38pm
Yes it is creepy to say the least.
I think it is important for us to keep the memory of this ugliness right up front for all to see and to remind us of just exactly from whence all this disgraceful "conservative movement" bullshit comes from, and what it's really all about: that's good old fashinoed American right wing extremism based upon fear of the "other".
One cannot hope to properly treat a metastatic malignancy without first identifying it and knowing it's origin.
by oleeb (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 8:56pm
As I have stated before the American psychos have always been with us. What has changed is that we are more aware of them that they are more aware of each other.
by cmaukonen (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 8:58pm
"When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
That says it all, and was all you needed to say. In words, I mean.
by anna am (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 9:24pm
Malignancies can get out of hand if not caught in time.
by Bwakfat (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 9:28pm
When facism came to Germany it was warpped in a flag and
carrying a cross.
by cmaukonen (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 9:39pm
Dang, oleeb. Thank you, I guess, for reminding me of that sickness and connecting to the talk going on now. I wish there was a way to temporarily give America to the Christian right and see how long it takes them to fall on each other. If the rest of us could watch in safety I'll bet it would be a sight.
by bluesplashy (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 9:55pm
The only problem we have with the Christian right is that actual Christians aren't continually and loudly challenging them.
It's unfortunate that you chose to equate actual lynching and violent acts with Glen Beck and Sarah Palin.
I do not find anything valuable in Beck and Palin and plenty disturbing.
Still and all, never forget that the American Nazi party was defended by the ACLU.
Beck and Palin should have every right to espouse their views legally.
If we can't fight back mere words, how will we fight back violent acts?
by clearthinker (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 10:01pm
And good citizens have every right to paint their authentic portrait with words and pictures. There is nothing in this blog telling Beck and Palin to shut up. The writer is showing their true face if you read between the lines.
I know we can't stand one another, oleeb, but thank you.
by Zipperupus (not verified) on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 11:06pm
Great pictures, Oleeb. I'm downloading them and plan to use some of them in my classes. Do you have a URL where the originals are? I'd like to send my students to prowl around for them, and pics are harder to search for than text.
by amike (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:18am
The problem is not so much in the continually part as it is in the loudly part. The mainstream and progressive Christian sectors don't have the public podium and megaphone tht media gives the Christian Right. The Traditional Values Coalition sneezes and every paper is right there with a kleenex to catch the sacred snot.
On the other hand The National Council of Churches of Christ simply can't make itself heard. I did a bit on this a while back. I can't give more than two links, but is a good place to start looking. But how to get noticed? Calling for equity, freedom to marry, ecological justice, etc., etc., etc. doesn't get one invited onto Fox. The United Council of Churches (a merger between Congregational Churches and others) tried to mount an advertising campaign celebrating their inclusivity, and the networks wouldn't run it. I wonder if anyone noticed that?
I don't know what, if anything can be done about this. But maybe letting people know that there indeed is a Christian Left as well as a Christian right is one way to start. :-)
by amike (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:45am
Thank you very much amike!
I'm sorry I don't have a particular url for ya I hate to say. I just put in kkk pictures in yahoo's image search this afternoon and selected those I thought suitable examples. They are all over the web. At least a couple came from sites sympathetic to or run by all out racist klansmen types. Those sick people were actually proud of this stuff.
You teach at a very different level than I ever have or will, but I have found that providing the visual examples of what these sorts of things really looked like is a powerful tool for bringing things home to young people for whom all of this seems like truly ancient history. Whenever I teach intro to Am. Govt. I try and use photos to bring the past alive (to the extent that's possible)for them and they see lots of pictures of the kind seen here as well as pictures illustrating the true nature of war. I also always show them clips of some of MLK's more moving speeches such as the triumphal speech on the steps of the state capitol in Birmingham where he concludes with lyrics from the Battle Hymn of the Republic, but I never show just clips of the "I Have A Dream" speech. I always show that in it's entirety and I always find that few, if any, of the students have ever seen the whole thing from start to finish. Most have heard only the same few lines over and over to the point where they have becoming trite and devoid of their power. It's usually the first time they understand the full context of the times in which the speech was delivered and the prophetic demands the marchers were challenging the government and American society to meet. Some are shocked at the content not understanding until they see it all that the speech was more than a feel good vision of harmony, but a hard nosed and determined demand for justice. It never fails that numerous students, male and female, find themselves in tears upon seeing and hearing that powerful, radical (for it's time) message in full for the first time. I love it when minds so open are stretched and a little more of the light of knowledge shines out from them. It's a marvelous thing. But I digress. I wish I could be more helpful in terms of locating the pics but I feel certain that if I found them as easily as I did that you will too.
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:50am
by John (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 1:52am
Thanks for reminding us of the original cone-heads, oleeb.
"The South will rise again," they used to say, and it was always a very strange notion of "rising," in the direction of slavery.
by Rutabaga Ridgepole (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 2:32am
Great pix, great quote from Sinclair.
Wonderful post.
I am going to miss this.
by dickday (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 4:28am
Zip writes:
Suppose we had 3 pics in a row:
Stalin. Hitler. Obama.
And some right of center person wrote the exact same line you just did.
You would find that argument persuasive?
If you want to impress me, make a real argument. One I don't have to read between the lines. That's the kind of argument that wins battles. The rest simply increase the noise and creates more confusion - especially where there needn't be.
by clearthinker (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 4:29am
Is it the white beard that gives you such wisdom?
Thanks for giving me some thoughts to chew on. You last sentence is particularly pithy... and insightful. But I appreciated the nonpithy stuff as well!
by clearthinker (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 4:31am
. . . good old fashioned American right wing extremism based upon fear of the "other".
I wish this overly generous -- in some ways sympathetic -- description of racist motivation could be ashcanned forever. There may be a component of "fear" but it's not fear of the "other." No, it's fear of loss of status.
The status of masculine groups especially in but not only in the South was founded upon control of (the right to discipline physically, psychologically, and economically) women, children, African-Americans, immigrants and any other impotent groups.
The KKK and its postbellum forerunners was clear in its goals: to keep the n**ger (and the Jew and the foreigner) in his place. While "whiteness" may still be the marker of status, it has become incorrect to emphasize it; thus, groups seeking to maintain their status emphasize their Christianity (anyone not a Christian is subordinated because America is a Christian nation) and their patriotism/nationalism -- two sides of the same coin.
These bigotted groups don't fear the "other"; the "other" is all that stands between them and nothingness.
by Ellen (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 9:20am
As Rick might have said, "We'll always have MJ."
by Ellen (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 9:30am
But not "the" flag or even, this flag.
by Ellen (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 10:16am
I couldn't find the exact photo I was searching for, but for me it's even more about the children.
"If we poison our children with hatred, then a hard life is all that they'll know..."
by wendy davis (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:09pm
Economic justice was at the core of MLK's message. Beck bluntly says that he disagrees with what he calls "racial politics". Beck wants to carry on MLK's message, but disagrees with the heart of King's message. Only an idiot like Beck could reconcile the hypocrisy.
Blacks are okay in Beck's mind, as long as Blacks want to live in his narrow-minded world. Beck wants to spread love, but will be back to spreading venom on his show this week.
The rodeo clown says that he misspoke when he called Obama a racist. Beck believes the true problem is Obama's liberation theology. Beck missed the part of the Christian message the speaks to economic justice.
by rmrd0000 (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:28pm
As did a few others of somewhat greater note, as in here and here.
by Ellen (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:41pm
Howard Kurtz discussed the "I Have A Scheme" rally on his Sunday show. he panelists for the segment where all White. These particular panelists were ill-equipped to deal with the tenents of liberation theology.
Michele Martin was a guest the previous week and swiftly pointed out how ridiculous it was to consider that Dr Laura and Sarah Palin could suggest the all Black people should be comfortable with anyone using the n-word because Dr Laura had heard rappers and comedians sue the word.
Martin pointed out that White Hollywood stars who abuse drugs and White politicians who wre hiking the Appalachian trail were not the gold standard for Whites. Why, she asked were comedians the gold standard for Blacks?
Rev Al Sharpton held a "reclaim The Dream" march on Saturday which got very little mention in the media.
As an aside, if an idiot like Beck can hold a rally, I will no longer accept ridicule of Rev Sharpton or Rev Jesse Jackson from Conservatives. If Beck is credible, so are Sharpton and Jackson.
by rmrd0000 (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 1:22pm
MLK's version of economic justice has been tried already -- and it failed miserably. It was called the Soviet Union. He wanted a guaranteed job for every American with a guaranteed income etc...
These ideas don't work, because they defy human nature. You would have to have a different economic system entirely for these ideas to work and one where wealth is not created through the central banking system. You would also, frankly, have to have a much more mature society.
The promise of America is that every citizen has the right and the opportunity to pursue their individual hopes and aspirations. That is economic justice.
by Rick (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 2:35pm
The wind at the back of this new wave of obscene craziness is the fact that is makes for exciting copy. Love it or hate it, we can't look away from the Limbaughs, Becks, Palins, or their followers.
The best we can do is to expose it for what it is. This group of photos makes a great essay to that end.
But what brings out all this human cussedness? There is a "meta politic" at work here. Middle America's piece of the pie is shrinking, and right there to provide the narrative on "why" are the very corporate moguls who are sitting on a dragon's treasure and putting the squeeze on us.
The meta politic thing is hard to grasp. But, it is what turns "Yes we can" into "well..a, hmm, I'm not too sure". Chomsky told us a lot when he coined the phrase "manufacturing consent".
Thanks 'Leeb. And, the same to everyone else who helps to pull the covers off.
by krcook (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 3:49pm
BTW, what with all the crap around these days, we need shovels, not pitchforks.
by krcook (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 3:53pm
I'll refer to MLK's comments on the incompatibility of Communism and Christianity. Read "Strength To Love".
Like Beck, you don't really know the beliefs of MLK.
by rmrd0000 (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 4:19pm
A major creepout.
We'll find out in November if this is America or more properly if the money behind this has hopelessly corrupted our great nation.
That we don't know the answer to this right off without even thinking is cause for worry.
by thepeoplechoose (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 5:24pm
Good work!
by Indie Pro (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 6:03pm
There is little difference in the economic ideas of the Kremlin and MLK, and, in fact, FDR talked repeatedly about guaranteed employment for every American. This was MLK's idea of social justice from an economic perspective. it is true MLK spoke against the Soviet Union on occassion, but only their political abuses -- not the failure of their economic system.
The left's moldy old 20th Century ideas of economic justice are a proven failure. It's time for new ideas and new thinking, but so far all we hear are soak the rich to resolve our problems.
by Rick (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 6:05pm
The problem is that if you are on the left you are by definition not a Christian according to the right wing noise machines.
by FDRdog (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 6:27pm
I think what Beck knew it that if you put enough sound bytes out there that scatter, certain people whom you want to connect the dots will, and if you speak in coded language only those who have certain opinions already will recognize it for what it is. Like in 2000 when Bush used code for evangelicals, Beck is putting out signals to a base of people out there who now are disorganized, but are more and more becoming a movement after 2008.
What Beck wanted to do, I believe, is try and juxtapose some things, and stir the shitstorm. What purpose could a white man have with Beck's ideology to assemble a reverse March on Washington, with alternative symbolic imagery and idiom to everything King and for that matter Obama stand for. He wanted a white march on Washington, and if not to replace the image of King--to present to the disillusion white populace--an alternative one in the minds eye. Now, for years to come, whites, and blacks for that matter--will associate that place and that day with not just King, but Beck. It didn't matter that Beck said nothing substantial, nor obscene, nor controversial. The fact that they showed up ws the statement he wanted to make. No words were needed.
by Joe Wood (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 6:35pm
Do you have to train to become as ignorant and foolish as you are or does it come naturally? Just wondering because you are a marvel of uninformed right wing sophistry.
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 7:05pm
Right you are!
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 7:07pm
I'm going to miss your posts !
by Indie Pro (not verified) on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 8:43pm
Well Oleeb, you are considerably more articulate than me, but fall into the well-worn trap of resorting to insults, because -- of course -- you can't dispute anything I've said as FACT. It is quite troubling to the discerning mind. We await the facts I've stated that are beyond dispute.
Cuba, Russia, Hungary, East Germany -- please name the country that solved the problem of economic justice with the tired, ridiculous notion that you should just destroy the wealthy class, and you will create utopia. We're listening, OLEEB, and we expect a reply...
by Rick (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 2:21am
Yes, nobody will ever disparage Michael Jordan -- as
Ellen has so correctly pointed out. It's pointless.
by Rick (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 2:24am
The purpose, Mr. Wood (pun intended) was for the humble people of this country to drive hundreds if not thousands of miles to feel like they mattered. To feel like the virtues they hold dear (honesty, integrity, benvolence) have not perished from the Earth, despite an onslaught from Washington of dishonest, lying duplicitous leaders who get us into wars based on lies, demand we elect them, based on lies, and demand more and more of our money based on lies.
Perhaps, Mr. Woods, you would feel free to give up more of your income to unaccountable politicians, and to that we say -- this is America -- go for it. GET YOUR CHECKBOOK OUT! When we see you forking over 90% of your income to the ruling overclass of federal government employeees, then we might start to take you seriously!
by Rick (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 2:35am
Hey Dick, (pun intended) you obviously don't know anything about my personal situation, politics, nor my ability occasionally to be taken quite seriously by a majority of cafe participants. Since I have never seen a comment from Dick Richards in all my time here (2006-on) I will assume you don't have a clue how you obtuse you sound, nor whom you are addressing in such a way.
So you are forgiven.
I suggest that you take time to go back and read some of what you missed. My blog archives go back all the way, and you might find yourself suprised at where I am coming from. Then, you might not feel the need to have foot-in-mouth disease.
Your answer, if true, would only tell me that for these people to feel the urge to drive "hundreds, if not thousands" of miles to feel like they "mattered" tells me 2 things: 1) that they obviously have some personal issues if Glen Beck is the only thing in life that "makes them matter", and 2) that they obviously have extra time and money on their hands that most of us have little of these days. No one who is unemployed and hurting to put food on the table is going to throw caution to the wind, say screw the bills, losing a home, $$$ for the kids--I'm going to be at Glen Beck's Restoring Honor ceremonies! No sir. Given our economic situation, most of us not able to do so, if given that ethical dilemma... So I will not judge, and neither should ye judge, Sir.
By the way, Mr. "Woods" is somebody else. In 30 years I've never put an S at the end of my name.
Common mistake, but you might want to pay more attention or do more research before reacting next time.
by Joe Wood (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 2:34pm
I am not bothering to respond to your completely lame, boilerplate, right wing drivel. There's a massive difference between not wasting my time arguing with someone who quite clearly doesn't know what he's talking about on some pretty basic levels and avoiding a refutation of a legitimate position. Your entry level right wing rhetoric should embarass you but you aren't well enough informed to reach that conclusion. Thus, no, I will not be responding to your simplistic and innacuarate right wing boilerplate. Sorry.
by oleeb (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 5:38pm
Okay, and I will add the British Labor Party circa 1950 that imposed huge taxes on the rich, which led to a mass exodus of the nations most talented individuals to America and other places. Noel Coward talked about this incessantly.
It's interesting -- I keep coming up with real world examples of the failure of his logic, and OLEEB responds with rhetoric and insults.
by Rick (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 7:18pm
Your "situation" doesn't matter to me. I was simply commenting on the flawed analysis of the situation you presented. No one will replace MLK in history or his historic day in Washington, and Beck has said that repeatedly. I would say more here, but I'm very busy trying to figure out how to keep the black man down right now.
by Rick (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 7:25pm
The white beard basically gets me confused with Santa when I ride public transport. It also hides a whole bunch of wrinkles. :-)
by amike (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 11:54pm