by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Everybody on the left and most in the center (and even some on the right like Ben Stein and Kristol along with others) seems concerned as to what would happen if T-Rump wins the Presidency; which I see as a 30% likelihood at this juncture in the proceedings.
This gasbag might attempt to really put together some team at a cost of billions to round up and exile ten million immigrants who lack proper papers.
There might be an attempt to build (or at least begin to build) a wall at least a thousand miles long along our Southern Border.
There might be an attempt to round-up the families of 'supposed terrorists' and incarcerate them or put them in camps or....?
There might be an attempt to erase the so-called TPP treaty that does not include China in order to....?
There might be attempts to investigate judges who are currently presiding over suits against T-Rump enterprises. And why stop there? Other attempts may be made to investigate and prosecute political enemies, media enemies, Administrative enemies (state and Federal), social enemies......
There might be attempts to do so many, many evil and unlawful things.
Of course there is a chance that CHECKS AND BALANCES might impede these attempts?
Can you imagine what would (or will) happen if T-Rump loses the election?
I can see it all now.
There would and could never be a phone call from T-Rump to Clinton congratulating her upon her win.
The bloviating would be incredible.
Clinton cheated, the Dems cheated, his enemies cheated, the media lied...
People were out to get him.
But really, what really scares me is what this prick could actually do.
There would be petitions for injunctive relief filed in state and Federal Courts all over this country contesting election results.
There would be affidavits alleging collusion amongst the voluntary election officials alleging ties to Clinton, ties to the Dems,..
There would be allegations that some of these election officials were of Asian Origin or Hispanic Origin or Black Origin. There would be further allegations that some of these officials had blood connections with the Clintons or other dems. There would be allegations that some election officials actually sat down at some dinner table with people who at one time had actually met with Dems or the Clintons or people who actually had a picture of President Obama hanging on their living room walls.
There would certainly be allegations that the manufacturers of the voting machines employed at least some Dems or Libertarians or Muslims or Hispanics or Blacks or fans of MSNBC.
There would certainly be attacks upon the FEC.
And all T-Rump would need would be one or more judges to grant a temporary order or two.
And the Cable news stations will make millions and millions covering this insanity.
I do know one thing however.
It would have to be Crooked Hillary fixing the vote for tRump to lose. If he does, Mar-a-Lago and vicinity may secede from the union and tRump will call himself King, like a little Monaco. He could hold a Gran Prix there and pay no taxes at all. Mar-a Lago would not even have tax forms.
If he does win, which would be the onliest and fairest result, he could make a deal with Putin.
Putin oversees an 'nukular missile accident'. It decapitates the entire federal gov't below Trump while he is on vacation.
Who would miss Congress anyway, right? Certainly not the GOP base. Trump is all they want or need.
I wrote this up on Doc C's blog.
Its a win-win for tRump and Putin.
Putin gets Europe and tRump gets rid of all his handlers.
Such as pesky John McCain, Paul Ryan, and the Supreme Court, and any Mexican judges within the blast zone, etc.
Trump to Fox News 'Yes, a horrible horrible accident. Horrible. And radioactive, like my hair spray. Can't get to the bodies yet or find the Constitution. But do not worry, the Wall will go on. I know my people want that more than they want a new Congress. My good pal Putin will send surviving Chernobyl guys to help clean up that dust in DC. And listen, Putin said if Obama hadn't changed the codes this never would have happened, see I have this report that it's all Obama's fault. And Putin and I made a deal so it would not happen again"
by NCD on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 12:25am
NCD you realize what this idiot says, after all. hahahaha
Make no nethermind.
But damn! There are two 'real' parties in this country.
And the fact that one of them would vote this moron as their representative for President of the United States of America is...ASTOUNDING & SCARY &.....
Fill in the blank for Chrissakes
by Richard Day on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 3:23pm
Enjoyed your comments, NCD.
Don't you think there is an aspect of this guy as negotiator? I have negotiated price with people who simply aren't happy until you're bleeding any margin you think you might have made on the job. I'm thinking Trump has done this to the Republican party apparatus. He is going to be outrageous until they actually try to dump him, or squeeze off funds. And obviously as long as they buy his act he'll keep negotiating, hoping for a better deal.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 3:33pm
Thanks Oxy and Richard. Stilli sums it up he is - a bigoted, misogynistic, blowhard, narcissistic bully who has zero self-control, and even less self-awareness.
The GOP seems to be buying him and thinking it is an act. They are all in, hoping he will change. But there is no evidence he will. Today he just dumped on his staff over re-characterizing his ravings Donald Trump Belittles Staff. The staff are "not so smart" you know who.
Given that all he cares about is himself, see Stilli above, my scenario where the government is totally decapitated BELOW him is I believe his ultimate fantasy - totally in charge.
And given his huge defects in knowledge, politics, judgment and pathological personality, I think our international standing and economy would go down the tubes if he is elected. With very serious consequences for the future of America. And we are not in a position to be able to survive his occupancy of the oval office, for even as long as it takes to impeach him, and the GOP will have to do it, after selling it to Fox News.
I believe he could be dangerously manipulated by actors like Putin, (even if Putin doesn't nuke congress). I do not believe there is any part of the world, or even parts of America (treaties, economy, rights, justice system, Congress, overseas bases/pacts, bilateral relations), he would not write off if doing so was a benefit to his pumped up image of himself, particularly his perceptions of his personal worth, power, 'smarts', wealth or property.
by NCD on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 7:59pm
Huffpo will not give up on this assessment. Ever, apparently.
I was watching MSNBC and of course I provided my own Bloomberg link later on in my comments.
You know what? I hereby render unto NCD the Dayly Line of the Day for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of NCD from all of me! ha
And given his huge defects in knowledge, in politics, in judgment along with his pathological personality, I think that our international standing and our economy would go down the tubes if elected.
WELL DONE NCD. hahahahahha
I like getting mad sometimes I guess.
But if you are angry, GET IT RIGHT. hahahhahaha
Thank you
by Richard Day on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 8:24pm
HONORED indeed.
I would add a quote from a NYT article on a highly qualified African-American woman named Cassandra Butts who died 2 weeks ago at age 50 of a sudden fatal illness, after waiting for 5 years to be confirmed as the US ambassador to the Bahamas. She was held up by Sen. Cotton (R) of Ark. - not because she wasn't qualified, but to 'inflict pain' on Obama. Comments:
The oath a Senator takes does not include 'inflicting special pain on the president'.... yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is just downright evil.
Pain and evil is what Trump and his Party are all about.
by NCD on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 8:52pm
It's an interesting question. Donald's argument in the primary was that he was running against a corrupt establishment that would cheat to deny him the nomination, to we all speculated about violence at the convention were Donald denied in favor of Cruz, Bush or Rubio. But, Donald's arguments had more legs since, the whole way he was saying, "don't steal the nomination from me," he was winning states and delegates. Near the end, they could only really deny him the nomination by using party procedure against him, bucking the will of his voters and generally pulling shenanigans.
The argument would not have worked had he been blown away. Had he performed like Chris Christie, he could not have played the victim. Now, I don't want to saddle Clinton with any other mission than to win, by one electoral vote or 100, it doesn't matter. She just has to win. But, the more distance she can put between herself and Trump, for the sake of us not having to deal with his butt-hurt supporters, the better.
by Michael Maiello on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 8:26am
Everything is corrupt.
Actually Mike, I get into this kind of reasoning.
All is rhetoric.
There is no truth.
There is just argument.
T-Rump has no real rhetoric in the oldest sense.
T-Rump has no argument at all.
But then again, D'Sousa, to me has no argument at all:
To me, if one would believe this caste-cast idiot (I mean D'Sousa of course) there is no hope.
There is nothing but Sophist Rhetoric.
I get so damned depressed Mike.
But thank you for giving me some notice from time to time.
by Richard Day on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 3:30pm
A Trump loss means that the Republicans tell themselves that the problem was that they did not nominate a true Conservative. They will ignore the bigotry, racism, and misogyny. The GOP will remain obstructionist.They will go looking for the pure Conservative candidate.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 12:23pm
What these people tell themselves is one thing.
The GOP will always be with us.
It is just that in this point of time, the GOP is naked.
And behold what we all shall see:
But this time, the GOP candidate is forced to be seen naked.
by Richard Day on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 3:18pm
Or ... He could just go away and we would never hear from him ever again ... (Amen.)
It's not T-rump losing that scares me. It's the Trump voters being encouraged to believe that they lost because the fix was in and not because T-rump is a completely unacceptable choice for a majority of Americans.
T-rump has been asked about losing, and his response: 'If I lose, I don’t think you will ever see me again.'
by MrSmith1 on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 12:50pm
Mr. Smith, this guy wishes to put Hillary in jail.
He has said so.
But according to KO's, some real folks are seeking to put T-Rump in jail on RICO :
And if T-Rump asks his own fans to hit and to hurt those who disagree with him....?
There might be riots in the street.
Not in every municipality of course,
But damn....
I should not laugh. But Mr. Smith, this is funny from a strange point of view.
by Richard Day on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 3:11pm
Halperin (the guy with an au-natural smugness? hahahahah
Friday he goes:
Mexican is not racist. hahahahaah
Today, boy did he change his tune.
It is 5pm here at MSNBC
Recall when Halperin called My President a DICK?
Well, he changed his tune today as far as T-Rump is concerned.
Like I said, this is beginning to be fun, fun fun....without a T-Rump.
Oh and here Halperin is at Bloomberg:
by Richard Day on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 6:51pm
Tom Toles:
by NCD on Tue, 06/07/2016 - 10:45pm