The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Okay, so who is Sharron Angle and what is her angle?

    Well here are some of the wonderful new ideas from one of the new stars of the Republican Party.

    Fluoride is a communist plot

    Abortion causes breast cancer.

    The nuclear family works best when the man is the bread winner and mommy stays home and takes care of Wally & The Beaver.

    Alcohol should be made illegal, the 21st Amendment reversed and the 18th Amendment reinstated. That should not take too long.  All you need is a positive vote from 2/3 of both Houses of Congress for this measure and ¾ of all the States to ratify the new Amendment by legislative measures or state constitutional conventions

    But Ms. Angle won't back down cause she is an oath keeper

    She does appear to have strange ideas when it comes to nuclear waste

    Okay so Ms. Angle won the repub primary in Nevada and she is now running for Harry Reid's seat in the Senate of the United States of America.

    The repubs have to kind of acknowledge the results of the primary so they decided to meet up with erring Sharron and have a pow wow of sorts. And it appears there was a consensus reached concerning some views that had been published on Ms. Angle's blog.

    I mean erring Sharron had published this neat stuff and all and yet most of it was erased as if it never happened following her big primary win.

    Apparently fluoride is okay now, nuclear waste disposal issues should be reexamined, abortions do not have any relationship to breast cancer, local police and military folks should not be preparing for a sudden putsch, and it is okay now for the Beav's mom to sell Avon products between soccer games.

    Well, Harry and his buddies could not just let this one go so the dems put up the older erring Sharron's blog materials on another site.

    So erring Sharron sends a letter of demand or something along those lines to the Reid Camp demanding that they unpublish the material that was okay to say previous to her Primary win and is now no longer okay

    And everybody knows how happily Reid responds to GOP demands, especially in a campaign for his own Senate Seat.

    What would Sharron Angle sue Reid for exactly?

    I don't know. Besides First Amendment issues, courts do not like to get into the middle of campaign fights. Reminds me of O'Reilly suing Al Franken for quoting him in a book. Within a week or two following service of the complaint on Al and his publisher, a judge granted a motion for summary judgment in favor of the defendants.

    Just because a legal action would be stupid does not mean someone cannot pursue such action anyway. That is, stupid people sue other people for stupid reasons all the time. You cannot stop that.

    The claim in the 'Cease & Desist' letter threatening the Majority Leader is a fun read. What Angle's representatives are claiming is that her web site, used for her campaign in the primary, has copyrighted material.

    So Reid's people, in putting together a satire of Angle's old site, is violating copyright protections afforded by state and federal law.  TPM quoted Reid's Campaign:

    Out of an abundance of caution, the Reid campaign decided to temporarily remove the website in question while we investigated their allegations. Well, the phony legal threats and the feigned indignation are over - and we're not going to let Sharron Angle retroactively censor Sharron Angle. The original website, including Angle in her own words on her dangerous and extreme agenda, has been re-launched at:

    Just to be clear to Sharron Angle and her handlers, it's called free speech and it's nearly absolute under the First Amendment. (We know, these "big Constitutional issues" are tough for you - like when you said separation of Church & State was "unconstitutional" exactly one week ago.)

    "The question is: what will Sharron Angle do now to hide her extreme views on killing Social Security and eliminating the Department of Education from Nevada voters? Perhaps she's checking to see if there are any Second Amendment remedies," said Jon Summers, spokesman for the Reid  campaign


    This lead me to think about free speech and past statements.  Yesterday Rush said:

    If Obama weren't Black he would have been a tour guide in Honolulu

    And if rush were not a fascist racist pig fucking bastard, he would not make 60 mill a year.

    You cannot really touch value statements. It gets one nowhere.

    Now I think rush is saying that Obama only got to Harvard Law School per an affirmative action scholarship.

    To that I would respond that w bush won his affirmative action scholarship the old fashioned way. How you get into Harvard Graduate Biz School after getting gentleman's c's in your undergraduate studies should be of interest to us all. I would like to see w bush's SAT scores from high school.

    But people like Curly Rand and Sharron Angle are playing a different game than rush.

    Rush and beckerhead and the rest of the right wing media nuts in this country have this wonderful feeling of freedom. They can just make up their facts and come to illogical conclusions any time they wish. Then they can just deny they ever said what they are accused of saying and they can do the context argument and they can claim they are just entertainers with no wish to run for public office. Rush  defenders will point out that he speaks on the air fifteen hours a week and has done so for decades and naturally certain less salient things might fall out of his mouth from time to time.

    Rand and Angle are running for public office...higher offices than seats in the U.S. Senate are hard to find.

    Both of these politicians received initial support from right wing fascist groups; groups of individuals who believe that the Second Amendment not only includes rights to weapons but the right of people to organize their own militias and take on local police and such.

    Groups that include individuals who wish to abolish all forms of income withholding by the Federal Government.

    Groups that wish to abolish most departments of the Federal Government.

    Groups that would like to abolish the Federal Government, period.

    Groups that believe most members of Congress and the Executive Branch of Government are traitors; even if elections had been held determining who could be in Congress and who could be President.

    I could go on and on. But Rand and Angle courted these groups. Rand had been doing this courting for years by writing opinions in newspapers and even appearing at some home spun get-togethers sponsored by these extremist groups.

    Angle has relatives associated with the most extreme groups. She has taken money from them. She has made promises to them.

    It is the action of the GOP leaders that confuses me in all of this. Those leaders would do nothing to shut up rush.

    But they do everything to shut up their own leader, the Man of Steele.  They will do everything they can to erase the actual record of Rand and Angle.

    Name me one repub who has come out and chastised rush for his latest racist statement concerning Obama.

    The repubs constantly make fun of what they call Political Correctness.

    But when it comes down to it, PC is very important with regard to the candidates they back all over the country.

    And I think the GOP is missing the mark here. I think mainstream republicans agree with all or most of the positions of Rand and Angle before the candidates were cleansed of their previous positions.

    I think rush and beck and hannity and all the rest of the so-called wing nuts ARE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.

    And I am beginning to think that these mainstream Republicans may represent the mainstream American Voter.

    I really do.