The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Paula Deen Civitan.jpg


    Well spring is almost a month in the making and I wake up to a goddamn blizzard.

    There has got to be half a foot of the white stuff or more out there this morning where there was none yesterday.


    Well one third of us are obese.

    I was just speaking with the NJ Governor about all this.

    We eat too much sugar and corn syrup and fat and salt.

    But life can be a drag for the overworked and underpaid American.

    Sometimes we just have to throw caution to the four winds and party up so that we can create our own winds.

    And that is where Paula Deen comes in with her Southern Accent, Southern Hospitality, Southern comfort food and a big ole Southern Butt.

    One of my favorites is her pasta in Alfredo Sauce.



    Three pounds of butter.

    Two pounds of cream cheese

    Half gallon of heavy cream

    Sixteen cloves of garlic

    Four pounds of sugar (white)

    One pound of brown sugar

    One half pound of salt.

    One pound Provolone Cheese

    Half a pound Mozzarella Cheese.

    Half a pound of Parmesan Cheese

    One sprig of parsley

    One large bag of marshmallows

    Thirteen Hershey bars

    Three packages of graham crackers.

    Three one pound packages of linguine


    Put the butter into a great big skillet (I mean a great great big big skillet) and rest on low heat. You really do not wish to burn the butter.

    Take a shower or something...this will take some time.

    After the butter has melted toss in the cream cheese. Best to drop this ingredient into the pan in clumps with your hands (clean hands but then again you just took a shower). This is one of my funtimes, really. I like to work on the cream cheese. It is kind of like wet Play Dough.

    Sticky fingers!

    While that is melting into the butter, grab a 5 gallon pot and fill with water. Put the pot on high.

    Speaking of high, always have a doobie available when you find yourself in the midst of conjuring up fine dining. It would be a good time to light one up about now! Always safer doing your smokin in the kitchen cause you can always blame the scent on your spice rack.

    Now as the mixture in the skillet is melting, toss in a quarter or so of your salt, tossing another quarter into the pot of water. You can never have enough salt; just ask McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and even Budweiser Breweries.

    Toss in the cream and the cheese (cut the cheese first idiot--of course in a couple of hours you will be cutting the cheese anyway!).

    Stir occasionally but you can catch the last two innings of the ball game while this mess is melting.

    Finally, toss in the parsley (finely chopped) and put the pasta in the boiling water.

    Whisk up the cheese mess, adding half a can of black pepper.

    The pasta should be done after ten minutes or so and place in one of those metal containers with holes in the sink.

    Gently place the pasta on big big platters and cover with sauce.

    Feeds four (or three really really hungry folks)

    (Oh the grahams and the chocolate and marshmallows are for late nite smores! And I really am not sure what to do with all that sugar)

    First draft @



    Good God.

    Thnks Dickon, if anyone ever asks I will say some people have no taste and no sense.

    I'd post more often, but the nazi spam filter here bounces everything with a link. It just bounced a link to which I left in the Chaplin thread, as they have a nice tribute up.

    WTF, it's getting too hard to do anything but read here. No wonder there are so many trite, useless comments.


    How'd you like Bill Maher. I loved that japanese physicist, I wonder if Marq knows him, I think they teach at the same place.


    I was lounging on the couch and have not checked my mail.

    I shall check it out and get back to you later.

    I am so dense I have no knowledge of spam filters; so I will talk about that later with you.

    I'd post more often, but the nazi spam filter here bounces everything with a link. It just bounced a link to which I left in the Chaplin thread, as they have a nice tribute up.

    Hey, Bwakkie, I don't know why this is happening but I'll see if someone else knows how to fix it.  We want you here!


    I blame spam. Then Genghis, which he lives for, anyway.


    Don't worry, my minor annoyance was fueled by concern for one of our fellow bloggers, Jolly Roger. I finally heard from him, and he's hurt very badly (bike accident). I am going to see him today and try to get him some personal items he needs, but it would be great if you dagbloggers thought some good thoughts in his general direction.

    Thanks Ramona, you really do rock, in case I haven't mentioned it lately.

    Didn't know the details, but please give our best to JR, Bwak.

    Oh, no!  So sorry to hear about JollyRoger.  Please, please, give him my best and it would be good if you could keep us up to date on his recovery. 

    Oh-oh.  Jollyroger is sure to cheer up when you visit him, Bwak.  Smile  I shall feather a good thought in his direction and hope for him a fast recovery.

    Oh damn!

    I wondered what happened to Jolly.

    Tell him I am worried and hope to hell he gets well soon!

    Same for me on all three counts.

    I blame Bwak for spamming the site.

    That said, there's something wrong with the spam filter. Filtered comments should show up in a moderation list, but for some reason they seem to get deleted sometimes. I'll look into it, and I'll also disable the multi-link limit.

    FYI, registerered users bypass the spam filter.

    PS B, please give my best to JR.

    yeah yeah, registered user, yeah blah blah.

    Just for that I'm bringing JR your book to read while he recoups. I'll report back laters. I'll forward the well wishes.


    pesky unregistered bwakkie

    Registration is for your own protection. Do you realize that every year thousands of commenters are lost because their owners didn't have them tatoo'd or had a chip implant or at least a collar?

    Probably not a good idea if you want him to recover

    Hey Dick, you didn't say.  Does the recipe serve two or four?

    Anna I thought I made that clear!

    Feeds four or three very very hungry folks!

    Or 2 hungry folks, two large dogs and a weasel. 


    My goodness, you cannot have a picnic during a blizzard for chrissakes!

    Picnic??  Jeez, DD; I let my weasels and dogs eat inside; you're one tough Master.  I mean 'weasel-person'.  'Dog person'.

    Thanks DD.  I’ve been waiting for my tax refund check so I could renew all my porn site subscriptions but after watching that pie video I won’t have to.  I think that is the most obscene thing I have ever seen.  It violates every element of every normative formula for human behavior that I have ever studied.  All my life I have struggled to recover from the neurotic guilt and self-negation of my Judeao-Christian upbringing.   Nietzsche, Buber,  Merton, Buddhism, Zen, and just plain debauchery. – nothing worked.  Now watching this video did in 10 minutes what 50 years of wandering failed to do.  What can I say? ‘Mein Fuhrer !  I can walk.”

    Nothin as American than Pie!


    Yea.  I saw this on C-SPAN.  It originated as a BBC documentary on the budget fight in the U.S. Congress.

    Oh the piemanity.... 


    Not to beat a dead chicken, but damn when she slathers a quarter pound of butter on that poor bird...hahahahahah

    Then they throw the pie into the deep frier. hahahahaha

    And i am attempting to cut some cream in my coffee along with the sugar. hahahaha

    This woman has to be widow....several times a widow. hahahahahah

    Um. A dead, wot? Wow, lookee, the chicken....without a pitchfork. Who knew? (blows raspberry in Genghis's general direction)

    Roger is here:

    And he seems to be adequately cared for, although I have no doubt he will bear some watching. He was badly injured, and looks pretty dreadful, but what kind of blows my mind is he had micro surgery on his spine and he is walking and pretending he is just fine.

    He made us take him to get ice cream. I'm not sure that the hoity toity town he is in is quite ready for him, but I will check in on his progress. I think he'll have a few weeks of physical thearapy ahead of him yet, and your well wishes were passed along. If anyone wants to call him, email me at bwakfat at and I'll pass along the info. He can talk fine, although it may be awhile until he's back to top posting form.

    He may be a medical miracle even, but still, do keep him in your thoughts. Thanks.

    Roger is here


    They're leaving him on a grassy knoll in front of someone's gorgeous mansion?!?! That's just inhuman...


    Wish him a speedy and full recovery from me as well if you can, Bwak.

    Went for ice cream huh?

    sounds like he is surviving...

    Keep us posted Bwak.

    Thank you, you a loving soul!

    I'll send him a link to this thread, he has a 'puter there. I'm pretty sure he's fast asleep now. We went to his farm and cleaned out the fridge and got him some clothes, too. He wanted his 'puter from home, because the facilities 'puter doesn't have the software he needs. He doesn't like to sit. If it had been up to him and it wasn't a Sunday, he'd have thrown a party and stayed up all night dancing. I had to be a bossy hen and insist he go back (his friends no doubt think I'm a priss, or something, but I knew he was hurting--a lot). I fear for some of the nurses. He'll chat them up something fierce in a day or two, I'm sure.


    A couple of his friends stopped by while we were there, who had been worried about him. I think the word will get out. Poor guy. What an ordeal! According to the witnesses, he hit something (maybe a piece of chain) and the bike stopped, but he didn't. He landed on his head, and was out for some time. He is very lucky he didn't break his neck, but he did injure it, and the surgery was to relieve the pressure or something. He's a trooper. I can't understand how he can be walking around, but you know those former strippers.... they stay in tip top shape.

    It's a very nice place he is in as you can see. The former governors mansion. I think they have a nice atrium and courtyard, but it sure looks pricey. He has some fresh fruit from the tree or twos worth in his fridge, and we baked him cookies.

    Damn! I am actually shedding a tear here!

    He knows one thing for sure I bet.

    Somebody cares about him!