The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Barack Obama: A Unique Historic Figure

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

    Barack Obama: A Unique Historic Figure

    Politicians will be politicians, and we should hold EVERY politician’s feet to the fire. But when you consider that Black people have been trudging all through history for generations in an attempt to find people to show that we too have a significant history that’s competitive with other cultures, President Barack Obama is uniquely significant.
    While we’re looking back 5000 years to find great Black kings, queens, and conquers, we have one of the greatest men in history – and not just Black history, but in ALL of history – walking right here among us. In yet another 5000 years people will be talking about Barack Hussein Obama, because he’s accomplished something that NO other man in history has accomplished. He’s a man whose father came to these shores from a little village in Africa, seeded him, and then he went on rise from the dust to become the equivalent of the emperor of Rome. You don’t get no greater than that.
    When Barack Obama is seen in that light it becomes clear why an attack on Obama is not just an attack on a politician, it’s an attack on the potential greatness of Black people as a whole. Obama haters recognize that fact, that’s why they’re leaving no stone unturned, and sparing no expense in a desperate attempt to drag this Black man down. They understand that since we are what we think, Obama represents the destabilization of the lie that’s been holding Black down for centuries - that we’re incapable of greatness. 
    The exact same kind of attacks were lodged against Dr. Martin Luther King, by the very same kind of people, and for the very same reason. Simply because he had an innovative way of seeking justice for our people without getting thousands of us slaughtered in the streets, they used to call him "Martin Luther Coon." But in the end, it turned out that what made him great was his ability to out-think his opponents, which is true of nearly every man with a monument attributing to his greatness in Washington, D.C. So what are we hearing now? "Obama ain’t no Martin Luther King." But believe me, the cards are stacked against the haters, because regardless of what the haters say, President Barack Obama has already proven himself to be a great man. In fact, that's what they hate about him most.
    When we begin to recognize the pride that young Black people will take in pointing to Barack Obama as a prime example of greatness for EONS to come, only then does the absolute treachery of today’s Black, Obama haters begin to sink in. Just think how they’re going to look to the young people of tomorrow - and unlike the haters of the past, they’re not going to have the benefit of having their identities drift into the shadows of history. Due to the flawless memory of the internet, their names, pictures, and videos will be available to posterity in all their flaming treachery with the touch of a button.
    Just imagine what the families of these people are going to have to go through. "Hey Corny, I was checking out your old wooly-headed great granddad on the net last night. What an idiot! How does it feel to be the great grandson of one of the biggest turncoats in history?" So the families of the haters are certain to take great pride in them - probably to the point of having their names changed.
    In order to understand their attitude - and many of our attitudes today - you have to consider the gravity of Obama’s story. In spite of the fact that the Statue of Liberty was designed to represent a freed slave, as attested to by the broken shackle that was attached to her left leg, some of the very same people whose ancestors this great lady’s flame shined upon as she welcomed them to this great land practiced hatred, racism, and allowed discrimination to run rampant within her very shadow. But in the midst of all that hatred and turmoil, the lady welcomed yet another young man to our shores, a solitary and unassuming young man from Kenya. He sailed quietly into America beneath her burning flame and presented papers bearing the name Barack Hussein Obama. As the immigration official looked at his jet black personage, he undoubtedly laughed as he examined the papers and said, "Who!!!?" But little did he know that in another generation the entire world would be able to answer his question. "You mean, Mr. President."
    So unless President Obama goes completely off the rails, any Black person who doesn’t support this man is a fool. That isn’t to say that you can’t disagree with him like you would any other president(, but your disagreement should be with great respect, because to disrespect President Obama is to disrespect the Black culture as a whole – and any scholar who doesn’t recognize that fact needs to turn in his diploma, because he hasn’t learned a thing.


    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    This is very true.  I have been wondering what generations behind us are going to think about how nutty some of these politicians have been the past 20 years.  They are going to have so much material to study because of the internet.  The historians are not going to be kind to the current GOP or the generation that gave them so much power. 

    I'm with you on that, TRK.

    Damn, I am so biased towards this President, but what the hell:

    I hereby render unto Wattree the Dayly Blog of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him from all of me.

    We use the word 'symbolic' all the damn time.

    But Jeeeeeez, I certainly feel that Cosby and a hundred other actors and comedians that I have seen on the telly and on the cinema since the early 1960's certainly changed my attitude toward African Americans and to see this President and this Attorney General helping to run this great nation has got to have an effect upon all races in this country of 320 million people and I know that it has to have an effect upon how the rest of the world looks at us.

    Oh there is the 'reaction' from those racists who are just pissed off all the time.

    I have read that President Obama has received more death threats than any President in our history (including Lincoln for chrissakes) and I would bet that the Attorney General receives obscene communications every goddamn day.

    And these two folks should receive kudos for their bravery!

    But that is a small price to pay really when you look at this situation from an historical perspective.


    Thank you, Richard.

    I can understand how a person could think I’m biased towards Obama, but I’ve trained myself to follow fact rather than emotion. If you think assessing Obama is hard, my woman is undoubtedly one of the greatest jazz singers in the world today - former Det. Serpico told me that she had him sitting in his car crying like a baby - try telling a singer of that caliber, and with that much talent that you don’t like the way she’s doing a song. So assessing Obama is child’s play. She's pouting as we speak, because she doesn't understand that the truest expression of my love is to make sure that she can ALWAYS come to me for truth. She can't depend on anyone else for that, because they're so star struck that they're going to tell her what she wants to hear.

    So being Black aside - although it should be taken into account since it’s making Obama's job twice as hard - I’d be willing to bet my home that he’s going to be remembered as one of our great presidents. Just getting Osama Bin Laden alone would have put Bush, with all of his shortcomings, on Mt. Rushmore, but if you’ll notice, the fact that he was brought to justice by Obama is hardly mentioned by the GOP. One would never know what a huge national effort we mounted to go after that guy. In large part, that very effort is what helped to put us in the economic mess that we’re currently in today. Bush spent over a trillion dollars on that misadventure.

    In addition, the GOP has made a tremendous effort in insuring that the nation is always focused on what Obama HASN’T done, and absolutely NEVER mentions the fact that he all but singlehandedly save the world from plunging into a second Great Depression. Under George Bush the nation was hemorrhaging over 800,000 jobs a month:


    Forbes Magazine: Economically, Could Obama Be America’s Best President?

    "Firstly, let’s review just how bad things were in 2009. In 2000 America was completing the longest bull market in history. But by the end of President Bush’s tenure the country had witnessed 2 stock market crashes, and the DJIA had fallen 58%. This was the second worst market decline in history (exceeded only by the Great Depression), hence the term "Great Recession" was born.

    "In 2000, at the end of Clinton’s administration, the Consumer Confidence Index was at a record high 140. By January, 2009 this index had fallen to an historic low of 25.3. Comparatively, when Reagan took office at the end of the economically weak Carter years the Confidence Index was still at 74.4! Today this measure of how people feel about the country is still nowhere near 2000 levels, but it is almost 3 times better than 4 years ago.

    "Significantly, in 2000 America had a budget surplus. By 2009 surpluses were long gone and the country was racking up historic deficits as taxes were cut while simultaneously outlays for defense skyrocketed to cover costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, banks were on the edge of failing due to unregulated real estate speculation and massive derivative losses.

    "Today the Congressional Budget Office is reporting a $200B decrease in the deficit almost entirely due to increased revenue from a growing economy and higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans. The deficit is now only 4% of the GDP, down from over 10% at the end of Bush’s administration – and projections are for it to be only 2% by 2015 (before Obama leaves office). America’s "debt problem" seems largely solved, and almost all due to growth rather than austerity.

    "We can largely thank a fairer tax code, improved regulation and consistent SEC enforcement. Also, major strides in health care reform – something no other President has accomplished – has given American’s more faith in their future, and an increased willingness to invest."

    And let’s not forget that President Obama has had to drag America uphill while the entire Republic Party, which includes congress, and state officials, are hanging onto his ankles and determined to obstruct any effort to put money into the hands of poor and middle-class Americans - and that includes our veterans and active military personnel. The reason for that is because if they allow the American people to get their hands on disposable funds, they might start buying goods and services, and that will stimulate job growth, and the resulting tax revenue will improve the deficit, undermining the corpo-Republican agenda of keeping America miserable, angry, and divided.

    For that reason, in spite of the fact that the nation’s infrastructure is falling apart, the Republican congress is refusing to spend any money to improve our condition. In Colorado alone, 176 dams are on a restricted safety list (

    But in spite of all the Republican obstruction, Obama has managed to accomplish the following:


    A List of Obama Accomplishments

    So, yes, while I admittedly have a bias for this president, my assessment of him is based on cold, hard, facts. And the fact is, ironically, the Republican Party’s complete irresponsibility is all but assuring that history is going hail Obama as one of our greatest presidents, and frown upon the current Republican Party as petty, meanspirited, irresponsible, and in fact, the domestic enemy of the United States.