by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
One ever feels his twoness—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.…He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face. W.E.B. DUBOIS
Rachel permitted a well known writer, Ms. Goldie Taylor to chime in on the birther movement this week:
"Show me your papers!"
Major Blackard, then just 19 years old, dug into his trousers in search of his wallet. He patted his jacket, but could not find his billfold.
"Sir, I done left my wallet..." Blackard said. Before he could finish his sentence, the young man was posted against the brick wall, cuffed and taken to the St. Louis city jail. Unable to prove his identity, he would spend the next 21 days in a cramped, musty cell. That's where his older brother Matt found him, beaten and bloodied. Matt returned with Major's employer later that day, wallet and identification card in hand, to post bond.
The year was 1899. Major Blackard was my great, great grandfather.
Goldie Taylor
What the hell is this? Major Blackard knew the rules. St. Louis had rules and he intentionally ignored those rules!
The Republican-controlled Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a proposed constitutional amendment yesterday that would eliminate Affirmative Action in state government. The offical GOP reasoning for the change is that while “discrimination exists,” “I don’t think Affirmative Action has been as successful as we like to believe,” the bill’s sponsor, state Rep. T.W. Shannon (R), explained. But perpetual extremist state Rep. Sally Kern (R) offered her argument for ending the system that helps minorities advance: “blacks” simply don’t work as hard as whites:
Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, said minorities earn less than white people because they don’t work as hard and have less initiative.
“We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that’s tragic, but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don’t want to study as hard in school? I’ve taught school, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn’t study hard because they said the government would take care of them.”
Kern said women earn less than men because “they tend to spend more time at home with their families.”
If only African-Americans would aspire to be something in this great land of opportunity.
If only African-Americans would attempt to better themselves, to better their circumstances, to better their status.
Last week, a woman was sent to jail for ten days, placed on two years probation, and ordered to complete 80 hours of community service for a felony conviction. Her crime was fudging documents so that she could send her two daughters to the “wrong” school district, in the richer Akron, Ohio suburb where her father lived. She was led away in handcuffs.
One cannot honesty discuss this case without discussing the fact that Williams-Bolar is a black woman, raising black children in a city that has a large non-white population, living in a home secured through the local Housing Authority, while Copely is a very comfortably middle-class and overwhelmingly white town. Williams-Bolar is a mother who has been jailed for sending her kids to the “wrong” school district. But she’s also a black mother who has been jailed for sending her kids to a white school district.
Something for nothing.
That is all these minorities are looking for.
Something for nothing.
A homeless mother has been arrested for sending her child to a public school in an area where they didn’t live.
Tonya McDowell is being charged with first-degree larceny for stealing $15,686 in education funds from the Norwalk, Conn. school district, the Stamford Advocate reports.
McDowell and her 6-year-old son don’t have a permanent address, but split their time between a homeless shelter and a friend’s apartment in Bridgeport. McDowell, however, used her son’s babysitter’s address to falsely register him for a Norwalk elementary school.
McDowell’s arrest is a startlingly severe punishment for her crime. Most families caught sending children to schools in areas where they don’t live are allowed to pull the students from the school without consequence.
The babysitter, Ana Rebecca Marques, is also being punished. She has been evicted from public housing for her role in helping McDowell get her son into the school.
Pretty soon they are going to let any Tom, Dick or Barack go to school for chrissakes!
The ultimate existential question confronts all of us:
Sally Kern said, "I've taught school...".
You can pretty much stop right there.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 04/29/2011 - 6:01pm
I know, that would have been a fine course of study!
I expect this shite from Oklahoma; but Connecticut?
by Richard Day on Fri, 04/29/2011 - 6:58pm
Reublicans continue to provide clear reasons why Democrats win by default at the polls. Blacks are not going to vote for a party that has racists within their ranks. GOP leadership generall stands mute when these racist eruptions occur. GOP Leadership only responds when the situation has deteriorated to the point of party embarrassment.
When Phil Donahue was kicked off the air for criticizing the war in Iraq, his replacement was Michael Savage, a wingnut racist. When Savage's show crashed and burned MSNBC execs were surprised. Rush Limbaugh was given an analyst job at ESPN. Everyone knew that at some point, Rush was going to make a race-baiting statement. When it happened, ESPN pretended that they were surprised. Now we have the Donald on NBC. We will see how NBC executives deal with this episode.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 04/29/2011 - 10:25pm
But there has to be media coverage because there are incidents like these school district cases that are given a couple paragraphs in the back of the magazine.
Throwing a woman in prison for living in a van and attempting to help her child. Damn!
by Richard Day on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 12:48am
I think most news producers still have no close contacts in the Black community to create empathy for people in dire circumstances. The executive hierarch y craetes the model for those on the lower rung. News executives learn by following the lead of their bosses. What is important to the boss is what gets covered.
Health care can be covered as an interesting debate for well-heeled news execeutives. For those whho still have jobs and actually deliver srvices or manufacture products in the US, the health care debate is a matter of survival. What does the health care plan mean for my personal income? What will the Ryan plan cost me? News covers the inside baseball Washington DC aspects, not the specifics.
The other thing that I note is that the distardly are given equal status ith the rational. Yesterday Bill Mahrer had Mark McKinnon as a guest. McKinon is a former GW Bush speech writer who appears rational. Andrew Breitbart was also on the panel. Breitbart is a flame-thrower and a liar. The third panelist, Laura Flanders, a Progressive who wrote "At the Tea Party" a cticique of the wingnuts, started out by pointinting out past transgressions by Brietbart. Maher stopped her saying in essence that it wasn't the proper time for such a discussion. Breitbart gets treated as an honred guest on the show. If you can't call out Breitbart on Mahrer's show, where else will it happen with Breitbart in the room?
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 5:12pm
Yeah Bwak just sent me the link to Mahr's show. She calls Andrew brightbutt. hahahah
He is getting so much airtime lately. I know life is unfair, but Jesus there are so many other folks who could contribute so much more to a discussion!
by Richard Day on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 5:42pm
What concerns me is that there are so many organizations on the right that have plans and strategies. We can see through the governors actions that there is a strategic effort to pick apart our democracy bit by bit. We have no such long term organizations on the left planning a strategic way to take over or respond...
The racism and recent talk of eugenics are vile. I read yesterday that someone in the Mississippi legislature was offering legislation that wanted to pay to have poor women sterilized and pay wealthy people to have more children. What is that? It is as if all of the lying and outrageous behavior from Fox has made it acceptable for people to behave in ways that would have been previously unthinkable.
Right now it feels like most of what we are doing in response is being stunned, shocked, and appalled. I hope we can respond with appropriate actions before it goes too much farther.
by synchronicity on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 12:14pm
Well I know one thing Sync, it costs more to bribe rich folks than poor folks. hahaha
by Richard Day on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 2:05pm
Exactly. Well put Dickster.
by Barth on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 2:56pm
Thank you Barth!
Can you imagine these poor Black women attempting to fight poverty, fight the elements, homeless and doing their best to advance the lot of their children?
by Richard Day on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 3:43pm