The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



                                                                 GLENN BECK IN COSTUME

    The damage extended beyond Mr. Bush's presidency. The attacks on Mr. Bush poisoned America's political discourse. Saying the commander-in-chief intentionally lied America into war is about the most serious accusation that can be leveled at a president. The charge was false -- and it opened the way for politicians in both parties to move the debate from differences over issues into ad hominem attacks.(Karl Rove)

    What has this got to do with gold?

    I am not going to waste time on the big lie of WMD's right now because my head will explode and the clean up costs to the managers of my subsidized housing niche would be astronomical.

    This is a statement by Karl Rove, attacking people for making ad hominem attacks. Can you imagine?

    Talk about conflicts of interest.  Karl could make sixteen ad hominem attacks in a five minute speech and still have time left to thank the audience and check with his body guards to see which door was safest to use as an exit.

    Anyway the focus of this essay surrounds the lust of the conservative investor, the guy who is most screwed by our economic system attempting to live on either a fixed income per his small pension and/or social security earnings; or the conservative gal who is making 29 thou a year and carrying 15 grand on a credit card. Both insist upon voting against their own economic interest thinking that the liberals on welfare are the guiding force in their miserable lives.

    ABC did a little bit of research on the issue of charlatans selling these people gold over the airwaves.  And ABC spent almost 9 minutes reporting their findings. Nine minutes out of a 22 net minute news slot.

    This takes me back to the day when Cronkite would spend half of his time slot reporting the latest developments of the Vietnam War.

    The ABC spot was entitled: An Unholy Alliance.

    The piece dealt with our old friend Glenn Beck advertising a company called Goldline.

    The Official Goldline blogsite is here:

    I do not believe I have ever seen Keith O, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews or anyone on MSNBC hawking ANYTHING except MSNBC.

    I have never seen Wolf Blitzer or anyone from CNN, CBS, NBC OR ABC selling anything either.

    Can you imagine Wolf selling Viagra?

    I will never forget Bob Dole selling penis medicine shortly after the 96 elections. It was sooooooooooo unseemly.

    But Beck will do these long tirades against our government and our economy. Conservative politics have always had a love for the old 'gold standard' which never really existed.

    Then he will go on and on about how you cannot trust anything in this economy except gold. What he has against collecting silver or Hummels is beyond me, but that is another subject altogether.

    Oh and while we are on this subject, check out Ducky's link here:

    This link presents an hour presentation by Elizabeth Warren concerning the middle class in this economy.

    So Beck spends his hour, day after day, week after week, telling all of his conservative middle class viewers that the sky is falling and only a gold roof will protect you from the fall out.

    Then he goes ahead and presents a commercial with him as the announcer telling you to purchase gold from Goldline.

    "Oh give Goldline a call. There will be no pressure from any salesman on you to purchase anything.....:

    Then these fools get on the phone thinking that they can buy bullion at the normal price and instead are referred to the Swiss Coin Division and sold coins that have a market value 50% less than their cost.

    And, the fools somehow feel they are helping themselves and helping America and hurting liberals all at the same time!!!

    So in the ABC presentation these people are complaining that they were short changed by Goldline. This old guy takes his pension/social Security monies and loses $2500 on the coins after making a $5,000 investment. But this poor lady is laid off from her job and loses three times that amount.

    I wanted bullion and they talked me into these here coins.....

    Imagine that it's 1963 and Chet Huntley does some piece on Nuclear Fallout and tells us all we are on the Eve of Destruction.

    Then Chet plays some of those old army clips demonstrating atomic tests and maybe even clips of the mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Then we see kids hiding under their desks.

    Seashell sent me this link. I especially like Bert the Turtle  but I will go into all of this at a later date.

    Then Huntley/Brinkley goes to commercial and there is Chet selling ACME Fallout Shelters.


    Now this is how beckerhead sidesteps all of this.  Lonesome_Roads  Beck

    would tell us that he is but an entertainer. He does not 'present' news.

    There are magicians on the street who will announce prior to their demonstrations that everything you are about to see is a lie. There is no magic. And then they go ahead and just make you believe in magic.

    Now, if I understood the ABC report and others that I have read on this subject, DA's in California are investigating this. One of my favorite Congressmen is calling for congressional investigations into Goldline.

    Of course Goldline should be prosecuted, all of its property confiscated and its principals prosecuted.

    But the same thing should happen to beckerhead.  Oh, I am but the messenger. Bullshit!!!

    Confiscate all of beckerhead's properties including his fifty million dollar homestead and prosecute him for theft...plain and simple. He made and still makes statements that he knows are false when he makes those statements and he does so for financial remuneration.

    So I spent all this time going after Lonesome Roads? Nah...that is too easy.

    Take a closer look at the ABC report as well as Goldline's own website.

    There you will find Huckleberry selling its fraudulent wares.

    There you will find Monica Crowley and Laura Ingraham.

    There you will also find Fred Thompson. 

    Oh and we should not forget good old Huckster Hayworth selling phony books.

    Funny how these conservative bastards conspire together to steal everything you have with a smile and a handshake. Kind of like their campaigns.

    There used to be a line between pundits and journalists as well as a line between pundits and politicians.  It is all gone.

    Republicans wish everybody ELSE to be responsible for their actions.

    Just do not call them to task.