The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Masked Israeli Commandos to seize humanitarian floating peace mission

    I am making this a blog entry in its own right because I do not want this event to be buried as some side note.AP is reporting Israel's response to this humanitarian floating peace mission will be military.'Israeli commandos to...

    Update: Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza sets sail. Follow the flotilla

    For those interested in where the ships forming the "Freedom Flotilla"are coming from, cargo loaded, and human right activists and supporters onboard, the following link offers some insight. there in an interactive map which shows the location of...
    Richard Day's picture

    IF I DID IT, by Dick Cheney

                                            ONE OF THE GUYS WHO DID ITI came across a manuscript of incredible importance. At last we might know the truth. Curiously, there was some legal document enclosed in the manuscript.                                                AFFIDAVIT   STATE OF CONFUSION)                                          ...

    Houston, we have a solution: Gulf disaster demands NASA know-how

    With the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico washing up on the White House lawn and no reason to believe BP's latest scheme to plug the leak with mud will alleviate the mounting economic and environmental toll, it's past time...
    Richard Day's picture

    Anchor Babies

                     You know, I have discovered that there are not that many people alive who have taken the time to see West Side Story.  I really am old. Vaughn Ward proves as much and reminds me of an old...

    Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza sets sail. Follow the flotilla

    Gaza aid flotilla to set sail for confrontation with Israel. A floating humanitarian aid mission has commenced. Carrying construction materials, medical equipment, water purification equipment, school supplies etc., 4 cargo ships and  4 passenger ships have set sail from Ireland,...
    oleeb's picture

    Our Choice: Kill The Future Of The World Or Preserve It

      Climate change threatens the very existence of the human civilization it has taken 5,000 years for us and our ancestors to build.  We have already gone beyond the point where any "easy" fixes are out of the question. ...
    we are stardust's picture

    Dear Diary........May 30, 2032

    Dear Diary,   This will be my last entry, and I don't know if anyone will ever read it; but I feel the need to chronicle what passes for life these days.  My last entry was over three years ago, I...
    Barth's picture

    Dumb and Dumber

    More important than Rachel's illustration of just exactly the "libertarian" or anti-government meme goes was her explanation the next night of how this nonsense has been used to defeat progressive initiatives since well before most of us were around. She...
    we are stardust's picture

    Alan Grayson's 'The War is Making You Poor Act' or: How great is this?

       Grayson is giving us a chance to have a little fun while we oppose funding of the wars In Iraq and Afghanistan; this was a real shot in the arm for me this morning.  Another war-funding bill will...
    Richard Day's picture


                             SATAN   I yam what I yam                            God (Genesis)   I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam.                          Popeye (Cartoon Network)   We are all just poor players who strut and...
    Ramona's picture

    The Battle for Public Schools - Kids? What kids?

    These days we're looking, talking and acting more and more like some comic's version of a third world country, but so far we've kept the mercenaries at bay when it comes to our most sacrosanct obligation--basic education for all. The Right Wing in our country have been beating their gums for eons now about the need to turn public schools over to private interests, but so far we've been able to brush them off like the nasty little gnats they are.
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    These aren't MY Democrats!

    "This bill is short of what Congress should do, but it moves in the right direction, although it moves less aggressively than I would like to see it move." Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), after caving to pressure from Wall Street...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Beating the TPM System

    Bwak and Lis were having a conversation a few days ago about the screwed up dashboards and commenting, and at that time mine was functioning just fine. (she thought smugly.)Today, I finally got the disease (or whatever it is.)My dashboard...
    we are stardust's picture

    Mental Health Break......a bird slideshow

    I just put up two bird slideshows at my Posterous site for y'all; Flickr won't let me download them to Movable Type lately, so I can't blog them here. If the photos don't boot, just click on the first or...
    we are stardust's picture

    More Blackwater/Xe Darkness ...including a secret recording of EriK* Prince

    There's been so much happening lately that it's been hard to know where to focus, and I missed all this; maybe you did too.  Pardon the cut and paste; I'm not feeling well, probably from reading all that's discussed in...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Face-Book: I Respectfully Request an Opt-Out

    I do not like or appreciate being asked every time I make a comment if I want it posted on my Face-book page.  A little history:   After much aggravation, and a few major arguments and many insults; plus having...

    In related breaking news, Chicken Little denied entry into Israel due to subversive comment '...the sky is falling...'

    Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel. Schedule to speak at Bir Zeit University, Chomsky was detained for three hours before having his passport stamped 'DENIED.'  He was given no reason and was told an explanation would be sent to the American...
    we are stardust's picture

    Being Fifteen Only Lasts a Year

      I hated being fifteen; it was when I discovered that there wasn't a single 'grown-up' (what a stupid term) in the world who wasn't a damned hypocrite, and I hated every adult I could think of...what liars they all were. ...
    Barth's picture

    Why Can't the English

    It's funny how things stick to you. A ten year old boy goes to see "My Fair Lady" and the little joke in lyrics about "Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?" or the even more obviousOh,...
    Ramona's picture

    It's Official - Goldman Sachs harbors and nurtures Creeps and Crooks. But we love the rich, so lay off.

    The financial crisis has unveiled a new set of public villains--corrupt corporate capitalists who leveraged their connections in government for their own personal profit. During the Clinton and Bush administrations, many of these schemers were worshiped as geniuses, heroes or...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Just in Case...

    Just in case y'all are running out of things to blame Obama for, I've come up with some additional ideas for you:Jupiter is missing one of its stripes. I'm pretty sure he took it.Sonny and Carly had sex. I had...
    we are stardust's picture

    Sy Hersh Tells Audience in Geneva That US Soldiers Are Engaged in Battlefield Executions in Afghanistan

    Veteran Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who broke the initial story of the My Lai massacre and the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, spoke to an audience at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Geneva the week of April 22,...
    oleeb's picture

    UN Fears "Irreversible" Damage To Natural Environment

      The greatest possible sin, IMHO, would be to allow the destruction of our environment to reach the point where humanity will have killed itself off by destroying this magnificent and bountiful planet that is mother to us all.  If...
    Richard Day's picture


                                        A demon satiating his lust in a 13th century manuscript. Straightway throughout the Libyan cities flies rumor;--the report of evil things than which nothing is swifter; it flourishes by its very activity and gains new strength by its...


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