The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


                 THE LADY SINGS THE BLUES! The feast was  proceeding along, swimmingly as the otters say. Lady Michele would be the last to speak at the feast. The Man of Steele noted to his companion the yeoman that the lady...
    wws's picture

    What Matters

    I saw, and appreciated Ripper's blog which asked who needed real time assistance. There are people who need that assistance. I might be one of them, if I did not suffer insuperable pride. So, because I still do, I direct your...I saw, and appreciated Ripper's blog which asked who needed real time assistance. There are people who need that assistance. I might be one of them, if I did not suffer insuperable pride. 
    So, because I still do, I direct your attention to my Posterous page:

    Ripper Grants: Apply Now

    I have $100 available in $25 increments to TPM Cafe Readers who are in desperate need. I won't name names. You know who you are.Email ripperm (AT) att (DOT) net with your PayPal account and a one-paragraph explanation of your...
    we are stardust's picture

    Albert the Blacksmith

      I was already having second thoughts.  I'd been sent on an errand by The Boss; well, really she was my husband's boss, but I was a handy unpaid extra, and I got pressed into service here and there. ...
    Ramona's picture

    Could we just have the Damn Tax Day without the Rollicking Tea Party?

    So when I wasn't filling out forms I was snickering at those faux-Yahoos mugging their faces off for the TV cameras, pretending that they're mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. Who are they trying to kid? They're mad as hell that Obama is president and then the other thing is that they're mad as hell that Obama is president.
    Richard Day's picture


                                                   FRANKENSTEINThere are government sponsored death panels installed due to recent health care legislation. If you do not procure health insurance you are going to jail. Every American's bill for health insurance will go up $2,000 a year...
    Joe Wood's picture


        If I support Gay Rights, am I being hateful to Marriage? If I am pro-black, am I anti-white? If I fly the Confederate flag, am I a racist? Well, to some people yes.  But I am guessing they...
    Richard Day's picture


                 Is there no man, then, who, for prayer or hire, Will wake our comrade who's so far behind? A thief might easily rob him and bind. See how he's nodding, see, now by cock's bones, As if he'd fall...
    we are stardust's picture

    European Space Agency's Herschel Telescope: Mapping the Universe's Past

    Last week Nova aired a program on the evolution of telescopes.  Galileo and on through the ages, changes bigger and better in fits and starts: refractors, reflectors mirrors growing bigger and bigger, to Hubble, and now: The Herschel Space Observatory...

    Would Lincoln's proposal have stopped the bailouts?

    I have to admit, I'm none too fond of Blanche Lincoln. But it seems as things progress she is poised at the brink of becoming somewhat of a tragic figure - though not a particularly sympathetic one.  In addition to...

    iS cALifoRnIa NeXt?

    January 13 - The coastal city of Léogâne is the epicenter of a catastrophic 7.0 earthquake in Haiti that kills more than 200,000 people and leaves more than a million others homeless.February 27 - A magnitude 8.8 earthquake centered off...
    Joe Wood's picture

    My Humble Diary Entry

    This morning, I awoke at 10 AM.  I dressed quickly, styled my hair in pigtails, and set off. Passed a bright pink tree in bloom.  Touched the petals lightly, as I would a pet dog. Arrived at thrift store #1,...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Canterbury Tales: The Great Feast

                        Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour;...
    we are stardust's picture

    Financial Reform: What a few outside economists are saying

          Conventional Beltway thinking says that 'some sort of financial reform package' will be passed fairly soon.  The bill that's already been passed in the House  apparently has some strengths that Chris Dodd's Senate bill lacks, but...
    Richard Day's picture


    e             Portrait of Chaucer from the 17th centuryLo, such it is when watch and ward do cease, And one grows negligent with flattery. But you that hold this tale a foolery, As but about a fox, a cock, a...
    we are stardust's picture

    Longest US War Ever: Afghanistan, Year 9

      Four Star GEneral Stanley McChrystal Friday night Bill Moyers hosted Andrew Bacevich to speak about the war in Afghanistan.  It's likely you've seen other interviews with Bacevich, a West Point graduate who served in the army for 23...
    stillidealistic's picture

    The Pitchfork Movement

    I'd like to try an experiment, for the sake of seeing if a group as diverse as this can come up with some consensus, because I figure if we can do it here, it should be able to be done...
    Barth's picture

    "One nation ... indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

    When Francis Bellamy wrote these words toward the end of the nineteenth century, his goal was not so much to present a loyalty oath to the nation itself, as an homage to "the republic for which [the flag] stands." What...
    Richard Day's picture


    gePresident Barack Obama:  Today, the Cold War has disappeared but thousands of those weapons have not. In a strange turn of history, the threat of global nuclear war has gone down, but the risk of a nuclear attack has...
    stillidealistic's picture

    The Loss of a Friend

    Today is the one we have been dreading for months. The one when we will lose our friend. Our companion. Our "furry" child. The one who loves us when we are our most unlovable. The one who is always there...
    we are stardust's picture

    Morpheus, Morpheus

    Painting of Morpheus,Phantasos and Iris by baron Guerin       "Mama!  Mamaaa!" he cried from the kids' dark bedroom.  I went to him; he was curled up on his knees on the top bunk bed, face streaming tears....
    Joe Wood's picture

    I am Become Myself

        "I saw myself on the central mountain of the world, the highest place, and I had a vision because I was seeing in the sacred manner of the world.  But the center of the world is everywhere." -Black...
    wws's picture

    Keel-hauled Redemption

    I am not a poet; my mother was. So, I'm cautiously taking baby steps, re: poetry. To see the photograph that illustrates what I am talking about, well or badly, please link to:   A fog-bound sloop, trapped in...
    Richard Day's picture


    ks How much do we have to pay to get out of doing all these things twice? B.Dylan Since his inauguration in January, the Republican Gov. of Virginia, Bob McDonnell, has been busy transforming the Southern commonwealth into a...
    Richard Day's picture

    Eli Eli lama sabachthani?

    s Job 19   1: Then Job answered and said, 2: How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words? 3: These ten times have ye reproached me: ye are not ashamed that ye make...


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