The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    Fear and Loathing - The New American Vision

    The rabid crazies are being fed their favorite dish--publicity--and, gluttons that they are, they're eating it up and going after more. They understand how it works--in order to get more they have to give more, which means that each time they're out there in front of the cameras they have to step up the action. More hate! More fear! Louder! Louder!
    Richard Day's picture


    links How come every time I hear a reference to Netanyahu I immediately think Gesundheit?  By the by, Julian Jaynes believes that one of the Greek words for 'soul' was phrenes. Phrenes referred to the lungs. When someone breathed out...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                         EXCALIBUR Ripper McCord noted in Missy's blog today: I'm so happy. I feel like I can see the stars and stripes by the dawn's early light, fluttering still in a billowing breeze.My soul is...
    Barth's picture

    What we Stand For: The Life's Work of Edward Moore Kennedy

    His brother inspired many of us into lives of public service, but he was brutally taken from us before he could lead us in those endeavors. President Kennedy's two brothers did what they could, but only one survived the...
    we are stardust's picture

    What Else Could This Wasted Six Billion Dollars Have Funded?

    T. Christian Miller, Mark Hosenball, and Ron Moreau have a piece in Newsweek called The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.  Their piece explores reports that the six billion dollars that the US has spent since 2002 to train Afghan Security...
    Ramona's picture

    Wolf Blitzer says Michael Moore is Alone out there. Oh Boy!

    Wolf Blitzer just told Michael Moore he's pretty much alone out there when it comes to universal health care.  Moore said something like, "I don't think so, there are millions of people out there who are fighting for the same...
    Richard Day's picture


                                            WHAT, ME WORRY?Principle. That is what it is all about; principle.   That ultra liberal pundit George Will stated in 2005 that: GM says health expenditures -- $1,525 per car produced; there is more health care than steel...
    Barth's picture

    A Long Hard Road

    There is so much at stake this weekend and, surely, this will go into next week with Passover looming at the end as, perhaps, a real deadline. Be prepared, my friends: We will see the worst of our politics in...
    mageduley's picture

    Support plummeting death reform

    The best comedy has the truth at its heart. I think this Mark Fiore animation pretty much sums up the Republican position....
    Barth's picture

    What We Stand For: Guest Blogger The President of the United States

    This has been an historic week, and, of course, the history has not been made quite yet. A guy who likes to pontificate in this forum and wants to be part of this history, but needs also to do what...
    Richard Day's picture


          s                 Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, "Beggar Boys Eating Grapes and                                       Watermelon", (Alte Pinakothek).         has come upon a rather interesting story through its normal channels; that is by covering conservative blogs. Evidently a conservative blogger...
    oleeb's picture

    High Fives On Reducing Government Healthcare Cost: No Mention Of Reducing Government Costs For War

    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."Eisenhower---Address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors,...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Why I Need This Bill

    I am 32.  I have three small children.  Two years ago, I made $15 dollars an hour; the most I have ever made since I began working as a metal-shop worker 15 years ago.  Two years ago, I had health...
    we are stardust's picture

    Our Rowan-the-Manatee Could Use Our Help

    I just got the official Okey-Dokey from Rowan to post this blog; she's been too unwell to even imagine that she could spend enough time at her computer to read any posts it might elicit, but now feels more...

    There is a season, turn, turn, turn...

    ...and a time to everything under heaven.-Ecclesiastes 3:1 or The Byrds, take your pickIt's time to stop stamping our feet over the Public Option and other noble health care reforms we wish were in the legislation that Congress will soon...
    Barth's picture

    What We Stand For: Guest Blogger Lyndon B Johnson

    This is the week it will happen. It is not a final step, anymore than social security was, or medicaid and medicare, but it is a big step. A huge step. It is impossible to post every day and do...
    Richard Day's picture


    Herodotus Ostensible bust of Herodotus History is supposedly something you study in school. For me, news is a report of some event or some writing or some speech that just happened.  Recently. Because news refers to something new. History...
    oleeb's picture

    A Few Questions About The Health Insurance Bill

    1.     Does it provide for universal healthcare for every United States citizen?   No.  Ten million or more Americans will remain completely outside of our healthcare system once this bill becomes law.   2.     Is there a plan to cover...
    we are stardust's picture

    Hey, Horse; Cut That Out!

      After living four brief months in Truchas, New Mexico, and being involved in a few scuffles involving being held at gunpoint, my husband and I decided to high-tail it back to Colorado where we'd stand a better chance of...
    Barth's picture

    What We Stand For: Guest Blogger John F. Kennedy

    What if, in what could be the most important week for the United States Congress since the mid 1960s enactment of medicaid, and the Civil and Voting Rights Acts, a major network evening news program led its broadcast with the...
    Ramona's picture

    Integrity, you out there? Is Honesty with you? Gonna be Gone Long?

    Today I watched a video clip showing some of Dick Armey's fine, upstanding Tea Partiers harassing a man sitting on the ground. The man has Parkinson's Disease, but is out there working hard for health care for everybody. They had to bend down to get in his face. One of the white-shirts threw dollar bills at him. Someone in the background shouted "Communist!" He sat quietly throughout it all, not because he knows his place, but because he knows he's right.
    Richard Day's picture


       s My poor father was a drunk and a no count and died at a young age; loved to scream at the top of his lungs before he retired for the night (read 'passed out') that he was born...
    we are stardust's picture

    For mcrose68; A heartfelt Apology

    I hope you see this, mcrose.  I was checking out a comment on Rutabaga's Pot-sniffing blog, and saw a comment from you that I'd missed.  I am deeply sorry for the comment I made that caused you pain; it was inexcusable. ...
    Richard Day's picture


    ks                         JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERThe economic outlook is rosy, at least for people at the top of the ladder.The number of U.S. millionaires rose 16 percent in 2009, according to a new report by Chicago-based research firm Spectrum Group. Some...


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