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    Is a Blog really a Blog if you're talking to yourself?

    Thanks so much for commenting on my first blog piece.  I'll try and get back here more often!  I've been busy with my blog, but I'm really terrible at promoting.  My grandson put this piece on Fark and from there it went to Project for an Old American Century and I got a couple hundred hits! (But only a couple of comments)

     My problem is that I love the writing part but I'm really bad at the promoting part.  I can't say I'm really shy--I'm putting myself out there when I'm writing--but promoting feels like being a door-to-door salesman.  You know when you knock on some of those doors that you're wasting your time.  No matter how much you love what you're selling, there are going to be plenty of people who just aren't buying.  Nobody is rude enough to slam the door in your face--at least not so far--they just aren't interested. 

    I go onto forums sometimes, but (here's how bad I am at this) I either forget where I've been or I can't find my way back.  The truth is, I don't want to have to go to forums to get the word out about my blog.  It seems like spamming--and on many forums it is. 

    What happened to "If you write it, they will come"?  Oh, wait--that was something else entirely.

    How does everyone else do it?  I'm open for suggestions.   Thanks.


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