by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The tyrant gave his "dire" warning to the Congress today that if they don't pass the finance industry's burglary of the treasury the sky will fall. But one of the more important motives of the tyrant at 1600 Penn. Ave. has goes back to Grover Norquist and his objective of bankrupting the government as a means of destroying all the social programs and other successful government efforts that grew out of the New Deal and Great Society. By adding an other totaly unjustifed trillion to the national debt, Bush achieves the objective of tying Obama's hands on demostic policy even if he wins two terms! It is the equivalent of the fait accomplis Bush has structured with Iraq. He's done all he could to make American withdrawa in Iraq impossible regardless of who succeeds him. The real purpose of Bush's tax cuts for the rich you may recall wasn't to simply give money to them. It was to drive the deficit so high Congress would have no choice but to get rid of everything except defense and social security and maybe not even social security.
The great heist of taxpayer money now being engineered by the tyrant and his man Paulson is simply frosting on the cake for bringing the federal government to it's knees for a generation or more ad thus preventing Obama or any other successor from implementing national heath care and a host of other urgently needed domestic intitiatives. That the Democrats and even Obama are falling for this obviously bullshit is horrifying. Any and all politicians, regardless of party, who vote for this will have no plausible excuse for doing so in the future as it becomes increasingly apparent over time just how illegitimate and unnecessary this thievery is. Why are the DC Dems so blind? Why are they so stupid?
Why the Democrats would go along with tying the hands of Obama in advance of his election is beyond my comprehension. It's just so politically stupid and cowardly that it makes my head hurt thinking about it. Is there anything these idiotic DC Dems won't do if the tyrant says: "Boo!"?
You're a fool, and you're the kind of fool that is doing great damage to Democrats and the progressive agenda.
I'm watching the debate. All the Democrats I most trust - Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi etc. - are behind this thing. The opponents are a bunch of Republican ideologues, who are obviously convinced that the buy-in plan is going to work and that it's success will put the final nails in the coffin of the Reagan Revolution. They would rather crash the credit markets and the economy, and see massive job loss, small business failures, foreclosures and blighted college dreams, than see the federal government step in to save the economy. They are terrified that this buy-in plan will forever put the lie to the idea that the private economy is self-regulating and self-sustaining.
What will really tie Obama's hands in the next administration is if the radical Republicans get their way, and they allow the financial system to freeze up and dramatically contract economic activity out of fanatical ideological devotion to Reaganism. If economic activity collapses, there won't be any money around for anything. I find it incredible that so many Democrats have allowed themselves to be suckered in to make common cause with Reagan Republicans on this issue.
The Democrats in Congress have stepped up, and shown great statesmanship and political courage. They have had to show courage because they will have to deal with fools like you in the political arena and at the polling places in November. But I'm damn proud of my party. I'm proud of Frank, Dodd and Pelosi. And I'm tired of you pseudo-progressive, economically illiterate populist nitwits running around with your pitch forks, running down responsible leaders and undermining the progressive future.
This plan is going to work, and restore confidence and boost markets, and those who showed the courage needed to resist the rabble-rousing blather of people like you will have the honor of having helped save our economy from a profoundly deep downturn. Democrats can then make these points, which we should all begin making now:
1. Unlike the do-nothing radical Republicans in the House, responsible Democratic leaders acted promptly to pass a bailout plan that saved the country from a very deep recession and possible depression.
2. They did not simply accept the Bush/Paulson plan that was brought to them, but used their legislative muscle to insert protections for homeowners, executive salary provisions, equity purchase provisions and back-end protections that gave the country a much better plan. And they did this fairly quickly.
3. John McCain almost wrecked the passage of the plan, and almost sabotaged global confidence in the ability of the US government to act promptly in a financial crisis, by engaging in a reckless display of political grandstanding, and by interceding with House Republicans after an agreement was nearly in place last Thursday to stall the plan in the nation's hour of need, and hold it hostage to electoral politics. In the debate he was still preaching the dead-end doctrines of radical Reaganism.
4. Republicans in the House are extremist ideologues, who care more about their fealty to their dead god Ronald Reagan than they care about their obligations to the American people.
by Dan K (not verified) on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 3:12pm
You trust Nancy Pelosi and you call ME a fool? That's a good one pal! Keep em coming!
What discredits the left is fools who follow the lead of corporate Democrats. The more influence they have wielded, the worse things have been for the average American, not to mention for the republic itself. What happened today was a marvelous demonstration (granted for many poor reasons)of the system responding to the will of the people and the will of the people is resoundingly in opposition to this outrageous theft of taxpayer money for the benefit of the criminals and con men who created this mess.
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 9:10pm