by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
When JFK was killed, the papers came to Malcolm X to hear how sorry he was. "Chickens coming home to roost", was his famous reply.
When the FBI building in Oklahoma City was blown up, I tried feeling the sympathy, but I had trouble getting past the fire at Waco, the bulldozers, the burned up children, the smug attitude of the attackers that the people inside all had this horrific end coming. For doing what, exactly? For being religious nutjobs? We were founded by religious nutjobs. For hanging out on their ranch with guns? Well, isn't that why nutjobs buy their own ranches? Hell, I remember hanging off a cab on private land, gun blazing at night, shooting up shit for no reason - no impending apocalypse in my head - lotsa fun... at least I didn't shoot anyone in the face except maybe a rabbit by sheer misfortune.
Ever since 9/11 Americans have been running scared. It wasn't Republicans who pushed the Iraq invasion on us. It was Americans - Bush had something like 85% support. Anyone who paid attention knew the evidence was hyped - that's of course why no one went back and tried to press charges - we needed a daddy, and daddy we got. Strip searches, eavesdropped communications, war escalations, an end to diplomacy.
I remember seeing that Iraqi civilians had panicked over a bomb on a bridge, 200 died, most by drowning and stampeding. The story didn't make US papers. We were too busy writing about how the surge was working or some such tripe. Even "liberals" on TV invariably follow the "well I support our troops but I..." mode. Then there was that market where the bombs went off, but John McCain showed up in Kevlar with helicopters overhead, and that showed all was safe again, business as usual.
So Democrats controlled the House and Senate by 2006, and did they investigate wiretaps, torture, the run-up to the war? Did they try to close Gitmo, de-fund Iraq, pull us out of Afghanistan, stop the indiscriminate predator strikes on civilians in Pakistan? Nothing doing. Renditions still continue, there are still black sites, we've even got a new little war in Yemen, and even had some young guy tortured in Kuwait for daring to take Arabic classes in Yemen. We pretend we're not officially involved, nudge nudge, wink wink. Just Yemenis taking care of their own business. Iraq back tip-top shape, a model for Democracy. The surge worked, the troop drawdown worked, no combat troops left in Iraq, look forwards not backwards. A house built on lies and covered-up deceit. Brits and Canucks that the UK reimbursed millions for us torturing them (oh, okay, having them tortured...)??? States secrets, can't say nothing.
Every day we allow tasering, tasering to shut people up, to make them act "civilized", so they don't disrupt people, events, order, our peace within. Well maybe like Howard Beal they're mad as hell and won't take it anymore? Doesn't matter, a few thousand volts and they'll take it. Over. and Over. and Over. Whether a homeless kid asking the police for help. Or a medical case who's having an epileptic fit but happens to be black. Or a granny who thinks she's in her right baseball seat and has the ticket to show it. Or a guy who's drunk too much and sitting still on a metro platform. All waiting to be re-educated in cooperation through mass voltage. The new American Way - "he deserved it - what did he think he was doing, exercising his right to free speech, to non-immediate subservience when confronted by the Law, which must be tackling terror at all times in this post-9/11 age."
And then that Turkish-American kid on the boat in the Mediterranean, gunned down by Israeli thugs boarding their peace boat, shot at point blank range. What was the Administration's response? "Israel has the right to defense its own borders". Which means of course Gaza as well, whatever the inhumane conditions that results in. Case closed, Americans dying are no big thing compared to international relations.
It was in 2009, someone shot an abortion doctor at church, shortly after his clinic closed. Instead of a message from on-high, "This Shall Not Stand", we accepted it meekly. One of a handful of late-term abortion clinics in the US. Legal, but a target for domestic terrorists. Amid all the hoopla, no one seemed to think that letting terrorism win was a bad idea. So it won.
I remember Hillary's comment about RFK's '68 campaign going to June, and how the liberal blogosphere went crazy - she was inviting assassination, by goshen, time to shut her down. And since I remembered a time when primaries lasted long, when they were still going on into summer vacation, and yes I remembered this one still rather vividly, I shook my head - are people so subject to suggestion that simply noting someone was killed when would bring on copycat crimes? (Benadzir Bhutto, the female head of Pakistan, was also killed during that campaign - not 40 years earlier, but just a few months before - and indeed I did have concern that someone might be inspired by gender parallels)
Of course I remember when Manson was somehow inspired by the White Album and Magical Mystery Tour - there's a fog upon LA, baby you're a rich man, helter skelter, sexy sadie - every lyric somehow fit into a coming global race war context and the need to go kill Beverly Hills types. The open carry guys of the Tea Party seemed to fit a similar kind of paranoia - not a "retreat to your cabin" mentality like the guy the FBI shot in Idaho or Koresh's group, but a walk out in public and let your neuroses hang out - revolution is coming, man, better get with it.
But to put things in perspective, 15,249 Americans were murdered in 2009. Which surprisingly is the lowest since 1969. But it's still over 4 people a day. Sure, some are the normal street mugging, home violence types, others are the going postal, Virginia Tech teachers-and-classmates portfolio. Each time it's time to grieve, no time to ask tough questions, no time to suggest remedies. (James Brady seemed to be the last acceptable time to ask for remedies - I guess it helps to be close to a President to have your case treated seriously).
And I look on the positive side - US arms exports are predicted to jump from $38 billion or so to $50 billion this year - a major bonanza for balance of trade, no? Of course all those new customers will be careful that they check their guns on the way into the saloon - it's a wild wild west out there.
And our biggest enemy right now isn't anyone with a gun - it's some American cleric in Yemen who hasn't been charged who says Americans should die for their hypocrisy. It's an uppity Aussie who leaks documents showing US and other countries' hypocrisy, behind-the-scenes meddling, atrocities. A few years ago it was MoveOn who had the audacity to call a US General "Betray-us" in a sophomoric ad, something that had Congress in such a tizzy that it did something it doesn't usually do - act quickly, firmly, solidly, to condemn that un-American expression of private free speech. Republicans, Democrats - they all lined up to show what good patriots they are, supporting the troops.
I can't figure out if I just have no feelings, but somehow I have trouble being irate. I feel for the judge, know he'd been threatened for a while, seemed like he tried to be fair in a land of outrage. But after the last 16 years of candidates getting steadily more jingoistic, less inspiring, "amendment against flag burning" and other God Save the Queen rot, with a background of heavier and heavier military deployments and spending, useless and invasive security procedures to cover up (or as a ploy behind) a rather Keystone Kops security approach, where a "pizza conspiracy" is one week's threat, some wannabe tricked into talking about making a bomb the next, some mis-detonated device in Times Square following, like a queue in front of amateur night at the comedy club. Seems like every week there's some American pulling something all loony-tunes, and yet we're only classifying foreign Muslims as terrorists, even if they just look at you sideways.
So I remember a more naïve time, when I thought things were always going to improve, get better. I'm sitting there having a drink. In waddles a duck. I said, "Hey, whatcha doing here, you stupid duck?" And he looks at me and sez, "I've come home to roost". Surprised, I told him "That's supposed to be chickens." And he looks at me all wise-ass and says, "Chickens, ducks, don't matter - don't count none of us boids before we hatch."
Maybe it'll be another duck soup, or maybe we'll actually learn something from this one.
We have, to the superficial analysis, remained remarkably free of the chaos we have exported to our clients abroad and imposed upon our domestic underclass at home.
I am selfish enough to hope that the (facade) of calm continues (we do not, after all, have multiple car bombs per day, a la Baghdad and the Times Square try fizzled.)
That said, luck always runs out sooner or later--that's why they call it luck...
by jollyroger on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 7:23pm
Can't say I didn't think Hillary was aiming toward that thought, or was pretty clueless about the direction our thoughts might have gone with that sentence. But, bygones.
I'll say that I wasn't so sad last night--I was enraged, thinking about how teevee gives such good disaster, with endless interviews of family and best friends of the victims, and local news digging for 'the Denver', the'Albuqueque', whatever, 'connection'.
And then the endless blaming and panels and wise words and phony and empty sentiments, and all the endless hope that this time we'll have a national conversation about vitriol in politics, and for the life of me, I can't see it.
This state was all-Columbine far past the sell-by date for the rest of the nation, of course. Endless discussions of how to ensure something like that would never happen again. Klebold and Harris's parents were hung out to dry (the 'they must have/should have known' theory), there was all this great resolve by schools to help the nerd/goth/loner kids; students even gave testimonials about how to help.
Turned out no real anti-bullying programs were enacted, and at least in this corner of the state, 'odd' kids were targeted, interviewed, psychologized, computers seized...just ensuring another crop of pissed-off young adults mistrusting any sort of authority. And there were the inevitable additional school shootings, though less people shot, and the wheels of the bus went round and round...
And metal detectors in the schools, and first-graders get expelled for having daddy's mini-pocketknife in their Bugs Bunny lunch pails. Brilliant. Zero tolerance. Except for killing those we deem worthy of killing afar.
I was however brought to despair by the report of the fourth homeless Native American man to die of exposure in a park in Cortez; he was found buried in snow, high levels of alcohol in him. A good guy, interesting and smart by all reports, but found alone and dead. And that's obscene, as Lenny Bruce would have said.
The combination of anguish and anger sucked, and I was glad for the animal dreams Morpheus brought me in the night. Thanks, dude.
by we are stardust on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 7:23pm
12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus?
Yes, we're continuously running around putting ineffective band-aids on last month's scratches, and meanwhile people popping off all around us.
But at a basic level, liberals have given up the debate - they're never prepared on a national TV program, can't even respond to basic statistical lies. And constantly surrender in show votes that leave them more and more unable to play hard ball without looking hypocritical.
by Decader on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 7:29pm
can't even respond to basic statistical lies
Word! And in the day of Google and smart phones. You can (literally) pull your rebuttal out of your ass (well, your back pocket, anyway) and yet over and over, bullshit rules.
by jollyroger on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 7:31pm
Yup; animal dreams and invented birrrrds. Prepared? When Axelrod is your chief spokesperson? Or cowering Dems who look for cover, and don't know what's going on in the world ouside of D.C.? Always in a defensive crouch, save for a few House Dems.
The band-aids are like New Rules for Air Travel: stupid, over-the-top, then rescinded down the road. Except for liquids. My, my. Let's make chicken soup. Chicken soap.
by we are stardust on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 7:56pm
Oops; sorry to derail a little intellectual dialogue here, fellers.
Oh---that's right! I won't!
by we are stardust on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 7:58pm
I remember saving just a tiny bit of water for dryness before plane boarding, knowing it was under limits for liquids.
But no, the *BOTTLE* containing it was a whole half liter, so even with 3 oz. of water had to go. Somehow that extra 400 ml of plastic bottle space is a threat.
On those dull metal forks with plastic handles for baby? Fuhgiddaboutit.
One day if I feel daring I'll smuggle an empty half-liter bottle onto a plane. Just to show I can. Freedom!!!
(Actually I think I took an empty bottle with me, which I used to fill up in the bathroom. So I could take a 3 oz container of listerine, then dump it in my empty pint bottle, and voila! I'm dangerous! It's so easy. When I was a kid, I had to try hard to get into trouble.)
by Decader on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 8:14pm
THE RAPTURE WILL TAKE PLACE ON MAY 21, 2011, and that God will destroy this world on October 21, 2011. It was in tonight's paper, AP reporting. On the Faith Page. Forget containers; forget home foreclosures; forget your massive credit card debt! Enjoy food, enjoy sleep, enjoy tittilating music videos, and above all: DANCE!!!
by we are stardust on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 9:38pm
Can I have your stuff on May 22nd?
by Donal on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 9:50pm
My car bumper sticker says: Come the Rapture, Can I Have Your Car? Man; it pisses people off. People wait by my car in parking lots for me...ewwwww....
by we are stardust on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 9:58pm
I thought Donal was doing an Amazon: "If you order now, you can have your stuff by xxx".
I'll take 3 Shakiras and a Jolly Roger aqueduct party. Call me in the morning.
And I'm confused, does this blow off our Mayan convergence for 2012? Too many end-of-the-world parties, not enough worlds.
by Desiferous (not verified) on Mon, 01/10/2011 - 1:37am
I often confuse Donal's comments with spam myself. And yes; these folks have turned to the Bible itself, they say, to calculate the dates. The Oct. 21 end of the world seems to indicate that the Tribulations will be mercifully short. Don't order Stuff from Amazon any later than Oct. 3, or upgrade to Overnight Express. We CAN know.
by we are stardust on Mon, 01/10/2011 - 6:43am
Maybe we'll actually learn something from this one, or not. There's a profound American dysfunction rampant at present which you chronicle quite well here. Psychotropic substances in the water supply might not be such a bad thing for a patient with this diagnosis. I appreciated your not including links in your writing.
by miguelitoh2o on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 10:11pm
Psychotropic substances
My family used to own a ranch near Sonora that had the hetch hetchy aquaduct running under it...I had big plans to cater a real party for San Fran, til I realized it was like, coals to newcastle...
by jollyroger on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 10:28pm
"For what it's worth"
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
Buffalo Springfield
by Resistance on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 10:37pm
I spent a lot of time this morning reading through comments about the mass murder at different leftish websites. Almost no one made any connection to the violence we constantly export and excuse, the torture we either explicitly support or passively ignore. Phenomenal. A few brave souls (possibly early on, when not much was 'known' about the shooter or motives), asked whether this man were for sure motivated politically, and were attacked rather... vitriollically. A few blamed the culture of laissez-faire banking (huh?), but mostly Palin and Beck, Was it DF who asked why violent rhetoric can't be condemned in itself, without having to have some event like this serve as an object lesson?
I did read one series of linked comments asking if violent talk does influence those with broken minds, what horrific acts might come from the mryriad soldiers returning from combat after multiple tours with broken minds, and little help from the VA system? Many are involved in crimes (no mention of what sort), one in two I'd heard, signaling major distress. The new protocols for extended help for TBI requires a soldier to have been unconscious for at least 30 minutes to qualify. Is the Left clamoring for help for them from a Democratic VA?
I have to apologize in a way, Des; my brains are scrambled over all this. You mentioned a time when you thought things were getting better; I just can't remember those times now; instead, I hear a present Big Event (changing weekly), with a background murmur of ignored catastrophes, both foreign and domestic, playing in the background.
by we are stardust on Mon, 01/10/2011 - 11:14am
I like ALexander Cockburn's comment.
Very low ball. Try 50%.
by cmaukonen on Mon, 01/10/2011 - 11:30am