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    Credit Card "Reform" By And For The Card Issuers

    Earlier this year, the same corporate/DLC Democrats who have been calling the shots on alleged healthcare reform similarly shepherded though Congress and allged credit card reform bill.  The bill was touted as finally protecting consumers from the worst practices of credit card issuers (mostly the same corrupt bank/bankers that tanked the economy to begin with).  But the careful observer during the legislative process this spring would have noted that the new "reforms" didn't kick in until 2010 giving plenty of time for the bad actors to make sure that they got every bad practice they could in under the deadline and thus, grandfathered and they also carefully crafted the bill to make sure there were vast loopholes allowing them to institute new predatory, deceptive and dishonest lending practices even under the new legislation thus protecting their ability to rape and pillage the naive consumer just as before.

    Some defenders of the new President have denied this and even proudly trumpeted "credit card reform" as one of his "accomplishments" in his first year.  They ignored the reporting of the convenient timeline and loopholes and have, liked the Obama team's people tried to focus attention on what the new bill prohibits without acknowledging that they knew all along that the industry was going to relentlessly exploit the loopholes and continue screwing millions of Americans who now sadly depend upon credit cards to keep their homes and families together.

    So, next time you hear someone touting the great achievement of "credit card reform" the Democrats "won" for us, don't buy it.  What they stopped in one form they are allowing in a plethora of others.  It's a classic fraud on the public and none of us should let any group of politicians get away with such cheap deceptions.  I think it's particularly important not to let Democrats get away with it.  This bill clearly demonstrates how corrupt our system of govenrment has become with Democrats being beholden to the same unethical corporate interests as the Republicans.  And when considering the effects of this credit card industry endorsed legislation on the public, give some thought to just how good a deal we're likely to get from the same crowd who continue to tout the corporate "healthcare reform" bill they plan to foist on the American public in the coming weeks.  Is this change at all let alone the sort of change any of us voted for last year?  I think not.

    There is an article on yahoo finance entitled: "Creative New Fees Escape CARD Act Rules, Surprise Consumers" that outlines some of these gaping loopholes. I thought others might be interested in it.  You can find it at:


    The article references a report by the Center for Responsible Lending that goes into greater detail on the subject.  You can find the report at:




    It was decidedly a Crap Bill. But if (and that's a BIG If) Elizabeth Warren gets her way, a lot of it will improve, especially transparency.
    If I can make time, I will hunt up some citations.
    I sure hope SHE doesn't get canned...


    One eye-opener for me was the Frontline episode "The secret history of the credit card." Brrrrrr. South Dakota and Connecticut pols and rampant capitalism.

    Those headlines were designed for dim-witted right-wing Democrats like PseudoCyAnts, and if that clown had bothered to read the articles below those headlines, he might have comprehended that the "explanation" by Discover left out everything except credit-card "reform."

    Discover's profits were down 9.1% from the same quarter last year, and it must be the fault of that wonderful or awful "reform"...

    If you forget that the US economy spent most of last year in free-fall, and consumer spending crashed.

    PseudoCyAnts replies "Consumer spending has nothing to do with credit-card profits! It was those evil or lovely regulations that done them in!"

    What an idiot!

    PseudoCyAnts replies "But I didn't say nothing! I just posted some links! Yup! Yup!"

    Great post, oleeb. Here's a suggestion for the MSM, especially financial desks: Stop being megaphones for the power blocs. Poke around, find out what's going on and tell us the truth. You're going out of business because you're drowning in your own BS.

    It's expected that our political "community" would lap-dog the industry; it's rare when it does not. But one more lying PR puff piece about this or that on the front-page of a respectable paper and I'll... I'll...

    ...Keep reading TPM!

    But really PseudoCyAnts is one of the less idiotic Obamoids around, patiently running down links favorable to Obama month after month. Why? I don't know.

    So now just about the very last people who have any faith in anything about the United States have been co-opted by the miserable con-man Obama, and on the other side a few million reactionary hoodoos still hope that Republicans can bring back the good old days.

    And the rest of us aren't even players in the game... just a few tiny voices in the void between reaction and naïveté.

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