The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    File:Portrait of Noah Webster.jpg
                                                          THE WEBSTERIAN

    Sarah Palin, never a stranger to controversy, decided to weigh in on the one raging over the plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero -- that is, a mosque and community center two blocks north of where the Twin Towers used to stand. In the midst of it, she managed to insult Muslims, those who aren't but still support the mosque and lay a George W. Bush-level malapropism on the masses. She's a multitasker.

    Her Tweet, issued at 1:52 pm ET on Sunday (and pictured to the left) read:

    Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate


    I had no idea that Sarah went to Yale like George W. Bush.

    I recall the days when judgement was spelled with an extra 'e'. When I was growing up, employee had two 'e's at the end; then the extra 'e' was dropped and now it's back in again.

    But today new words are being created almost daily.

    I present a few of my own and ask that everyone jump in and give us some new vocabularizations of your own.

    With George W. Bush away from the cameras, Sarah Palin gives us all new impetus to carry on his tradition.

    EXPOLIATE:  Pretend your latest survey results do not exist so that you ask your constituency for more money with a straight face.


    ANNOUNCIATE:  To tell people the date when something will be presented on stage or in an arena, but all the while speaking very clearly.


    PROFANIATE:  To take something sweet and lilty and turn it into something profane; like beck attempting to decipher the Declaration of Independence.


    OBSCENCIATE:  To profaniate and include dirty pictures.


    OSTENCIATE:  To walk funny in expensive high heels.


    EXPOLLINATE: When one ignores surveys.


    EXHOLIATE:  To urinate on a sacred icon, like Sarah Palin.


    EPISSTOMOLOGY:  The study of urinary tracts in mammals.


    ASSENTUATE:  Do these pants make my fanny look big?


    ASSPIRATE:   This is when you need to fart and sneeze at the same time.


    ALTARICATION: A fracas in the sacristy


    RINKARNATION: Flowers that grow where you skate.


    FATRICIDE:  The needless killing of the obese.


    ENTRUNCATE:  To toss someone in the storage area of your automobile.


    EXTRUNCATE:  To remove someone from the storage area of your automobile.


    COMPFLAGRATION:  To warn of a pile of manure with a banner sticking out of it.


    FLOWRADATION:  Does piss go downhill?


    ORGANASTIC:  A really fine piece by Bach.


    CATSOGRAPHIC:  When Felines swear a lot.


    IDIOMORMIC:  Secrets only the highest in the Mormon Church Hierarchy have access to.


    EDIBLE COMPLEX:  When you are just soooooooo cute I could just eat you up. Like Meg Ryan.


    PROLIFICATION:  When you write every day and drive everyone absolutely crazy.


    PONTIFFERATION:  The spread of a communicable infection known as Roman Catholicism. Infected women become suddenly subservient to their master husbands and priests and stop ingesting their birth control pills.


    VULCANIZATION: Ponfo mirann, treh-sahk tor,


    CONFABULATIONS:  Speeches given at the Republican National Conventions.