by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
In the law we find the principle of 'standing'.
I cannot find my Black's Law Dictionary right now but Wiki will do.
In the law, if my memory serves me, the term standing relates to the issue of whether or not someone has a right to bring suit against an alleged tortfeasor.
I checked some silly on-line dictionaries and I am not impressed with the results of that search.
But outside of the legal definition (and to live outside the law we must be honest) my definition of the term 'standing' would read something like this:
When a person or group who has achieved a level of status or prestige that would grant that person or group the 'right' to challenge or defend some concept or belief or political position; that person or group has standing.
For instance:
Pat Robertson has again informed us that he has spoken with THE LORD and when the lights went out in DC recently (rather than in Georgia) God had ordained that those lights would go out. If I recall the rationalization given BY GOD had something to do with Obamacare or taxes or something else that our Black, African, Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist President did!
Now Robertson speaks with God all the time. I know because he tells me so all the time. And I know that is true because no one can squint like Reverend Robertson. I mean, really. This guy squints so hard that I am sure his adult diapers feel the consequence of all this squinting!
So, I might not agree with Roberts' take on this particular catastrophe, BUT he has standing to give his side of things, as they say.
Now, for instance, Larry, the Cable Guy, would (in my view) have no standing to even comment on this issue; I mean he does not even know how to squint properly. And I know that he never talked to GOD because I read his book and have seen him doing commercials and talking like a gator hunter on the History Channel and he does not even get subtitles. (What exactly does 'GETTERDONE' mean, anyway?)
And besides, Pat Robertson was given 90 million bucks by God because he was so goddamn good at squinting. (Not God for chrissakes, I mean Pat!)
Phil Robertson, ‘Duck Dynasty‘ patriarch said that during his youth in Louisiana, he picked cotton with blacks and never saw the “mistreatment of any black person. Not once.” He said, “We’re going across the field…. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’ — not a word!” Robertson told GQ magazine.
Now here, we have an example of a man who actually picked the cotton with the Nigras and such and witnessed first-hand the wonderful experience of watching Minorities singing in ecstasy whilst making money for rich white folks.
Robertson has standing in my estimation, to engage on this issue concerning the happy Black Folks picking cotton in the Jim Crowe South!
I mean, there he was, standing and bending over and picking that there cotton with those Black Folks in an era that had no Advil for chrissakes!
Now this recent revelation from some Jim Brown (quite a name huh? There is irony in this universe after all) seems to be irrelevant because Jim Brown never picked cotton with them Nigras and never was bonded as a slave:
In a post on his Facebook page that was—in theory, anyway—about federal spending, Jim Brown, who’s running in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, compared modern-day “entitlements” to slavery. But even more disturbing, perhaps, he denied that slavery was, first and foremost, a brutally violent institution:
Back in the day of slavery, slaves were kept in slavery by denying them education and opportunity while providing them with their basic needs .. Not by beating them and starving them. (Although there were isolated cases if course) Basically slave owners took pretty good care of their slaves and livestock and this kept business rolling along.
So I might grant Robertson some standing as far as this issue goes, but Jim Brown (the one I cited not the football great YOU IDIOTS) does not have standing, in my estimation to make his argument.
Dinesh (what the hell kind of American name is that if in fact you love America and you know the foreigners are attempting to take over our nation and...) also feels that the slaves were property and therefore their owners loved them and cared for them and honored them as if they were horses!
And Denesh of course, never picked cotton with those Black Folks and never was a slave and always hated the unwashed anyway and....that is the end of that rant.
Many English teachers preface units on Flannery O’Connor or H.P. Lovecraft with critical examinations of these authors’ racism. But every famous creative-type with an odious personal or political life also has plenty of apologists. In grad school, I once had a guy mansplain to me that T.S. Eliot wasn’t anti-Semitic, he was just “anti-usury.” So not anti-Jewish per se, just anti-an-odious-stereotype-he-casually-attributed-to-Jews. Much better...
It’s not that history lacked all evidence before. Heidegger assumed rectorship of the University of Freiburg after Adolf Hitler came to power; he joined the Nazi party and remained in it throughout the entirety of World War II. He even, Hockenos reminds us, referred to “fabrication” of gas chambers and death camps, the stuff of the modern-day Holocaust denier. But only the Black Notebooks contain actual references to “world Jewry” or “a collusion of ‘rootless’ Jews in both international capitalism and communism,” references that, Trawny insists, tie Heidegger’s anti-Semitism directly to his philosophy. Unprecedented indeed.
I read a fine essay on Slate whilst I was collecting my usual garbage on the web and the mention of Heidegger struck me raw.
Here was a NAZI who survived 35 years following his 'illustrious' career in Hitler's Germany and this fellow described the Holocaust as a 'fabrication'? I mean the bastard almost lived to see the 1980's?
And this fellow has been 'adored' by some as an 'intellectual'?
I am just going to relate my own 'history' with regard to the Holocaust and with reference to a time when I watched the black and white with three national channels and one local channel from about age 4 to age 12?
We (the good ole US of A) have our own problems and I will get to those issues later but what the NAZI's did was incredible and indefensible and inhumane and just plain old evil.
There are thousands upon thousands of books and histories and individual testimonies about what happened in the 1930's and the 1940's in Germany.
I am centering on this 'fact' or series of 'facts'.
Now others might relate issues as to the terrible and indefensible conduct of the USSR during this same period and beyond. I actually have written about the evil in the USSR and directly with regard to its conduct with regard to 'the Jews'.
But my focus right now is just on this series of events that occurred during this 15 year period in Germany.
Okay, so I am this little kid.
And on my Black & White I see this:
It is 1935 and it is ordered that all 'Jews' be labeled as such per stars installed upon their clothing!
But a few years later:
Here are Congressmen visiting one of the areas of the evil doings in Germany prior to April, 1945
My only point here is that Heidegger never spent one day in a concentration camp, Heidegger (according to him anyway) never SAW a concentration camp and this fine NAZI prick never suffered the slings and arrows of judicious fortune. SO HEIDEGGER HAD NO STANDING WITH REGARD TO THIS ISSUE!
I really wish to get into this issue of 'standing'.
Now McCain ended up on a Vietnam prison camp for several years and he has standing, as far as I am concerned on a number of issues.
I hate him, of course. We would have ended up in nuclear war decades ago if he had his way! At least that is my opinion.
He wishes to go to war all the fucking time.
He has standing to bring up the issue of war.
THE END (For now)
Double haiku:
Seems to me, "Standing"
is a matter of context
which each of us 'grant'.
"Standing" can also
be revoked at any time
for reasons we choose.
Standing is an arbitrary thing; granted to those we either admire or wish to use as an object lesson. It is denied, through both legitimate means, (failure to meet certain quantifiable standards) and by an individual's prejudices (for example: The President is black, therefore he is not legitimate.) Which has more standing as a decision making process? Unfortunately, the media often gives both processes equal treatment and therefore, equal legitimacy. It makes it harder to stand up for truth and justice when there is no clear definition of either, only the many shouted opinions of vested interests. In that situation, he who has the largest megaphone often has the most standing. Which is why the good old U. S. of A. has degenerated into a puppet show of squabbling idiots with big megaphones and little actual standing. Crushing opponents through media is the new victory. Look at the Charter School hissy fit woman who attacked Mayor DeBlasio in the last few weeks. A complete media onslaught, which fueled lots of headlines against the mayor. And for what? She runs Charter Schools and was only granted 5 new ones out of the 8 for which she applied. So she did a media buy and ran vicious ads attacking the mayor for destroying the lives of inner city children. And the local media all picked up the story, giving only the version of the story presented by the Charter School woman. The truth, in my opinion is, she wasn't thinking of the poor children, the Charter Schools are her business and she wants more money. Proof? She throws out disabled and developmentally challenged children from her Charter Schools because they bring the test score averages down. That's how she maintain the "superior educational opportunities" that are the justification for Charter Schools... by cherry picking and creating the context, not raising the level of content. It was a disgusting media attack, and to me, verification that Charter Schools and the privatizing of the Public School system is why America continues to sink into the abyss. We have sold our future to the jackals of entrepreneurship. Sorry, for the spontaneous rant...
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 7:52am
Diane Ravitch, author of "Reign of Error", talks about the scam of Charter schools in NYC. The academic achievements quoted by the woman attacking De Blasio are nonexistent even with getting rid of the "worse" students. Governor Cuomo is merely looking for Wall Street handouts for his upcoming campaign.
The media should be less accepting of success claims given the Michelle Rhee experience.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 2:43pm
Yeah, the largest megaphone.
We humans are idiots.
I, of course, look back at my life experience and what an idiot I have been.
But I was always good at taking tests!
by Richard Day on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 4:45pm
A few years ago they opened a brand spanking new charter school near here. It looks like a college campus and is quite pretty So they had to cut back bus service to public school in order to have buses for the new school. It became a pain in the butt to get the kids to the new bus stop or you had to drive them to school. This is a working poor neighborhood so the only option they had was to send the kids to the new private charter school because it had our old bus stop. Me...I would crawl through glass first.
I can hear the kids play on the porch so I will listen to them. My kids are light years now head of them in critical skills thinking and problem solving. It really shows in their playing. I also notices better social skills and general knowledge. And yet these kids are bringing home very good grades from this charter school while my kids explain the clouds to them in the sky.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 03/15/2014 - 2:22am
The only standing that I can add to this is my amaryllises. There are hundreds of them standing in front of my trailer right now.
click the picture to make larger
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 1:52pm
Nice flowers!
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 4:37pm
If it were not for evergreens up here, dingy white and gray would be our only colors.
by Richard Day on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 4:43pm
I thought you would all enjoy some sun shine. It has been a rough winter for all of you.
OT... These are heirloom plants from my grandmother that died in 1955. My uncle gave her a pot of these when my mother was a little girl (1920's). They would bloom around Easter. The plant created new bulbs and more pots of them were made. All my aunts had some growing in their houses. So every spring my mom would take these out of the window in the dining room and put them on display and the flowers would last several weeks. She would get 2 or 3 blooms from them each year and the family called them her mom's Easter lilies.. Most of the time snow would still be on the ground when they first set buds. I was given a pot of them and I always had them growing even up north. I brought them here from home. I became over run with them because this is their natural climate. I planted the extras out side when I would repot. Even potted they would bloom tons of flowers. We let them go to seed each year and have gathered some to see how easy they are to grow from seed. I need to check to see if there is a local seed exchange or swap from heirloom seeds. The seeds come right up. It takes about 3 years to get them to bloom from seeds. Maybe that is why amaryllis are so expensive to buy as bulbs. The blooms are 4 to 5 inches across.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 03/15/2014 - 2:55am
Magnifico! Stupendous! Heart fluttering and breathtaking in person, I am sure! My absolute favorite color of flower (glowing nectarine,) which I'll take wherever I can get it, much less huge amaryllis. Kudos due to your family for propagating them farther and wider.
The early variety of daffodils in my backyard are 1"-- it's the start of spring in da Bronx-- this truly horrible, horrible winter is finally over.
by artappraiser on Sat, 03/15/2014 - 7:27pm
When the seed pods are ripe, I can send you some. They are true to seed and easy to propagate. They make a nice house plant and like to be pot bound in a clay pot. I think this is a cross between the Johnson Amaryllis and Puniceum Amaryllis which are both old garden varieties. The cross probably happened naturally. It is orange red with a yellow star. It could be an old Dr. Mead variety from the end of the 19th century.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 03/16/2014 - 5:14pm