The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Genghis Khan
    Khagan of the Mongol Empire




    After speaking with our esteemed leader Genghis, lately of the Khan fame, we have been advised to attempt to reason with the other side.

    That is why I am writing to you as a member of the undeserving poor.

    I had many chances in this life and blew them all on one pony in the third race at Belmont, but that is another story.

    The point is that I am writing on the behalf of many deserving poor.

    And before our leader Khan pointed it out, we had just plain given up on Your Highness.

    Now we are seeing if we might all reason together.

    So I put it to you Govner:

    If you and your cadre of gilded citizens fire one million Federal and private workers, where are they gonna go?

    I mean we already have too many poverty stricken zombies where I reside and we sure do not wish them shipped here.

    And who is going to pay the mortgages of this new group of lost folks?

    And if the banks do not receive those mortgage payments what will happen to the hedge funds that fill your campaign chests?

    And who is going to make the car payments of the recently released?

    I mean, you can bet those financing contracts are also bundled and end up with other hedge funds that fill your campaign chests.

    I am sure it does not cross your mind that if those million are sent into the streets that the official figures relating to unemployment will surely show an upturn that you might blame on our Muslim Socialist President.

    But the humanity, the humanity!!!

    My second inquiry has to do with this March 4th problem.

    I mean are your people going to march forth on March 4th, shutting down our government while Muslims and Socialists plan our destruction?

    And what about those folks in Miami who may never see their April checks?

    And what about those government contractors who have been bribing you and yours for decades; what if they receive no checks?

    And what about the people who die in the meantime?

    They will not receive their death benefit of $255.00 which usually goes for slushies and peanuts at the wake.

    So I have written this letter in the hopes that we may begin a discussion.

    A real discussion between rational people with rational aims.

    I include this song dedicated to you:


    Dear Dear Speaker

    Please don’t put a price on our souls.

    Our burdens are heavy

    Our needs are beyond our control


    When that March 4th whistle blows

    We’re  gonna lose so much needed stuff

    And at the sound of that final bell

    What you give just won’t be enough


    Dear Dear Boehner

     I see those tears that you leak

    I know that you have suffered much

    From the color of those cheeks


    You’re about to fire a million souls

    And you really don’t cotton to our kind

    Some folks say you don’t give a shit

    And I know you said

                 So be it!!!


    But Dear Boehner

    Please don’t dismiss our case

    We got good certificates and

    We aint movin to no other place


    If we are beaten too hard

    Into that cold cold ground

    Who’s gonna clean up that mess

    If we all aint around?


    Dear Dear speaker

    Each of us has our own special gift

    And you know this to be true

    You like to cruise the bars

    We like to spend some time there tooooooooooooo


    Ha. Why does everyone seem to think that I advocated dialogue with Republican leadership or the right-wing demagogues? Was my post that opaque? The people, man, I was telling folks to persuade the people. And each other.

    Still a funny post though.


    Thanks, I had been thinking of Dylan's song and Boehner came on tv. And I was screwing with the song for a couple of days.

    Then you wrote the reason post.

    And if I pretend to write to the Speaker, what group do I belong to?

    No harm intended. hahahahah

    No offense taken. I just didn't want to be misconstrued.

    Good post Richard. Another chapter in pricing souls and suppressing the truth in the right wing fantasy land of the GOP and Fox News:

    Did you see the NYT article that "The News Corporation" otherwise known as Fox News, apparently paid a writer Judith Regan over $10 million to shut her up over some dirt she had on Roger Ailes, Director of Fox News.  Ailes apparently asked her to lie to investigators about some information she had on the now jailed Bernard Kerik, associate of former NYC mayor Guiliani and for a while George W. Bush's nominee to head Homeland Security?

    Kerik is now in jail for numerous offenses related to lying and taxes.

    Fox News first tried to smear the woman calling her anti-Semitic, but it seems when she told them she had RECORDED the phone call in which Roger Ailes, Fox News Director, told her to lie to investigators looking into criminal activity by Kerik, Fox News was ready to deal.  They stopped the smears and paid up big time.

    The records came out only because the woman didn't pay her lawyers, who have since gone bankrupt, and the bankruptcy overseer is suing to recover funds from the case, otherwise the whole Ailes/Fox News case was supposed to be sealed and kept from the public.

    The article says Ailes could be investigated for conspiracy to obstruct justice, which brings to mind the Martha Stewart case (she supposedly lied over the phone), but a lawyer consulted said it is 'hard to prove' such cases, of course that wouldn't stop a Republican DOJ from pursuing the case.

    Roger Ailes, '"Just Tell Lies"

    Roger Ailes

    Oh I remember that guy; touted by Rudy and W and then thrown under the bus.

    Yeah, He was going to be head of security for the entire country. I see the pix in my head. Everybody smiling. hahahahahah

    This Ailes guy is something else. At least he has the presence of mind to contradict himself from time to time about lowlifes like beckerhead.

    If there is one key matter that disheartens me with regard to this new Administration it is that so few of the real frauds, the real liars, the masterminds of torture both in government and without are in jail.

    Thank you for the link. This is news to me.

    You missed the memo Dick.  The Republican leadership, (and apparently a lot of Dems too), cares about the millions in the insurance sector that would have had to find other work had we gone to a single payer system, not public employees should we defund their jobs.  That's because of the side that butters their bread, (the FIRE sector).  Nice snark though mate.

    Hey Miguel

    I am just a member of the undeserving poor!!! ha

    They can have their jobs, at half the pay and without benefits, and if Koch buys those no-bid GOP political patronage for sale power plants and raises the public rates, just too bad. Go chop wood or live in a smaller house that your body heat alone (may) keep above freezing.

    Listening to a T-party leader on local NPR in Arizona, they are all excited about the T-Party Convention comin' to town, some people may exercise their Constitutional rights and tape a couple AK-47's together with loaded banana clips to welcome 'em.

    I have to laugh at those here at Dag who seem to think that a really good blog can 'persuade' these folks to abandon their crackpot convictions, some T-Party points:

    (1) The government caused the economic collapse because it forced the banks, aka Wall Street, to lend money to people who couldn't afford a home. So the recession/real estate crash is wholly the fault of liberals in the government, and poor people.

    (2) Anyone who thinks they deserve entitlements is wrong, they don't. Government funded entitlements have to be cut or ended.

    (3) Government regulation is why we have lost jobs.

    (4)  We just need to cut government spending to balance the budget.

    (5) Obamacare means the government decides if you get health care or not, and whether you live or die.


    beckerhead made some points this week, this month.

    He trusts not Google or Yahoo or any other search device.

    He trusts not Enclopedia Britannica either, I assume.

    Facts mean nothing to these blaggarts.

    Just assume that one million federal and private jobs were erased and there was a depression to follow.

    They would blame it on the dems.

    Better to argue with your telly like I do. hahahahaha