The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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                                      BILL BENNETT IN AN EARLIER LIFE

    But that was then. Today, American workers face the worst job market since the Great Depression, with five job seekers for every job opening, with the average spell of unemployment now at 35 weeks. Yet the Senate went home for the holiday weekend without extending benefits. How was that possible?

    The answer is that we're facing a coalition of the heartless, the clueless and the confused

    It is difficult to get a man to understand something," said Upton Sinclair, "when his salary" -- or, in this case, his hope of retaking Congress -- "depends upon his not understanding it.

    The dynamic Blog known as Slate presented a prize for anyone who could condense the Declaration of Independence into a single tweet.

    I watched Bill Bennett on C-SPAN this week end. He was Reagan's Secretary of Education and ended up in some Czarist capacity as the leader on our War on Drugs.

    Always detested the guy; I think for a number of reasons.

    First, Bill Bennett always comes across as reasonable. Satan aint always mean and despicable looking; if you do not believe this, read Christopher Marlowe sometime.

    Second, like myself lately, Bill always looks like he is in search of a sandwich. He has got me by seven years and I would estimate about 50 pounds. This doesn't mean much since I am sure he has managed to meet and surpass the 300 pound threshold.

    Third, he represents what I call the old Roman Catholic Democrat. I knew plenty of those guys, believe me. These pricks will claim that abortion and 'under God' and Sex in the City turned them 'around' so to speak from a political standpoint. The fact is they always had trouble with certain minorities, even those brought up in their same sacred religious rites.

    And these Catholics found themselves in a higher economic class. And that higher economic class became the prime force in philosophical changes. FOR SURE!!!

    Oh no, not me, I aint racist they will tell you.  But 'Affirmative Action' is such a terrible, terrible concept they will add.


    Enough of that, I just do not like the guy--AT ALL!!! 

    During his C-SPAN stint--some 2 or 3 hours--I became more nauseous than usual and had to switch to the Professional Wrestling Channel sometime during the interview. Here is what he was asked:

    During your tenure as Drug Czar, you took the position that crack cocaine was a more serious problem than powder cocaine used by the upper white classes. The penalties were twice has high for those caught with crack cocaine. Explain:

    Well I was not in charge of the actual legislation, I mean I was not part of Congress and never even signed onto specific legislation. However, as I look back, it was unfair for the two drugs to lead to two different penalties.

    Then you are for lessening the penalties for crack cocaine?

    No quite the contrary. I think that regular cocaine should lead to higher penalties on a par with crack cocaine.*

    Bulbous Billy went on to describe his actual visitation of a crack house during his period of public service.  He describes the scene as something you would see in the movie Traffic or a number of other flicks you have probably viewed let alone the number of documentaries on the History Channel or MSNBC.

    Then Bulbous Billy goes on to praise the New Republican Party, the Party of Palin and Bachmann and Emmer and Curly Rand and the rest of them.  Bulbous Billy does not give one goddamn about the poor, about the suffering, about the four out of every five people who will not get hired for the one position available.

    I mean, there is the picture of some prostitute/addict higher than a kite with a couple babies unheeded in some corner of a tenement. That picture is despicable for sure.

    The hopelessness, the loss, the despair, the humanity all seem to coalesce in one picture.

    People who abandon their children in the corner of fifth with no concern whatsoever; I mean WHO does not despise people like this?

    So let us arrest them all, all of them I say, and send them to holes without children and in the meantime send the children to private corporate run orphanages. And do NOT EVER LET THOSE ROTTEN SONS FOR BITCHES EVER GET OUT OF PRISON--EVER.

    Oh they were selling poison you say, these perpetrators of evil. Yeah, 90% of them were addicts.  Take away their freedom and their civil rights forever.

    Make them slaves to a system that counts 50% of all the people in this country as slaves one way or another anyway.

    Oh yeah? Where do I find figures like this as regards the badge of slavery?

    Fully twelve million people have no rights in this country because according to the repubs they have no right to be here.

    Three million in prison have no rights in this country by law.

    Four million more are on probation or Parole and have no right to vote.

    Four million people earn the minimum wage and who cannot see that $10,000 a year for full time work is not slavery?

    How many people are under the official poverty line in this country?

    And what about those people, those workers who are signed in with a corporation somehow eking out a living?  You will discover that most of them have given up at least half of their constitutional rights.

    They cannot inform state or federal authorities of crimes committed right in front of them at their place of work.

    These employees have no rights to publish corporate secrets which usually means the corporation can procure cease and desist orders if the employee wishes to write an article or a book regarding the sins committed within that organization.

    Many times these employees cannot even procure vital information by subpoenaing corporate records in civil and criminal proceedings.

    Bennett is just another example of a slave holder, no better than John C. Calhoun or Chief Justice Taney.

    Oh and here is the Declaration of Independence in less than a Tweet by William Bennett:


    There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.


    The end.

    *The quote from CSPAN  is from memory. But this is pretty much what the bastard said.