by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The parties with the most profound interest in continuing the socially destructive, financially ruinous, politically corrupting and constitutionally unjustifiable prohibition on the use by otherwise autonomous individuals of exogenous neurotransmission modifiers are the franchisors and franchisees of the current distribution system;….
I’m allowed to get high off running, yoga, fasting, falling in love, obliged whether I want to or not to have my brain suffused with DMT at birth and death, encouraged to get so fuckin’ high in church that I can handle a snake, but I’m a felon if I want to nudge the identical dopamine pathways with an exogenous agent..
So it’s not really that I’m not allowed to get high—I’m just not allowed to use a shortcut!
Well, here were some *dangerous college kids trying to take that bad ol’ shortcut to heaven via an unsanctioned exogenous neurtransmitter modifier. Here we see the police doing their best to make drugs expensive, to the ultimate benefit, of course of exactly who again?.
More details on this profoundly disturbing misdirection of the power of the state blatently to define and punish pure “Thought Crime”. UPDATE2 That was sure some deep police work, to figure out that you might find kids selling ecstasy and acid around a Disco Biscuits Concert….I guess this was the old Grateful Dead strike force, that has been biding it’s time ever since Jerry died..
“.Police Chief Russell P. Sienkiewicz said 24 people were arrested Friday and another 25 on Saturday. Officers, including police in plain clothes, swept through public areas downtown including parking lots, the parking garage, streets, alleys and along the railroad tracks. The arrests were made each night between 7 p.m. and 4 a.m.
“They partied early and they partied late,” he said.
Police confiscated more than 600 “hits” of LSD, 45 grams of cocaine, two nitrous oxide tanks and more than $2,000 in cash.”
More details, including a prelude in January at Northampton, when 5 tanks of Nitrous Oxide and many baloons were seized.
UPDATE2Upon closer reading of the linked article, it would appear that some of the resources wasted on this display of police *petulance was extorted from the venue owner: “…police worked with the owner of the Calvin, Eric Suher, to coordinate coverage, and Suher agreed to pay the cost of some additional officers. ” Note that Suher “agreed” as opposed to “volunteered” to pay for what I presume was overtime.
UPDATE3 An inventory of the charges listed gives rise to the astonishing inference that all the arrests were for possession, and NO ONE was chared either with sale or possession for sale.
So how were these dangerous criminals not on their “best behavior”? The cops had to go out looking for them—they were not standing on the corner whispering “Shrooms, dust, I got dank…”
I will grant that the girls from *Smith are dangerous, at least to me, who has had his heart broke more than once by a beautiful dyke.
**I have to confess that at the moment I am taking journalistic liberties by venturing to say (with I should think 70-90% certainty) in the absence of hard data, that if there were multiple acid busts in Northampton, someone from Smith and for sure, UMass, is involved…
*“Sienkiewicz said he hopes the action by police will send a strong message to any future concert patrons.
‘If they are coming to a concert, they should be on their best behavior, or they are going to be arrested,’ he said.” *
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Ya know Jolly, ever so often you come up with the strangest prose. I hereby award you the Dayly Paragraph of the Day Award for this here TPMCafe site, given to all of you from all of me for this:
The parties with the most profound interest in continuing the socially destructive, financially ruinious, politically corrupting and constitutionally unjustifiable prohibition on the use by otherwise autonomous individuals of exogenous neurotransmission modifiers are the franchisors and franchisees of the current distribution system; its drastically inefficient market and resultant excessive profit accrual, combined with a business environment where the courts are closed to high-value commercial disputes, gives rise to a gangster style form of “self-help�.—hence, the market in highly paid “bodyguards�, which finds so ready a source of applicants amongst the police who, after all, are in constant contact with potential employers as part of their *investigative function.
Posted by dickday
May 16, 2009 9:17 AM | Reply | Permalink
Well said DD. I knew that paragraph/sentence was extraordinary when I read JR's post last night, but was too sleepy to do anything other than hit the 'recommend' button.
Posted by miguelitoh2o in reply to a comment from dickday
May 16, 2009 10:18 AM | Reply | Permalink
Thanx, both.
I decided to break down and put in the semi-colon after I realized that I had a really long sentence there.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from miguelitoh2o
May 16, 2009 5:14 PM | Reply | Permalink
Jolly Roger: I admire you for many reasons, but not least of them is the compunction to insert semi-colons, the underrated demarcation in sentence structure. (OK, I know that is pendantic; mea culpa.)
Posted by wwstaebler in reply to a comment from jollyroger
May 16, 2009 5:22 PM | Reply | Permalink
insert semi-colons
Well, when the prose is spoken, they encourage a useful pause for breath.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from wwstaebler
May 16, 2009 5:33 PM | Reply | Permalink
I donno. When I see those 3 particular words lined up, I get a bit nervous...
Insert... Semi... Colon...
Posted by quinn esq in reply to a comment from jollyroger
October 14, 2009 1:00 PM | Reply | Permalink
We're tryng to save energy so it's recommended we use a semi-colon instead of the whole thing.
Posted by GregorZap in reply to a comment from quinn esq
October 14, 2009 1:20 PM | Reply | Permalink
Insert... Semi... Colon
I would like to make it very clear, right now, that Belle's opinion notwithstanding, I would not ever insert without even a compunction or two, albeit if I were really high I might blow right by that compunction, as it were, inserting away.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from quinn esq
October 15, 2009 3:34 AM | Reply | Permalink
Having won this prestigious award just the other day, I would like to second that nomination. I caught myself twitching like a newborn crack baby, contemplating a cut'n'paste Twit, but I'm not like the Bush administration. I'll keep my hands off your 'junk'.
On approval only.
Posted by Tim Fuller in reply to a comment from dickday
May 16, 2009 6:23 PM | Reply | Permalink
actually I think it's just
Posted by Tim Fuller in reply to a comment from Tim Fuller
May 16, 2009 6:24 PM | Reply | Permalink
this prestigious award
I thought that I had heard something about an honorarium--Is there anyone in charge of paying the honorarium, because there appears to be some misunderstanding about my bank routing numbers--the wire transfer still hasn't hit.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Tim Fuller
May 16, 2009 7:05 PM | Reply | Permalink
Sorry for the screw-up dude. Got held up by the cops.
Anyway. Made it. Here's your stuff.
Year's supply, like you asked:
;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Posted by quinn esq in reply to a comment from jollyroger
May 17, 2009 2:11 AM | Reply | Permalink
^% &&* (' &%%!~!)
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from quinn esq
May 17, 2009 9:56 PM | Reply | Permalink
Too late pal. I re-routed that wire transfer as soon as it posted here last night. You can reach me at the Hotel Kura Kulanda Spa & Casino in Curacao, if you have questions or require further clarification. Nice doing business with you.
Posted by miguelitoh2o in reply to a comment from jollyroger
May 17, 2009 10:30 PM | Reply | Permalink
Careful; Word is that Dude just got in a shipment of semi-colons and believe me, he knows how to use 'em.
Posted by quinn esq in reply to a comment from miguelitoh2o
May 18, 2009 12:14 AM | Reply | Permalink
shipment of semi-colons
They are smuggled by the same crowd that handled the emergency airlift of vowels to Bosnia
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from quinn esq
May 18, 2009 3:57 AM | Reply | Permalink
like a newborn crack baby
Highlighting the prohibition only on organic chemicals which come from outside your body--that baby has just had one of her two legal doses of DMT (the other one comes when you die....).
I'm allowed to get high off running, yoga, fasting, falling in love, encouraged to get so fuckin' high in church that I can handle a snake, but I'm a felon if I want to nudge the identical dopamine pathways with an exogenous agent.
So it's not really that I'm not allowed to get high--I'm just not allowed to use a shortcut!
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Tim Fuller
May 16, 2009 10:12 PM | Reply | Permalink
The inmates are running the asylum? Do tell.
Posted by Bwakfat
May 16, 2009 10:23 AM | Reply | Permalink
Nice summary...
Posted by The Old Grouch in reply to a comment from Bwakfat
May 16, 2009 10:41 AM | Reply | Permalink
the asylum
yeah, but in the asylum they always came around with *"meds" twice a day...
*They told me that I would feel better if I took them, but there's this nurse's aide who let me watch her do things to herself if I slipped her my abilify--I didn't mind, 'cause when I skipped my meds, the colors were totally awesome....Even still, I don't want to go back, so I'm hiding from them...
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Bwakfat
May 16, 2009 5:20 PM | Reply | Permalink
Sometimes I feel the war on drugs is a war on ourselves. If we are clean are we still not dirty? Are we not all “persons-of-interest?� What separates the cop from the crook? A piece of tin.
Reference this; Officer said to have kicked suspect owns clothing line tailored to gang life
The police officer who sources inside City Hall say kicked a gang member in the head after a long car chase Wednesday also owns a clothing company that glorifies gang and prison life.
The line just got thinner...
Posted by steve katz
May 16, 2009 11:32 AM | Reply | Permalink
on ourselves
That's the best part. It's *self-financed, self-directed and self-destructive. \
We pay off the top and the bottom.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from steve katz
May 16, 2009 5:29 PM | Reply | Permalink
Wish I could find it, but someone on another post suggested that the Right had a vested interest in perpetuating poverty because it is those desperate people who fund their churches directly contributing to their wealth. Take away the economic powerlessness and people stop seeking a higher power, putting their churches out of business. IF there is no bottom, where will these bottom-feeders feed?
Posted by GregorZap in reply to a comment from jollyroger
October 14, 2009 1:24 PM | Reply | Permalink
Found it. I hope this links to the comment by AdAbsurdum on DD'd Perkins post.
Posted by GregorZap in reply to a comment from GregorZap
October 14, 2009 1:26 PM | Reply | Permalink
Yup! It works!
Posted by GregorZap in reply to a comment from GregorZap
October 14, 2009 1:27 PM | Reply | Permalink
I wanted to post the table found here, but I gave up trying to format it (If I were a drinker or recreational drug user, I'd blame it on that). Anyway, just to make a point that most here probably know:
Although people may think that the Drug War targets drug smugglers and 'King Pins,' in 2007, 47.4 percent of the 1,841,182 total arrests for drug abuse violations were for marijuana -- a total of 872,720. Of those, 775,137 people were arrested for marijuana possession alone. By contrast in 2000 a total of 734,497 Americans were arrested for marijuana offenses, of which 646,042 were for possession alone.
Posted by Don Key
May 16, 2009 10:23 PM | Reply | Permalink
possession alone
which can have life-changing (student loan, anyone?) consequences even in relatively low-punition states .
It is beyond bizarre that this self-perpetuating charade which victimizes the entire society for the benefit of drug kingpins and the Drug War Pimps who they secretly fund has not been scrapped!
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Don Key
May 16, 2009 10:50 PM | Reply | Permalink
Marijuana keeps those private jail companies in business.
Why do you hate predatory capitalism?
Posted by GregorZap in reply to a comment from Don Key
October 14, 2009 1:29 PM | Reply | Permalink
Marijuana keeps those private jail companies in business.
Stoners--low maintenance, non violent inventory.
Nice steady half million pieces a year. (WTF??)
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from GregorZap
October 14, 2009 1:48 PM | Reply | Permalink
Ganja is not nearly as destructive as prison life, but the money is prisons is alredy there while the money in selling pot needs to be developed, the delivery system that is. The market has always been there.
Posted by GregorZap in reply to a comment from jollyroger
October 14, 2009 2:45 PM | Reply | Permalink
Ganja is not nearly as destructive as prison life
Might that be on account of Ganja is not destructive at all??
Perhaps my reputation as a keen observer of the socioeconomic scene is about to be put at risk, but I am unable to discern anything that would even give rise to the comparison, let alone make one think long and hard over the call...
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from GregorZap
October 15, 2009 3:27 AM | Reply | Permalink
BTW: I googled "police officer convicted" and got 3,320,000 hits. Googling "Drug dealer convicted" yielded 822,000 hits. "Blogger convicted" yielded 1,050,000 hits. FWIW.
Posted by miguelitoh2o
May 16, 2009 10:23 PM | Reply | Permalink
You have to reckon with a significant amount of overlap between sets 1 and 2--maybe not so much of 1 and 3 (that is, we hope not...anyway, now tht there is a new admin.), but 2 and 3, maybe some...
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from miguelitoh2o
May 16, 2009 10:45 PM | Reply | Permalink
Yes, google "drug-dealing police officer convicted" and divide by Pi.
And in 3, you have to take into account those with the last name, "Blogger," -Bob Blogger, Beauregard Blogger, etc.
Still, a million bloggers. Excuse me while I lock the front door and turn out the lights...
Posted by Don Key in reply to a comment from miguelitoh2o
May 17, 2009 12:11 AM | Reply | Permalink
lock the front door
too late. They can track you on the intertubes. There is a finite lag in the arrival of the packets that get reassembled to be your data. From comparative analysis of the lag they can even locate a wireless user off a free hot spot.
carry on.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Don Key
May 17, 2009 12:20 AM | Reply | Permalink
Posted by Bwakfat in reply to a comment from jollyroger
May 17, 2009 12:22 AM | Reply | Permalink
Serendipitously, a 13.7 billion dollar swing appears on the horizon.:
"ending marijuana prohibition would save $7.7 billion in direct state and federal law enforcement costs while generating more than $6 billion a year if it were taxed at the same rate as alcohol and tobacco."
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Bwakfat
May 17, 2009 1:04 AM | Reply | Permalink
to have my brain suffused with DMT
For those few among you who have not smoked Dimethyltryptamine (or used Ayahuasca in snuff form ), let me assure you that you are in for a real treat.
The third hit blows you right out of your body, and you wake up somewhere in the Milky Way.
Half an hour later, you're back on earth, straightening your tie.
Hence, "The Business Man's Trip"
Posted by jollyroger
May 17, 2009 1:13 AM | Reply | Permalink
I know this guy's family. Helluva story behind the printed stuff.
sometimes crooked cops take out good cops who resist the real money and power.
We are so lucky we have all those prime time teevee cop shows to remind us that cops have the strength of a hundred because their hearts are pure so we will believe them when they lie in front of a grand jury in real life.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Posted by tao
May 17, 2009 8:20 AM | Reply | Permalink
this guy's
Link=timed out. Which guy?
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from tao
May 17, 2009 9:58 PM | Reply | Permalink
Hmmm... curiouser and curiouser indeed...
Posted by miguelitoh2o in reply to a comment from jollyroger
May 17, 2009 10:22 PM | Reply | Permalink
curiouser and curiouser
One pill makes you larger...I think that Gracie was wrong all along and it was a white pig!
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from miguelitoh2o
May 18, 2009 3:49 AM | Reply | Permalink
Here's an update link. Sorry JR, I posted and ran off to work.
What we have here is a decent person who got into the cop business and most likely was too legit to go along with the program (in the evidence room). He worked at Los Alamos, NM, and as a Rio Arriba County Sheriff officer pulled a person from a burning building and suffered burns to himself in the incident. He was found in a ditch after being beaten by unknowns while on duty and put on a desk job. He went to a counseling center and got addicted to RX pain and psych meds. Some of which can lead to bizarre acts. Anyhow the justice system has him now and will henceforth issue official compassionate press releases on his status.
Again, sorry for the bad link and untimely update.
Posted by tao in reply to a comment from jollyroger
May 23, 2009 10:04 AM | Reply | Permalink
decent person
The level of desperation manifested in the story is such an unnecesary accessory of this insane prohibition. The doctors who should have been treating this guy's addiction (or supporting it, take your pick--it's a medical call) are all looking over their shoulder at the DEA; So this poor guy pulls what appears from a cursory reading to have been a truly doomed robbery (I mean, you are not supposed to rob someone who knows you...)
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from tao
May 24, 2009 2:26 AM | Reply | Permalink
Well I know I feel safer with those dastardly acid fiends off the streets. They were coming for my kids next. Or my terrorists or something.
Posted by destor23
October 14, 2009 1:30 PM | Reply | Permalink
dastardly acid fiends
I've heard that they give it to your daughters, and you never see them again...
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from destor23
October 14, 2009 1:40 PM | Reply | Permalink
LSD shouldn't be on illegal drug lists, anyway. All they do is let the user perceive the world as fractals/Mandelbrot sets. Oh; I forgot. Seeing the world as organic is the most subversive thought there is. You can't take LSD and want to sit in a room in a cubicle with a thousand other cubicles doing some work that has no perceivable end or product. Better to take some antidepressants like the other 30,000,000 Americans...
Posted by wendy davis
October 14, 2009 1:35 PM | Reply | Permalink
like the other 30,000,000 Americans...
Of whom a good cohort are pubescent boys, who are being giving anti-psychotics as an off-label intervention for their "intractable" add...
While I am generally of the opinion that horse tranquilizer ought properly to be confined to use by horses (Ketamine...) I think I'd probably let my 10 yr. old have that before abilify...
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from wendy davis
October 15, 2009 2:28 AM | Reply | Permalink
"You can't take LSD and want to sit in a room in a cubicle with a thousand other cubicles doing some work that has no perceivable end or product."
It's also really hard to wash dishes on the midnight shift in a busy 24-hour restaurant.
Or so I've heard.
Posted by brewmn61
October 14, 2009 9:54 PM | Reply | Permalink
really hard to wash dishes on the midnight shift in a busy 24-hour restaurant.
Easy, but foolhardy, to teach three hours of college history back to back to back...
Hard, but doable, to take bankruptcy final and come in first in class
Bad idea to go the the Grand Central Station Police Riot/Be-In with Abbie Hoffman and 500 Cops
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from brewmn61
October 15, 2009 3:01 AM | Reply | Permalink
I see, I got confused. You resurrected this.
People are rotting away in prison at a rate that makes us look like a police state.
What do I mean by look like? Hell we are a police state.
Posted by dickday
October 15, 2009 1:46 AM | Reply | Permalink
we are a police state.
Maybe so, but Massachusetts is not the first state that comes to mind when you list them.
Northamton, in particular, is famously hip. What the fuck is up with Officer Krupke?
I was stunned when I realized that there were zero sales allegations--this whole operation was about simple possession, and the assertion by the Police Power of a right to decide how your neurtransmitters will interact with each other, regardless of the probity of your behavior.
It is pure thought crime--what else?
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from dickday
October 15, 2009 2:33 AM | Reply | Permalink
A good patriot will not seek to see the world with askance, everything seeming seeming seeming.
Posted by acamus
October 15, 2009 3:19 AM | Reply | Permalink
seek to see the world with askance
It would appear that Brother A. successfully avoided the dragnet and got home with his stash intact, and available for ingestion.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from acamus
October 15, 2009 5:21 AM | Reply | Permalink
Copeland, whose brother Stewart was a founding member and drummer in The Police, was a booking agent for many of the "new wave" rock acts of the 1980s.
strategy games
Posted by Prince
July 26, 2010 12:35 PM | Reply | Permalink
by jollyroger on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 9:14pm