The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Do DC Dems Ever Get Tired Of Being Beaten UP?

    As the Republicans and their corporate buddies have rolled out a slight twist on the now age-old "Bitch Slap the Democrats" routine on healthcare, our friends the DC Dems once again find themselves standing there, mouths agape at the atrocious behavior, lies, and simply outrageous tactics just as paralyzed as the proverbial deer caught in the headlights.  One has to wonder if those DC Dems ever tire of being beaten up like that?  Does it ever cross their minds in advance of these predictable political temper tantrums and bully tactics of the right wing that they might prepare for and counter what they know is going to come their way?  Do you think perhaps we are nearing the point where the DC Dems might just get a clue and fight back before it is too late and the well of public debate has been so poisoned they will never be able to reverse the damage done? 

    Yes, yes I know the DC Dems are explaining until they are blue in the face and they are trying to counter the deliberate lies and the idiocy taking place in the town halls.  Yes I'm fully aware that the "reasonable" and "sensible" and "pragmatic" people who are our leaders are now out there trying to get the word out about healthcare reform.  And yes, I know they've somehow gotten some pharma interests and others to pony up for an expensive ad campaign.  In short, I am well aware that the Democrats are now "responding" to the Republican assault and I repeat the predictable Republican assault.  But why did they wait when they had to have known what was coming?

    What is suprising to me as, I think, with most observers is how it appears the Democrats were taken almost completely unawares by this "sudden" Republican offensive against healthcare reform.  I find that impression and the weak, choppy Democratic response really unacceptable.  The DC Dems may never tire of having the right wing spit in their faces, they may never tire of being humiliated and made to look like impotent, weaklings with neither the ability nor inclincation to defend themselves or their posititions.  But ya know what?  Me and lots of other Democrats are sick and tired of this predictable and now all too famliar scenario because it doesn't end well.

    The DC Dems started off with the Quixotic and strategically foolish goal they always start off with: an effort to ensure whatever emerges from the Congress has bipartisan support.  Can we just drop that naive, thoroughly unproductive and far too politically costly strategy at long last?  It never works on any legislation that is truly important unless Democrats completely or almost completely cave in to every demand the right wingers make and by so doing the product is often not even worth having because it's so watered down.  And so it went with healthcare all year long.  Only now, as the Republican hyenas are circling for the kill and laughing their vile, ugly heads off at their prey, the perenially clueless DC Dems, who are just starting to realize the only way to go is to push through a healthcare reform bill without Republican votes.

    Unfortunately for the nation, it is now so late in the game that many of the Republican aims are already achieved. The Republicans seek to delay, to sidetrack, to misinform, and to defeat healthcare reform first, because their masters foam at the mouth at the thought their profiteering on the health of the American people might be somehow restrained and second, because they believe by beating healthcare they can cripple the Obama Presidency perhaps fatally.  The pusilanimous Democrats (including the White House) in their unendingly obsequious way, took single payer off the table before the game even began and capitulated numerous desirable features of healthcare reform in advance to assuage the right and their special interest allies, sweeten the deal if you will, to entice them to vote in favor of healthcare reform.  At great political cost and at the cost of making it much less effective, this approach hampered the economic stimulus bill earlier in the year.  As local governments make cutbacks and layoffs we can see how costly this game of assuaging the right really is.  It threatens now to completely undo any hope for healthcare reform.  Indeed, the President uses the phrase health insurance reform more often now than not because of how far the effort has already been set back.  It remains to be seen whether Obama can recapture the momentum and pull some sort of reform out of his hat before the end of the year.  The longer the fight goes on, the less likely it is we will end up with that result.

    For decades now the Republicans have adopted this tactic of extreme, implaccable and, if necessary, irresponsible and right wing fringe opposition and far more often than not the Democrats have rewarded that behavior lavishly.  The Democratic response to the bully boy tactics is viewed by Republicans (rightly) as weakness they can exploit so it only encourages them to keep it up.  Once they realized that bullying worked against the Democrats, the Republicans have been using it whenever they can and, far more often than not, meeting with tremendous success.  Despite years and years of experience with this, the DC Democrats insist on going through the same process of giving the opposition the benefit of the doubt, going out of their way to accomodate, and then being caught by surprise when the Republicans respond with delay and obstruction in committee and lies, malicious attacks and outrageous false accusations on the floor and in every venue of public debate. 

    In the main, the DC Democrats, as we all know, reel with incredulity that Republicans would resort to such gutter tactics even though it has been going on for many years.  Anyone remember 2004?  How about 1988?  The DC Dems, in fine academic and highbrow fashion, deplore the distortions and lies.  They strongly disapprove of the Republican tactics of course.  They provide voluminous excuses and refutations to counter the odious misinformation campaign.  They talk and they talk and they talk.  They bore the nation to death "proving" they are right and how much smarter and better behaved they are than those mean old Repubwicans!  And in the eyes of the average American they look weak.  They look like they are afraid to defend their position.  They appear to all the world to be unable, if not unwilling, to effectively stand up for what it is they say they believe in.  They demonstrate, with their lame and ineffective responses to the attacks on them and their positions that they will refuse to fight back even for themselves, and even on issues they claim to believe are vitally important to the future of the nation!  To the delight of their opponents and right on schedule, they can be counted on to signal to the American people that they are weak, calculating politicians who are not to be trusted.  And yes, this happens even though the nation perceives the Republicans to be completely out of line, extremist, dishonest, and untrustworthy.  They don't care what people think of them as long as the main focus is on the Democrats and that it is negative.  The smear works and makes the otherwise much more appealing Democrats look as filthy and dirty as the Republicans already are.  The Republicans understand that the only way to level the playing field for them is to make the Democrats seem as corrupt, venal, and self serving as they themselves are.  Their tactical objective is only to make sure that people don't trust the Democrats or the Democratic program.  The don't give a rats ass what people think of them or their party in the context of achieving their immediate goal of defeating, in this case, healthcare reform.  All they need to do to "win" on the issue is to raise enough doubts about the Democrats and their intentions to scare the "moderate" Democrats (DINOs) back into submission so they kill the bill or modify it to the point of being ineffective.  It appears that is, once again in process though (thankfully) their success is not yet assured.

    What the DC Dems don't do in the face of this predictable Repubilcan behavior is stand up to the lying bullies.  What they don't do is resolve to quit enabling these irresponsible and malevolent people from preventing our country from moving ahead.  What they don't do is finally take a stand and fight these jerks and give as good as they get.  No.  Instead, the Democrats insist on doing as they have always done as though they were in a genteel debating match as opposed to a knock down drag out fight in the middle of the street with the whole world watching.  The DC Democrats, in all their nerdy superiority and with all the enormous brainpower and vast ability they have, insist on following the same failed strategy they always take.  Rarely does this strategy prevail for Democrats on the issues most critical in moving the nation forward into the future.  Even in the rare case when it does work they emerge covered in the slime the Republicans heaped on them and looking worse than ever.  Yet they insist on responding in the same old ineffective manner that has lost the day so many times before.

    When oh when will those oh-so-smart DC Democrats understand that being ladies and gentlemen during a fight while being ridiculed, spit upon, kicked and punched and scratched and impugned to the point where you've almost lost is just plain stupid and won't work?  When will they realize they need to call those liars what they are?  Liars!  When will they realize that no bipartisan comity has existed on Capitol Hill since at least 1980 and it isn't ever going to be coming back no matter how many Republican asses they kiss or how many of them they bow down to?  When will they realize that they can no longer play the game of pleasing the corporate interests and throwing an occasional bone to the people is a strategy that has seriously damaged our country, decimated the middle class, and virtually destroyed the stability of blue collar America?

    I have a suggestion for the smart DC Dems: you can't serve two masters so quit trying!  You claim you are on the side of the people yet your every compromise only benefits the same interests the Repubilcans defend because of your split loyalty and your devotion to the corporate interests that are and have been so openly hostile to the interests of the average American.  If you are going to represent the people then do so proudly and openly and without hesitation from now on.  You will have to disappoint and piss off the corporate interests you are in bed with in order to do that.  If you are going to represent the people then fight for them, don't deceive us by claiming you will fight when your record proves you have no stomach for fighting and instead prefer to negotiate compromises that curry favor for yourselves with the special interests but erode the safety and security of our jobs, our famlies and our communities.  I and many like me are tired of hearing that "if we only elect even more Democrats next time around then we can finally do what we've promised."  If you really do believe in the things you say you believe in then quit apologizing for them and stand up for those things.  It is far better to go down fighting for what is right once in a while than it is to consistently humiliate and dishonor yourself and your constituents by submitting to bad compromises and then still getting beaten in the end.  Their is honor in having courage from time to time and having the courage of your convictions.  You may not always win, but you at least will have the respect of those for whom you say you are fighting. 

    If reforming the healthcare system of this nation is not worth going all out for in the face of the ugly tactics and inexcusably dishonest behavior of the right then what issue would be worth fighting for?  What issue would the DC Dems be willing to draw the line in the sand over and declare this far and no farther or else?  What will it take for the DC Democrats to have enough balls to finally determine that no matter how undesirable it can be, they will go to the mat and mercilessly attack the opposition until they either submit or are completely wiped out just as the opposition has so often done to them when given the opportunity?  I have been waiting decades for the answer and still don't know it but anxiously await the day when they finally dispense with their strategy of trying to accomodate evil and start fighting for what they and we all know is right.  I can't think of a better issue upon which to begin than the health of our people.


    I know Oleeb. Draw the line in the sand and then throw the bastards over the cliff.

    Sometimes there's no choice DD.

    When the Dems are being wimpy and ineffective as they so often are and when the demonstrate how averse they are to conflict I sometimes think of them as Gen. McClellan who, as head of the formidable Army of the Potomac preferred to continue endlessly drilling and preparing but never actually fighting the enemy. Of course, there were others like McClellan and Lincoln was pulling his hair out in frustration. Then along came US Grant who wasn't afraid of the enemy and knew that you can't win battles by staying out of them. When asked why he liked Grant, Lincoln's answer was clear and simple: "He fights." The DC Dems could learn a thing or two from that.

    Great analogy. Wasting time, exercising the troops, going over plans...endlessly while the Rebels thought themselves agile and from some Roman tradition full of 'honor' and 'chivalry' and Grant and Sherman knew War Was Hell and that the mission must be to end it.

    Sometimes I wish Kucinich was 6'4" and had a deep commanding voice calling the troops to action.

    But we have some very fine leaders who would like to break out. If some far reaching Health Care Bill is not signed this year the dems as going to lose a lot of seats anyway...

    All they had to do is support "Medicare for all" - three words, and make the Republicans threaten Medicare.

    Since the Republicans were never going to support anything they proposed, they should have started at the far, far left and moved back to the left "Medicare for all" as a compromise. Instead we have abandoned more than fifty years of rallying for universal healthcare. All we are for now is insurance reform. Like we reformed AIG, I expect, by the time the Blue Dogs get done.


    Searching for Grant....

    This wouldn't be a bad title. Go for it.
    There is a lot of fog surrounding all of this. Many are not able to clearly see what is going on. I enjoyed your post.

    You're right, of course, on Medicare for all bluebell.

    Are you saying Kucinich is NOT 6' 4"?!! :)

    Well put Oleeb, and it is excruciating to watch. I don’t know if they like getting beat up as much as they’re going for the short money and taking a fall. Your question goes directly to that point: how can they continue to get slapped down over and over again as the Republicans fight the same dirty fight they’ve been fighting for decades?

    Have you ever seen theater like these town hall meetings? There's no way that while most of us watching at home can see through the BS, the Dems are blind to it. Obama isn't playing some kind of ingenius rope-a-dope; it’s clear he began backpedaling and is going to be rolled over. They could have written up real HCR and passed it through reconciliation as he threatened at one time. Compromise is capitulation, and corporations are not constituents.

    The phrase Hillary Clinton used in the ‘90s that elicited such waves of smarmy snarkiness from pundits, “vast RW conspiracy,” which admittedly sounds paranoid, actually referred to reporting that showed how the Right under Frank Luntz’s tutelage managed to precisely compose (“death-tax” not “estate tax”) and distribute their message up the chain and into the MSM. And Luntz is working the misinformation on HCR (see his “10 RULES FOR STOPPING THE “WASHINGTON TAKEOVER” OF HEALTHCARE”). The lynchpin is the so-called government takeover: “In countries with government run healthcare, politicians make YOUR healthcare decisions. THEY decide if you’ll get the procedure you need, or if you are disqualified because the treatment is too expensive or because you are too old. We can’t have that in America.”

    Of course, framing like this is just reported as political debate or, at worse, spin. But it is never refuted as factually false by the media. The Dems know this is what’s coming but still sit on their hands until it has swamped them.

    In Obama’s push for his health care reform program, excuse me, health insurance reform, he still had positive support and momentum only a month ago. The country is not the people we see in TV Land so afraid of gubmint control. Seniors are quite happy, thank you, with their public option. But this is how the NY Times reported reactions to his plan. It seemed to me that that was the beginning of a well orchestrated program to turn the tide and there was no answer. Capitulation on getting bills out before summer recess allowed more time for the propaganda to spread like staph at the county hospital.

    The same day that NYT story came out, Luntz was on NPR openly discussing his talking points with a jocular interviewer who only questioned whether his “frames” would play well, not whether they had any connection to reality. Republicans are nothing if not transparently fake. They rail against government-run health care while screaming that Dems are going to make cuts in Medicare, fer crissakes! The Dems seem loathe to counter the disinformation. When they do, it is so tepid, timid and meek it seems almost apologetic. "Take a dive in the 3rd round or you’ll never fight again, pug."

    It all makes sense Don when you come to realize that the Democrats WANT to be defeated on the issues. Oh, they do want to keep their committee chairmanships and other majority perks but they've no more wish than the Republicans to actually represent the American people.

    It's all theater. They don't give a damn what kind of bill passes or doesn't pass as long as they keep their pockets full of cash.

    Do any of them look like they have a passion for healthcare? Seriously - who do you see out there who really campaigns as if they care about health CARE? Some may want to pass a bill but how many have any interest at all on how the bill impacts real people? Some want to work on the deficit or beancount and squeeze provider fees. But how many care about sick children? Some will give you cost curves and opinine endlessly on healthcare IT but how many care about putting a doctor in an urban clinic where there is no computer?

    Howard Dean cares. Ted Kennedy cares. Bernie cares. Who else really gives a damn? I mean these clowns can't even make an effort to pretend they give a damn.

    "Compromise is capitulation, and corporations are not constituents."

    What a great line!

    Good point bluebell! I'd love to see Bernie run for President.

    Agree with every word, bluebell.