Frank Rich's "Wall-E for President"

    While I think Frank Rich is a bit overstated in his worries about the "complacency" of the early-summer Obama (as well as McCain--I don't think McCain is clued into reality enough to merit the charge of being "complacent": "complacent" compared to what?) campaigns, his column yesterday <a href = "">"Wall-E for President"</a> is otherwise worth the read. 

    I saw it Saturday with our 10 year old son.  I would say it isn't "just" an exceptional "kid" movie but an exceptional movie, period. 

    Especially for us adults, because we have to act now in order for the next generation even to have a chance.  They won't be able to avoid hearing all about the environment and energy issues even if they might want to.  For those, adults and kids, for whom "An Inconvenient Truth" is still a little too left-brain oriented, scary, or bleak, this is a worthy alternative.

    Also, between the angst created by gas prices and the growing awareness about global warming, you know the public mood has changed when Exxon runs TV ads featuring two of its late-career scientists talking into the camera about the groundbreaking research they are doing on alternative technologies. 

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