by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I hide.
I am a hermit.
I speak on a telephone with my children.
I speak to others, sort of, on the internet.
We had a blizzard up here in the great white north on the 18th.
When I say blizzard, I mean a real blizzard.
I went out that day early, because my pc told me so.
After I arrived at my homestead, the blizzard began. I mean fifteen minutes following my return the wind increased to 25-35 mph and the snow came down heavy. This blizzard lasted twelve hours. The howling was incredible, especially following a really wonderful and mild November!
Well following the onset of winter, my biggest problem is not just the cold. (under 30 most of the time)
The problem involves walking on the ice.
My fears increase every goddamn year as I encounter the winter months.
So I begin my trek to the store on foot and on the ice and I remember how to walk like a penguin
You know, Leonard Coen died recently from a fall.
I mean the guy was 80 and surely at 80 we must all die of something!
But within 3 days of the downfall, I must go to the store.
I was out of meat for two days. hahahah
Like I need meat like I need cigs. hahahaha
And I have to learn again how to walk like a penguin. hahahah
Can you imagine being afraid of walking to the store? hahahahah
Anyway, I get to the store and begin my Thanksgiving shopping tour with less worry about cost than volume.
I mean, how much can I carry home? hahahah
So as i meander through the aisles, I see Suzie. Suzie used to live in the towers and left to live with her daughter a few blocks away.
It was 2010 and following 4 years of nothing, I received a check from SSA for 3,000 bucks! But no bank would allow me to deposit this check because my DL had lapsed.
All I needed was about two hours and 26 bucks in order to prove who I was.
I walked up to this woman, told her my story and asked for a 30 buck loan for a period of three hours.
Suzie, who did not even know me reached into her purse and gave me 30 bucks.
Three hours later I had a bank account and a current DL. ha
I am fine Suzie.
How did you get here Suzie? I mean it is treacherous out there.
My car of course.
You need a ride home?
Oh for heavens sake, of course. But I will have to purchase twice what I was going to collect here. hahahah
Oh that's okay Dick, it will take me awhile to gather what I need for the rest of the week.
(There are many back stories, but suffice it to say here that I had a full load of laundry in the dryer downstairs and if I took the bus, I would have arrived back an hour or more with my clothes stuck in the dryer)
So, Suzie tells me about her daughter and how she came to stay with her following her residence at my towers.
It seems that Suzie's Mom had been disabled and Suzie's daughter stayed with her nana during the last years of Gramma's life.
Gramma died and left her home to her daughter.
So Suzie just quitclaimed the property to herself and her daughter.
It seems that the daughter has blossomed and become a great entrepreneur and is rich. hahahah
At some time before her daughter's ascendancy into the aristocracy. Suzie moved in with her; disatisfied with her place at the towers.
Her daughter said
Now, Suzie lives in her own homestead, from birth as far as I can tell.
Her daughter is just fine and visits when she can.
This is just a story about three women who worked it out.
And Thanksgiving to me, involves working it out.
Happy Thanksgiving Dagbloggers.
Yppah Gnivig Sknaht to you Dick - it's all bakcwadrs this year, but we'll have to muddle throo.
Grandpa died last week, and now he's buried 'neath the rocks, but this Suzie, she's famous somehow - almost as much as Maryanne.
BTW, my kids were born on Thanksgiving, which means they only get a birthday every 7 years or so - has saved me so much money over the years, I think I'll buy my own rocketship. I'll call it SpaceY or SpaceXY, the male version of that Muskey odor Elon's trying to push on us. The important thing is there's *more* than one way out now, even if the results long-term are roughly the same.
(Duane Allman Fillmore East version here)
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 11/22/2016 - 8:06am
Oh Peracles, it is my son's birthday this year.
He was joking yesterday that he has a birthday every 7 years. hahahah
He is 38 today and I told him that he has now reached the final year of my Dad's life!
I recall when I was 38 and feeling that every year after that was gravy!
by Richard Day on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 8:42am
It *was* gravy, Dick, now it's like that stuffing coming out of the side that went over the fence last. Note to passers-by: "if you find this lying by the road, please shove it back up my ass again". And a lovely turkey day to you, along with your seemingly delayed son.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 10:03am
You have a nice Thanksgiving. I have a turkey all thawed out to cook on Thursday. Not planning on doing anything special.
You be careful on the ice. I thought of you when I saw the weather report the other day. I hope you got extra stuff for your pantry. I am in the process of using up my hurricane hoard. I build it up for hurricane season and use it up during the holidays so I have extra cash for gifts. It has a dual purpose.
I was looking through my pantry to see what was there so I could meal plan around it for the month. I knew I had lots of dried beans this year. It made me think of my next door neighbor growing up. The couple had lived through the depression in West Va. and was very poor during that period. He found work during the war in Ohio and they were doing well then. She would always serve a small bowl of beans at supper everyday with their meal. One day I asked her why while she was putting dried beans in her "bean cooker?" She said it didn't seem like supper with out them because that was all they had most of the time before they moved to Ohio. She would spend time cooking them couple times a week. I need to throw a bag into the crock pot to cook and then divide them up in baggies for the freezer then warm them up when wanted. I do make bean soup,chili and baked beans but I have enough right now for an army. Just thinking of ways to use them up.
Here have some Pecan Pie:
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 11/23/2016 - 9:51pm
Oh Momoe this hoarding cuts both ways.
I had cut down on hoarding predicting that my fridge needed to be defrosted again--something I am forced to do three times a year when it appears that the freezer door will no longer close. hahahah
Also, when there is little in the cupboard, I eat less. I mean I could certainly afford to go 40 days and 40 nights without sustenance.
Anyway the fridge is defrosted (I had to wash and dry ten towels of course) and with Suzie's help my cupboards are filled once again.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to you!
by Richard Day on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 8:49am
You need some Crampons, Mr. Day. Or at the very least some Yaktraks. Ice grippers for your shoes/boots. So you don't fall on yer arse. Easy to remove and put in your pocket when you get to the store.
I do the penguin walk too.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr. Day and to all of dagblog.
I am thankful today (and every day) that I get to spend time with my first grandchild, the lovely and talented Miss Claudia Mae. She will be four months old tomorrow.
I will post a photo of her as soon as I figure out how.
by wabby on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 4:17am
I got those steel teethed crampons a couple years ago by accident. Do not shop at Target by mail for chrissakes.
But I would have to put them on outside, take them off before going into the store, put them back on outside the store and...
Happy Thanksgiving Flower.
I will see my three granddaughters around Christmas.
by Richard Day on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 8:52am
Happy Thanksgiving Flower. It is good to here from you.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 2:08pm
Happy Turkey Day! Here's one for you ...
by barefooted on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 12:46pm
by quinn esq on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 10:26pm