CVille Dem's picture

    Hey, everybody -- Wake up! The Public Option is Aive!

    I guess the in-your-face absurdity of Blue/Cross Blue/Shield of California raising premiums by as much as 39% finally got a rise out of some of those who represent us in Congress!  There is a rising tide (see the front page) and also Huffington Post for a view into the resurgence of confidence in demanding a Public Option.

    Let's let them know we support them!  I donated to Tom Periello (D - Representative from Virginia) and signed on as a citizen co-sponsor of his bill to take away the Anti-Trust exemption that insurance companies have that allows them to collude to fix prices and give individual people essentially no options for health care. 
    I really think this is it!  We need to support those who are energized on our behalf, and we need to let Obama know that it is time to get tough, including passing this through reconciliation if that is the only way.

    The time limit (of reconciliation bills) is irrelevant.  Just try taking away insurance from people who finally get health insurance, after 5 years and see who gets re-elected!  

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