by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The unfortunate return to prime ministerial power of Benjamin Netanyahu renders freshly disturbing his 2004 remarks anticipating eventual copulatory defeat for his co-religionists.
Evidently unconsoled by a five to one head start, Bibi seems convinced that in the long run, the Arabs will outfuck the Jews.
While I bristle at this slur upon my cousins (be they ashkenazim or sephardim), I am nonetheless moved by their plight, *as so poignantly put by Bibi.
It is not enough to say: “Fuck Faster!” We must mount an immediate airlift of testosterone patches and phosphodiesterase inhibitors lest our brave 82nd Bedborne Through-The-Sheet-Schtuppers find themselves, disarmed and unmanned, as it were…
*”The growing demographic weight (emphasis added) of Israeli Arabs, who constitute up to 20% of Israel’s overall population, was more serious and more dangerous for Israel than threats posed by the Palestinians, he said.”
Update: “Hey, Hot girls!” Not content with out-fucking their Israeli occupiers amongst themselves, the wily ‘rabs are seducing the very flower of Israeli womanhood, nipping it in the bud as it were..
It’s too late for the patches and pills—direct action to forestall mixing is needed. Jews on Patrol..
“Throughout Israel, young Jewish men are forming vigilante groups to end interracial relationships between Arab men and Jewish women, which are occurring with increased frequency as Jewish settlements dig deeper into Arab territory. The vigilantes say Arabs lure Jewish women with money and “bad boy” personalities”
These subtle seducers know how to smooth talk a chick:: “…a group of Arab boys drove by and were yelling at us, hey hot girls,… Arab boys are wild. They’re bad boys. Some girls like that. I think they like us because Arab girls are all conservative and wear the covering on their hair and we dress normally.” ‘
Comments imported from tpmcafe
Bibi scares the "Jew" out of me. And, then there is "Lieberman" and his not-very-Jewish followers. Nyet!
Posted by steve katz
April 15, 2009 3:16 PM | Reply | Permalink
And I always used to talk shit about we get a Moldovan *gangster instead.
*landsman to landsman I am going to confess to a small (and guilty!) frisson of, if not satisfaction, perhaps ironic appreciation, when I contemplate the Russian Mobster in the morning, strapping on tfillin and a glock.
Posted by jollyroger
April 15, 2009 3:56 PM | Reply | Permalink
"strapping on tfillin and a glock."
That's the problem, Ahmadinejad is more of a Jew.
Posted by steve katz in reply to a comment from jollyroger
April 15, 2009 5:10 PM | Reply | Permalink
more of a Jew
But not more than Meyer Lansky or *Benny Siegel...
*true fact: My father used to shoot pool with Benny Siegel when they were kids together on the Lower East Side.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from steve katz
April 15, 2009 5:49 PM | Reply | Permalink
I was born and raised in Las Vegas, and one of the city's earliest morals of the story was that one should never allow their girlfriend to steal from Uncle Meyer.
Posted by PseudoCyAnts in reply to a comment from jollyroger
April 16, 2009 1:53 AM | Reply | Permalink
Uncle Meyer
Yeah, he was the big kid on the block--Dad never said much about *his pool game tho.
He said Benny was pretty good, and he (my father) used to beat him.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from PseudoCyAnts
April 16, 2009 1:59 AM | Reply | Permalink
My mother ice skated on Sackett Lake the year they found the Murder Inc. bodies. My next door neighbor was the lawyer who got Joey Gallo sprung 2 weeks before he had bad clams at Umberto's. I could go on. If you didn't rub elbows with the mob you weren't a real New Yawker!...
Posted by steve katz in reply to a comment from jollyroger
April 16, 2009 7:20 AM | Reply | Permalink
Sackett Lake
A very close family friend owned a place named The Sackett Lake Lodge, where my mother, sister, and I would bungalow through the summer.
With the declining fortunes of the Borscht Belt, our friend found it commecially more rewarding to undertake a Maitre D'spot in Miami Beach (at the Versailles, if memory serves--I will inquire of my sister...) contemporaneously with which redirection of his energies, an unfortunate fire destroyed the entire hotel during the off season (it was totally deserted, "tanks Gott"). And, this particular cloud had a silver lining, inasmuch as it turned out that the proceeds from the insurance policy covering the hotel were sufficient to provide a buy-in stake converting what had been a simple employment situation in Miami Beach into a equity participation.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from steve katz
April 16, 2009 7:51 AM | Reply | Permalink
A couple of quick apocryphal tales about Wilbur Clark, original owner of The Desert Inn Hotel and Country Club in Las Vegas.
It used to be rumoured that when the real boys came to town, they'd tell Wilbur to go play a round of golf with some high-rollers, because they had business to attend to with the Desert Inn's books.
Once, I had a quick conversation with a retired black woman, who had been employed as a Culinary maid at the Desert Inn for most of her adult life. She talked about one morning cleaning the executive suites, and seeing across the room some big man kissing Mr. Clark on the lips, thinking it was strange, because he had never acted gay before. A few days later, Wilbur Clark was dead. She never thought much more about it, until she saw The Godfather.
Here's a little known freebie tossed in, to serve as a reminder, who really wielded the clout: 2nd to last paragraph. I met Carl Cohen once when I was little kid. He was a big guy who was once a prize fighter, and called me "tiger".
Posted by PseudoCyAnts in reply to a comment from jollyroger
April 16, 2009 11:42 AM | Reply | Permalink
I am with you on this post JR, but a point of correction.
The Versailles Restaurant is still in Little Havana on Calle Ocho and is still the best Cuban Restaurant in the US. Every Matre'D I have seen there was clearly Cuban-American.
Was there ever a Versailles on Miami Beach that I missed???
Posted by wvbiker in reply to a comment from jollyroger
October 13, 2009 10:41 AM | Reply | Permalink
Versailles on Miami Beach
Thes was the Versailles Hotel--propinquitous to the Eden Roc and Fountainbleu, (once palaces of Bar Mitzvah construction dust..))
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from wvbiker
October 13, 2009 8:36 PM | Reply | Permalink
Posted by artappraiser in reply to a comment from steve katz
April 16, 2009 10:16 AM | Reply | Permalink
Great post JR!
Posted by oleeb
April 15, 2009 4:03 PM | Reply | Permalink
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from oleeb
April 15, 2009 4:31 PM | Reply | Permalink
(buys JR a drink)
I dunno. I think someone ought to.
Posted by Bwakfat
April 15, 2009 11:47 PM | Reply | Permalink
Parenthetically, the classic condition known as "Cutthroats' Cough", "Pirate's Pneumonia" "Hook's Hack" and "Toker Teach's Throat", which is given credit by many amongst the brethren of the coast for providing the foundational phenomena underlying the generation of the "Aaargh" meme, arises not from the excessive consumption of Rum, but of another intoxicant altogether.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from Bwakfat
April 16, 2009 1:46 AM | Reply | Permalink
I thought Netanyahu was when you bought a brand new computer retail, and it came with the Yahoo toolbar preloaded into Internet Explorer.
Posted by PseudoCyAnts
April 16, 2009 1:47 AM | Reply | Permalink
the Yahoo toolbar
Complete with Mossadnet keystroke register (so none of your valuable comings and goings will be lost to history...) webcam disguised as the on/off diode...freeing you of the need to worry about what to wear, or when to turn it on--it's on all the time.
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from PseudoCyAnts
April 16, 2009 1:56 AM | Reply | Permalink
lol, The Yahoo Toolbar with the Mossad very afraid.
Posted by PseudoCyAnts in reply to a comment from jollyroger
April 16, 2009 2:10 AM | Reply | Permalink
Posted by dickday in reply to a comment from PseudoCyAnts
October 13, 2009 5:59 PM | Reply | Permalink
Let me get this straight... uh, I mean... let me get clear on this, Netanyahu is presenting this as a hard fact... uh, I mean... proven fact?
Posted by San Fernando Curt
April 16, 2009 10:12 AM | Reply | Permalink
hard fact
Well, in Bibi's case, it is a semi-hard fact...
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from San Fernando Curt
April 16, 2009 4:17 PM | Reply | Permalink
our brave 82nd Bedborne Through-The-Sheet-Schtuppers
I don't believe the link, they just don't want to admit to the sheet thing because it works, better than any fancy schmancy fertility clinic.
Also, you don't know the half of it. The ingenious Zionist thugs have set up some Hasidic sects in the U.S., in order to get American food stamp assistance for raising broods of 12 or more. The rebbes are trained to preach anti-Zionist rhetoric in order to evade suspicion, and, at the opportune moment, they are prepared to have a vision and support immediate aliyah.
Posted by artappraiser
April 16, 2009 10:38 AM | Reply | Permalink
at the opportune moment
When your beeper goes off, dial 1-800-MOSHIAH
Posted by jollyroger in reply to a comment from artappraiser
April 16, 2009 7:10 PM | Reply | Permalink
the sheet thing because it works
I hope you are right--I was bitterly disappointed by the link, which I initially went looking for thinking I was going to get confirmation!
It's such a perfect reductio of where physical modesty (read shame) will get you.
Posted by jollyroger
April 16, 2009 6:38 PM | Reply | Permalink
"..My mother ice skated on Sackett Lake the year they found the Murder Inc. bodies." My old man was the "they," heading up the law enforcement team doing the digging. RIP, dad!
Posted by [email protected]
October 13, 2009 4:38 PM | Reply | Permalink
by jollyroger on Wed, 02/22/2012 - 1:27am