The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Hillary was good enough


    They'll both keep their existing supporters. She may have won some of the undecided. He won't have.

    I agree Flavius

    Oh and I put this elsewhere but Seth Meyers is not pre-taped, evidently.

    It is too early to get the link.

    But Seth just roasts the sumbitch. hahahahah

    Hmn.I see the A team are having a great time over  in the no-doubt gated seclusion of the  Latest Comments section. Leaving me in solitary occupation of the apparently scorned   From The Readers.

    Story of my life.

    How does one get to play with the big boys


    I see my last maunderings here also appeared in Latest Comments.

    So I'll go on. And on.And..

    I think there's a more than trivial probability that it's a "whole new ballgame". That six weeks from tomorrow  it will be the conventional wisdom that Monday night was a watershed. No one who changed their mind yesterday (and if they did it was to commit to Hillary) is going to want to once again  go through  their personal approach to doing that. They're sick of wrestling with the subject and they want to get on with the rest of their lives.

    It's Madam President.
