by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
How does a bill become law?
In the U.S. House of Representatives, a bill is introduced when it is placed in the hopper—a special box on the side of the clerk’s desk. Only Representatives can introduce bills in the U.S. House of Representatives.
The bill is then ‘reported’ to floor of the House of Representatives and debate ensues.
Following debate, then a vote is called for and our honored elected officials decide whether or not the bill should become law. If it is passed, it is sent to the Senate.
Forget for a moment that like most bills passed by a Democratic House of Representatives, it will languish in some corner of the Senate for eternity until it evaporates into thin air.
What a country!!!
Of course the law making process becomes tiresome and short cuts have been discovered so that the labor of the hard working representatives becomes less onerous.
State representatives face the same problems as our representatives on the national level but corporate America is there ready, willing and able to aid those lawmakers. What follows is an overview of the state legislative process with specific reference to recent legislation that passed in the great state of Arizona.
Corporations and interest groups like R.J. Reynolds, ExxonMobil, the NRA, and the Corrections Corporation of America host a regular conference for state legislators in DC. At last December's conference, the Corrections Corporation of America and Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce drafted the bill that eventually became the Arizona law.
And this bill was an important one for the company. According to Corrections Corporation of America reports reviewed by NPR, executives believe immigrant detention is their next big market. Last year, they wrote that they expect to bring in "a significant portion of our revenues" from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that detains illegal immigrants.
In the conference room, the group decided they would turn the immigration idea into a model bill. They discussed and debated language. Then, they voted on it.
"There were no 'no' votes," Pearce said. "I never had one person speak up in objection to this model legislation."
Four months later, that model legislation became, almost word for word, Arizona's immigration law.
They even named it. They called it the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act."
"ALEC is the conservative, free-market orientated, limited-government group," said Michael Hough, who was staff director of the meeting.
Hough works for ALEC, but he's also running for state delegate in Maryland, and if elected says he plans to support a similar bill to Arizona's law.
Asked if the private companies usually get to write model bills for the legislators, Hough said, "Yeah, that's the way it's set up. It's a public-private partnership. We believe both sides, businesses and lawmakers should be at the same table, together."
When Pearce introduced his bill the next month, he immediately got 36 co-sponsors. The prison company hired a lobbyist. 30 of the co-sponsors began receiving campaign donations from prison companies and lobbyists.
Isn’t this quaint?
What has happened down here is that the political winds have changed.
There has been a constant barrage of hate speech from the right against those evil illegal immigrants.
You know the right wing conspiracy theories include a gem concerning some secret prison set up somewhere in the West where President Obama has incarcerated thousands of American Citizens who disagree with his policies.
But in this article it becomes clear that there are secret private corporate detention centers already authorized by Arizona to help begin with the ‘round-up’.
And if you are deported and come back, well those private prisons are going to have your ass for twenty years!!!!
Twenty years of slavery probably working on a chain gang picking cotton or Great Fruit. And the corporation will pay you fifty cents a day and bill you out at 8 bucks an hour and some corporate management pig will make a million bucks a year.
And the Arizona legislators did not have to spend all that time researching and review and revising and producing this wonderful piece of legislation.
The private corporate fascist slave owning pricks did it for them.
And did you notice that the corporate pigs are setting ‘conferences’ for state legislators all over the country to provide them all with ready made bills?
On the national level of course Dick Cheney would just have discussions concerning our national energy policy with top corporate officials who shall remain anonymous, and those corporate officials would draft, research and revise all legislation necessary for our energy needs. And in those days the repubs only needed to work three day weeks in both Houses of Congress because all of their legislation was prewritten by their corporate contributors.
And it will work just like those golden days following Tuesday’s elections.
And I hereby render unto you the Dayly Co-Blog of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of you from all of me. I will take the liberty, as someone needs to give you the proper HT.
It is said that the legislative process close up looks a bit like sausage-making. What, then, is this particularly perverted version of it akin to? Yes, it is the modern-day GOP preferred version of representative government in action. HT to anyone who comes up with a witty version.
by AmericanDreamer on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 4:34pm
Well much thanks. hahahahaah
Glad you liked it.
by Richard Day on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 4:52pm
Richard because Republicans believe in truth and accountability the Arizona Republican legislature does not put the official votes on legislation of any of its members online. An interested constituent has to call the House Chief Clerk's office, provide one's name and district, and the Bill in question, and ask about how your legislator voted on it.
by NCD on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 5:34pm
Well isn't that just ducky!!!!
The corporate oligarchy writes the damn bill, and no one is accountable for voting for it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah Democracy at work!!!!!
by Richard Day on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 5:54pm
I was curious, so I did a g**gle search for "House of Representatives hopper", and found a couple different ones, including this one:
Evidently, the career of a hopper is short. For example, the one pictured on that site was only used for 12 years. Now, I understand, it's retired with full health care coverage for Life, and a 100% pension, and is thinking about running for the Senate. It's going to run as bi-partisan, since it supported bills from both sides of the aisle.
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:19pm
An empty wooden box seems an adequate replacement for many of our congresspersons, Mr. Smith. It knows how to just sit there silent while having plenty of room to hold corporate cash.
by wabby on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:49pm
We have U.S. Dollars and Euro Dollars.
Congressional dollars trump all of em. ha
by Richard Day on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:58pm
I hereby render unto Mr. Smith the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dayblog Site, given to all of you from all of me. hahaahahah
Full health coverage for a wooden box. hahaha
by Richard Day on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:57pm
“Politicians are a set of men who have interests aside from the interests of the people and who, to say the most of them, are, taken as a mass, at least one long step removed from honest men”
Abraham Lincoln
by chucktrotter on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 3:31pm long step removed.
Kind of says it all, doesn't it?
by Richard Day on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 3:54pm
God! I get so depressed reading these posts! Oh well, Iowa vs. Michigan State game came out okay. That should make you happy for me, DD. By the way, would you PLEASE quit sending your water down here! The river has been high since this spring!
by chucktrotter on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 6:40pm
I had this right wing dr. friend for years. One day, I think he was listening to rush and he starts on this harangue about how no one owns the rivers. The real aim was to attack the EPA of course.
The shite we put in our rivers up here in Minnesota ends up in your water supply.
Amazing how the right takes green ideas and turn them into right wing garbage.
The winds and the rain and some snow up here...winter is knocking on the door.
Have a nice week end Chuck. I am so glad you came to this site!!!
by Richard Day on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 6:52pm
This year has given us the strangest weather in my memory. You all have gotten a ton of rain. I get my water from a well two blocks from the river. I'ld have to be very hungry to eat a fish out of it. We Iowans send all of our run-off nitrates south to the gulf. We have created a gigantic oxygen-free zone there. I'ld bet there is not a well along the Mississippi that could pass an EPA nitrate test. Thanks for the welcome, DD.
by chucktrotter on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 7:22pm