How to push the Senate to a public option

    The battle for health care reform will be fought in the Senate. With too few resources at hand to push the entire Senate into supporting health care, we have to carefully target our efforts.

    Dr. Howard Dean's site lists 37 senators who support a public option, 40 who don't and 22 who "don't know."

    For a public option to pass the Senate, we need at least 14 more Senate votes--or probably 23 to withstand a filibuster attempt.

    There are 20 Democratic senators that "don't know" if they would support a public option. Add to that list of fence-sitters Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine. The sole Democratic "No" vote is Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.

    It might be easiest to just target the "don't know" senators who've jumped the shark, like Sen. Diane Feinstein of California, and a few of the moderate Republican holdouts.

    We won't convince the conservative Republicans or even some of the Blue Dog Dems. A mostly party-line vote, while not ideal, is fine with me if that's what it takes. I personally think the bi-partisan approach is a pipe dream. So let's get to work applying pressure where it hurts.

    How about using the same tactics that got Obama elected? A massive advertising and phone campaign targeting voters in the states where senators need motivation. I understand that Health Care For America is running ads in some 10 states. How can we organize phone banks to inform voters in those states and request they demand action from their reluctant senators?

    Will someone who blogs at Kos or has contacts with SEIU or other major advocates do a little testing of the waters and see if they would support this? We need to keep turning the screws.

    Please list your nominations for who to target below in the comments. And any other ideas you have.

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